The Hidden Truth

Connecting a wishful punch

After a silent breakfast, Lyn and I split ways to our different classes. She was several levels above me, far enough to start helping the younger and newer students, which would explain her appearance that first time. There was nothing strange about my morning classes, except that Mirmo glared at me when he spotted me in his meditation class. He then demanded that I feel the Force in the whole hallway, an extremely hard task that involved a ton of focus and he wouldn’t take excuses. I guess this was his way of getting back at me for his wake up call. At one point during his class, I tested our bond, carefully watching my master for any physical reaction. I sent the Force to him, not sending any emotion or thought, but looking for a response. If he noticed, he never showed it.

My Force class was strange in the choice of topic. The teacher talked about the mind and how the Force can be used. The lady, who told me off, still did not like me, but since I kept within her assigned limits and my master had told her what was going on, she didn’t talk to me. She talked about how the Force can influence the mind, and how the mind influences the Force.

“The Force is a flowing river that branches out into little streams. These streams are the ties, the reasons behind so much. The human mind, conscious or not of this awareness, can have the tiniest effect on the universal energy, which seems so small, and yet have the biggest of changes on people, on society and of the world. There is no such thing as luck, but the directly flow of energy which effects and changes the odds of events to the will and want of a certain person or group. A Jedi who can read the future, does not read, feel, dream, or see a written one path, but is exposed to a thousand different paths and given one of the most likely routes of the upcoming future. Even reading the future may have already changed the winding path of time and have forever demised what the Jedi has seen. That is why no one should ever rely on that ability.

The Force, to come back to something simpler, is a special energy, created by all living and always dead mass. The Jedi are of the chosen through evolution, to be aware and use the Force. The energy between the Jedi is the rarest and least understood connections in the galaxy. There is a link, a bond, a connection between two well know Jedi, which is so powerful, it is said to be greater and stronger than love. The bond between a master and an apprentice is a valuable thing, more much precious than all the riches of the core planets. For those who have yet to be chosen as an apprentice, we will practice linking minds together, and perhaps you all will be able to send a thought or two.”

With that lecture, she clapped her hands, waking everyone up, and splitting us up into pairs. I was paired with this skinny, tall that had an ego the size of a sun, boy. He looked at me shyly and I was pretty sure he had an instant crush on me. I had no interest in him, even though he looked something close to my age. I sat down on the cold, stone hard floor. He sat down, close to me and then moved even closer. I frowned and told him to stop. He looked at me innocently, like he didn’t know what he had done wrong. That really annoyed me and made me want to slap him hard. I held back this temptation, not wanting to know what Master Mirmo would do to me if he found out and told the boy to focus on the task at hand before we got yelled at. I closed my eyes, relaxed and reached out with the Force.

“Hey, did you just touch me?

I counted to five, forcing a calming breath out of me before telling the boy curtly no. I sat up, closed my eyes again and restarted the mental preparation for this link.

“Should I link to you, or do you want to link to me? Personally, I think I should go first because I’ve had experience with this. I once linked to Master Skywalker and he noticed this. So, really, I should go first to let you know how it feels and then maybe you’ll have a chance at doing this.”

That boy was about three seconds away from getting a rude, painful slap. I worked up half a small grin and told the boy that a woman always goes first.

“Ok, I guess, but it is really hard and you’re new, so you really should rethink this and let me show how to do it.”

By the Force, this kid was a rude jerk who badly needed a lesson in pride. I refrained from lecturing him for ten minutes giving him the complete background of my eight hard years of training, which included plenty of practice with telepathy and mind connecting. Instead, I asked him to remain quiet as I focused. I stared at him, making sure he would stay quiet before closing my eyes.

For brief second I was lost in the ever so good feeling of the Force. I was the Force and the Force was me. I was life, I was the boy, I was the teacher, and I was the temple, the jungle, and the stars. I sighed in happiness and felt the slight downfall of disappoint when the blast of the Force winded down to the usual gentle stream.

“Miss Nightingstar, do please focus on the assignment”

ARG! What was it with everyone bugging me? How am I supposed to focus with all these interruptions? It is not my fault that I accidentally was open to a large amount of the Force. I didn’t do it on purpose! Why did this lady hate me? I wanted to explode and scream out my anger, but I knew that wasn’t the way to handle this.

I gathered the Force one last time, swearing I would give up if these didn’t work, felt the boy’ presence, search for his mind and sent the Force to him. At first, I didn’t feel any reaction from him and sent even more, not really caring if I overloaded him or not.

“Hey, you did it! I didn’t think you would get it in the first time. That’s practically impossible and really you don’t have any experience. Now, let me show you how it is really done properly”
I raised my eyes at him. Unless he had been trained before coming here, or was a genius at the Force, I doubt he could top my act. I took down all shields I knowingly had and left my mind open as much as I could. I felt the Force within him and the faintest touch of him. I waited for more from him, but that seemed to be the peak of his ability. I fought my own defense systems to not attack him and throw him out. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a smug smile on his young face.

“Now, see how it’s done? I’m a natural at this, so don’t feel bad that you didn’t quite link to me as well as the teacher was looking for. Still, it was a good try”

I clinched my fists behind my back and let them relax. Lucky for that stupid, immature, bratty boy the bell had rung and I got out of the room like I was on fire. I sped walked to my room, thinking about how I was going to beat the stuffing out of my pillow. I was stopped in my tracks when I nearly bumped into Mirmo. I looked up to see the shining happiness in his eyes. I took a step back in panic, looking at him for any squirt gun he might be ready to pull out and continue the war. There was no gun in sight. I looked again and saw a strange smile on his face. I asked him what was it?

“There is a surprise waiting in your room”