Jamie's Way

Suspense Kills

Jamie waited patiently on the swing outside her house. The wind was blowing hard and her long blond hair brushed against her legs as she bent over to
grab her purse and go back inside. Just then her cell phone rang....I CAN FEEL YOU ALL AROUND ME THICKENING THE AIR I'M BREATHING She answered it quickly
before the song got to its next verse and her voice mail sang.


The other line began to talk.

"Hey Jamie its Becky sorry but I can't come to the mall...."

Jamie heard a guys voice in the background. Becky get back in here and show me somethin! Jamie blushed and held in her laugh.

"Becky! Are you kidding me Max Mitchell!" She laughed "you've got to be kidding me Becky! You stupped to someone as low as him?"

The other line giggled and hung up.


She closed her phone and stuffed it back into her purse. Her cell phone rang again and she checked the caller i.d.


The 'unknown caller' wasnt a weird fact to Jamie. She was the most popular girl in school and got prank calls from nerds all the time. She opened the phone
and began to hit end but heard someone yelling on the other line. Not yelling, more like screaming for there life. She put the phone up to her ear.
"Hello? Hello!?"

The screaming continued. She could hear sobs in the background and a knife being thrown against the wall. This must be a prank she thought-a prank from
a weird, not wanted, nerd at school. Someone was now breathing into the phone sobbing saying.. help....help m-ee.... Jamie quickly shut the phone and ran

"Mom! Mom!" she called in a horrified voice. Nothing.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water before she passed out. She hated scary things. She couldn't even watch CSI Miami without flinching.
She walked into the living room and threw her purse on the coffee table. She sat on the couch and looked over at the answering machine. The red light was
blinking, and she hit the speaker button.

Hey Honey its your mom I'll be home late tonight so dont hold up!

She hit a button and listened to the next message. ONE LONG SCREAM was all she heard. Jamie started to freak out like any other normal person and deleted the
message quickly. She curled up on the couch and began to fall asleep wondering what was going on and what it had to do with her.

Later that night
Jamie started to yawn and sat up. She blinked quickly and did a double take and at that fell of the couch. Even though it was pitch black in her house she could see quite clearly, a shadow standing in front of her. She tried to speak but all her voice did was crackle. She put her hands on the ground and felt warm liquid on her hands. "Blood?"
she asked herself. The shadowed figure in front of her quickly dropped to the floor,lying there....She quickly got up and turned the lights on to see who
its was.


Jamie ran to her mother and felt her pulse. She was dead. As quickly has possible she scattered out the door and and ran out into the street.