He'll Be the Death of Me, I Swear

Fifth Degree Burns of the Brain

"Good morning beautiful" greeted me when I awoke. I smiled and turned in his arms to face him.

"Good morning," I yawned.

"You talk in your sleep, you know that?"

"Oh my. What did I say?"

"Let's just say I love you, too."

"Nothing too bad I hope," I groaned. "Did you sleep at all?"

"Never do. I prefer to stay up and watch you sleep."

"Like a stalker," I said thoughtfully. "Be careful what you covet."

"I thought I was allowed to covet you. You're already mine, right?"


"That's good. That's how long I have to love you."

"Still, I'm going to get all old and you'll be gorgeous forever..."

"You'll always be gorgeous to me."

"But it's not fair!"

"Just don't think about it."

"Oh, I don't plan on staying human, so I don't need to think about it." I smiled innocently and Landyn sighed heavily.

"Time to get up and face school."

"Face it?" Then the realization sank into me. Jacob. "Oh, good God!"

"And I'm not standing by while he flirts. I'm sorry, but it's time to break the poor boy's heart. Unless..." his eyes glazed, "you plan on picking him over me." I shook my head.

"No, but...can't we just not mention it to him?"

"I'm sorry, but I want them all to know--Jacob especially--that you're with me." There was no changing his mind on the subject, that was obvious. I sighed in defeat.

"You're killing me." Landyn laughed at the irony of it. "No, I wish you were killing me, but noooo, you won't." That shut him up and he left the room so I could get dressed. Boy, he was one touchy guy. "I'm going to be good now," I said as I walked out of the room. I was immediately swept off my feet and I gasped.

"You better be. I'm the sadistic and evil one in this relationship," Landyn purred to me in my ear. I laughed.

"Keep telling yourself that." He rolled his eyes at me as if I were a psycho path.

"I'm above you in the food chain, love. Remember that now." He had a seductive tone in his voice.

"I don't think you'd harm me. I love you," I said softly in his ear.

"We have school today. Stop that!" he demanded with a laugh, kissing me as he carried me downstairs. "Heading off," he called to anyone who was listening.

"Breakfast?" I said quietly, feeling a bit stupid to say the least.

"Oh, I didn't forget about your human need for food." He pulled out an apple and I ate it contently. Apples were good in my book.

"So I'll see you right after school today? And you'll actually be here?" his mom asked, walking in from the living room.

"Yep." He carried me out and sat me in the passenger seat of his red Porsche.

"You don't normally come stay home?" I asked casually as he drove out of his driveway.

"No, I don't. But now I have no reason to detour." His voice was smooth, as if he were daring me to ask where he normally went.

I accepted the unspoken challenge.

"Where do you normally go to after school?" As soon as the question left my lips, a grin found its way to Landyn's.

"I normally check on you for a while when you're at home and then I go home for an hour or so. But I come back to watch over you while you sleep before calling it quits around one. That's when the sleep-talking comes to an end."

"Oh no. You heard everything?"

"Yes, I did. I understand why I was in your dream the other night now. You know, I can read your thoughts if I want to."

"Oh heavens no! Don't you dare!"

"I guess you better be nice to me," he purred, leaning over and kissing me.

"Eyes on the--" And it hit me again: we were parked already. I let out a huge sigh.

"Love, I am an exceedingly good driver. You needn't worry about crashing when I'm behind the wheel. Oh look, here's Jacob," he said with fake delight, getting out of the car. I did the same and Landyn closed the door behind me, seizing me by the waist and leading me to Jacob. "Hello, old friend!"

"Landyn. Hand her over and get your leeching hands off of her!"

"Now why would I do that?" Landyn asked with convincing curiosity. He kissed my cheek.


"What? You don't like my lips on her?"

"No, I don't!" Jacob growled and Landyn smirked, taking his lips to my neck. "Landyn, stop that!"

"I love you," he mumbled into the bend between my shoulder and neck. I bit my lip and his thoughts burned into my head.

Love, I'd advise you to say it back. You told me you loved me last night. Just follow my lead and all will be well.

"I love you, too," I whispered so very softly. He moved his lips to the hollow of my throat.

"Danica! Don't let him do that! He could kill you! He's a--"

"I know, Jacob. He's a vampire," I told him softly and his eyes grew wide. "I also know about you. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid...you wouldn't like me anymore," he whispered, looking to his feet.

"I never did like human boys, Jake. They were all too boring."

"So if I had told you..." His voice trailed off and I couldn't believe I was saying this to my poor friend.

"Maybe." I walked briskly away from him with Landyn at my side.

"Good job," he breathed. "Now, if there is anything you need--or want, I'll do it." He was being seductive again and I leaned on him.

"Hun, how could you make me say all those things to him?"

"Oh, that's the worst of it. Don't worry, I won't make you tell him when we make love. Hell, you won't even have to be there when I tell him. I just want to see the look on his face."

"I'm not listening!" I yelled, being a bit childish and going "lalala" over and over.

"You are absurd," I heard him mumble. I merely laughed and continued with my lovely singing.