He'll Be the Death of Me, I Swear

RUE: Rather Unpleasant Encounters

"Jacob, what's wrong?" I asked, walking up to him. His face was so pale and his eyes were so, well, evil.

"You bastard!" he yelled, his fists trembling at his sides. "How dare you so much as come that close! I saw the way you were looking at her. How could you even consider it?" Landyn looked down.

"I wasn't going to. It was merely a thought that occurred to me. Why would I do it here anyway?" His voice was cool and collected while Jacob was on the verge of losing it.

"You touch my Danica like that ever again and you will have me to deal with." Jacob pushed me behind him as Landyn laughed his beautiful laugh, but with a mocking tone. It wasn't as pretty that way.

"Your Danica? I'm not sure what world you live in, beastly boy. I don't recall that you are anything more than a friend to her." Jacob tensed and I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. I had to stand on my tip-toes since he was so tall compared to me! Then again, everyone else made me look like a midget, too.

"Shh, hush, love, hush," I mumbled into his back, holding him tighter. He was tense still and that was strange: normally he melted like butter for me. "Jacob?"

"Do you know how close you were to... I would have never forgiven myself," he mumbled softly, turning to me and ignoring Landyn. He kissed my cheek. He looked so sad and tired.

"I wouldn't have done anything she didn't want!" Landyn claimed, growling in his throat. Jacob paid him no attention.

"I guess it's impossible for you to stay out of harm's way without me, isn't it?" He was right. I needed him there. I smiled and nodded softly, afraid to let go of him; afraid of losing him. "I love you," he said softly.

"I love you, too, Jacob." And I did: I just wasn't in love with him. I hated what I was doing to him.

"I know, love. I'm still here and I'll wait for you. I'll always be right here," he told me and I nodded. I was just that horrible of a person. "No matter what they say, I'll always wait," he promised.

"Okay, so trust me." He reluctantly let me walk in front of him. "Landyn, behave," I commanded him, seeing his stance. He relaxed, a smirk plastered to his gorgeous face.

"Who's whipped now?" Jacob muttered. I scowled and he shut up.

"Will someone please tell me what all this is about? What was Landyn supposedly thinking about doing?" I crossed my arms to demonstrate that I wasn't budging on this.

"I was going to give you a 'kiss'," Landyn said, smirking. I was missing an inside joke.

"That is not funny at all!" Jacob screamed.

"What do you mean by kiss?"

"It's a form of it anyway. I'm sure it's not something you've had done to you before."

"I want straight answers, Landyn," I told him sternly.

"I told you when the time comes."

"That time ain't ever coming, buddy!" Jacob told him. Landyn smiled devilishly to say, "We'll just see about that".

"What is going on?" I asked, entirely lost.

"We'll have to chat later," Landyn told me as the bell rang. "We all need to get to class." Kids piled into the hall and I lost sight of Jacob. "It'd be unfair to leave him out of the topic." He grabbed my arm without bothering to ask as he led me to another class.

Time passed slowly as I counted minute upon minute. However, my long wait paid off and soon school was over. I went to find Jacob knowing he would tell me more than Landyn would.

At least, that's what I was counting on...