Snow Day

Chapter One

xX:Snow Day:Xx

"Gerard, Gerard, it's a snow day!!" Mikey burst into his brother's bedroom and began jumping on the bed. This, of course, also meant his was jumping on his brother.

"All right Mikey, settle's okay...WOULD YOU STOP JUMPING ON THE FUCKING BED?!?!" Gerard shouted. Mikey remembered that his brother didn't like being woke up, and began cowering in the corner.

"Sorry, Gee, it's just that it's the first day of December, it's snowy, and that means that Mom and Dad are having their romantic 'alone time.' So.... we get to do whatever we want. You know the rules."

Gerard yawned and turned to the clock. "Yes, and you felt the extreme need to wake me up at 6:13 in the morning when most kids sleep in on snow days."

"Well, Ray called everyone, he said that his dad was still driving today so he'd drop us off at the mall if we wanted."

Gerard's eyes widened. "Hell, I'll take my life into my hands with Ray's dad if it means the mall. Go get ready."

Mikey began jumping out the door again, proceeding to his bedroom and pulling on his favorite Anthrax band shirt and jeans. He placed a beanie on his head and went to the living room to wait for his brother, knowing full well that Gerard would take a while in the perfect application of his eyeliner.

Gerard shut the door behind his brother and put on a black hoodie he thought was didn't smell, anyways... Next he found a clean pair of black jeans and put those on, then reached for an eyeliner pencil. He wasn't going to attempt liquid this early, it was too much of a risk. He'd only had three hours of sleep, anyways, nothing was an extremely good idea. He applied it perfectly to his right eye, then proceeded to attempt the left where...the pencil slipped to poke him in the eye.

"Damn it, it's worse than when I do it in the car!" He shouted and tried again. This time, however, he sufficiently lined it, even if the eye was redder than Santa's hat. He put aside the pencil, cursing the fact that eyeliner didn't apply itself. Finally, he pulled on black converse, grabbed his wallet, and shut the door to go upstairs.

"Nice shouting match with the pencil, Gee." Mikey said, flipping through channels on the TV.

"Shut up, is anything good on?"

"Superman, and that's about it. So, in short...almost." Mikey said. That instant they heard a horn from their snowed in driveway and both jumped for their coats.

"That was quick."

"We're closest to his house, dumbass."

"Oh, yeah."

Mikey put on his coat and turned off the TV, walking outside and leaving Gerard to follow. Gerard grabbed an apple from the counter and shouted "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" before slamming the door shut.

"Hey Ray." Mikey said, getting in a large brown van.

"Hey. Gerard, what the hell happened to your eye?" Ray asked from the passenger seat, where he would remain until the next stop at Frankie's house.

"Epic battle with eyeliner." Mikey answered as Gerard punched him in the arm.

"Great. Okay dad, that's all of them that're there today." Ray indicated to his dad, who pulled out of the snowy driveway.

"All righty. How are you boys?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Mikey answered.

"I'm tired." Gerard answered, then collapsed in the backseat.

"Well, that settles THAT." Ray's dad answered. "To Frankie's next?"


Five minutes later the van pulled up at Frankie's house, where Ray ran out quickly to grab the younger boy. They both bolted toward the van when they saw his dad coming home, and slammed the door shut.

"Drive, Dad, drive!" Ray shouted as the car moved to block them in. Luckily, it couldn't stop, and slid into the car just past Frank's house.

"Hey guys. Thanks." Frank said, panting. "I don't know if that was cause of the snow or alcohol, and I don't care. Fuck, Gerard, what the hell did you do to your eye?"

"Only you could appreciate the gravity of the situation, Frank. The pencil did this to me." Gerard said very seriously.

"Ooh, my poor Gerard." Frank said, patting him on the back. "It'll be okay. It's probably just having a bad day."

Mikey and Ray exchanged glances. "Um, please tell me that they're not referring to the pencil as a person." Ray asked.

"Gerard does it all the time. I didn't know that Frank did..."

The van pulled up at a two story white house and honked the horn. "Uh, Ray, who else is coming?" Gerard asked.

"Nikki. Didn't Mikes tell you?" Ray asked.

"No, he didn't." Gerard began glaring at his brother.

"Actually, I said that Ray had called everyone. So yes, I did. I just didn't mention names." Mikey answered and hid behind Frankie.

Nikki pulled open the van door and saw the in-process asskicking of Mikey, then pulled Gerard off him. "Gee, let him go, whatever the twerp did it's too brilliant a day to be killing your little brother."

"Thanks Nik." Mikey said once he could breathe.

"Yeah, yeah. So, how are you?" Gerard asked.

"Fine. I hate the cold, but that's all right."

"Hm, maybe someone with a hoodie could keep you warm..."

Nikki observed the other boys and, seeing that none of them were wearing a hoodie, looked at Gerard and saw his clothing choice of the day. "Mr. Way, I do believe you're implying something..."

"Yes, yes, I know I am." He said, pulling her to him. "You didn't even wear a heavy coat, thank God you didn't freeze out there."

She shivered against him deliberately and clambered onto his lap, where he wrapped his coat around both of them. "I've got one now, it seems."

Mikey and Frank looked back to see their friends' positions. "Gee and Nikki sitting in the backseat, f-u-c-k-i-n-g!" Frankie cheered.

"Fuck off, Iero. That's not the original song and you know it." Nikki said.

"No, but soon you'll be k-i-s-s-i-n-g, won't you?"

"That can be arranged." Gerard stated before catching Nikki's lips.

"Woah, dude, I was joking." Frank said as the guys watched them.

"Heterophobic." Nikki teased.

"Am not! I like chicks!" Frank shouted.

"Fine then. Kiss me." Nikki said, much to Gerard's dismay.

"He's three years younger than me and you WANT to kiss him? What?!"

"If he likes girls then he'll do it and I'll stop spreading that around school. I won't stop about the fact that he has carebears, though..."


"No, but it's fun to sprea...." Nikki stopped talking as Frank tackled and kissed her, the inertia sending them both flying into Gerard's stomach.

"Ooof! Both of you get the fuck off me! Frankie, get off Nikki! And me, too! MIKEY, GET YOUR GEEKY LITTLE FRIEND OFF ME!!" Gerard panicked and began yelling, making even Ray's dad raise his eyebrows.

Mikey clambered over a seat and began pulling Frank back over the seat. "Okay, lovebird, you need to give your snogging partner back to her significant other now."

Ray just looked at the situation, amused. "I love group outings."

Frank finally retreated into the front seat, away from the fuming Gerard. "So, stop saying I'm a pansy now."

"All right." Nikki said, looking up at Gerard. "Sorry, I just had to."

"Next time, don't do it when I'm around, at the very least." He said shortly.

"Aw, Gee..." Nikki said, cuddling against him and pulling a pouty face. "You couldn't stay mad at me, could you?"

Gerard looked down at her seriously. "Aw, come on, Gerawrrrrrd." She said again, giggling after she accented his name with a growl. This time he too cracked a smile.

"All right, but you owe me." He said as they resumed their original position.

"Kids, we're here. I'll pick you back up at 5:30." Ray's dad said before kicking them out of the van. Nikki shivered once again before Gerard pulled her in front of him and zipped his jacket around both of them.

"Now stand on my feet and we'll both stay warm." Gerard instructed. "I still can't believe you forgot your coat..." Nikki did so and the five of them walked into the mall.