A Case of Love Bipolar

Jacking Off To Billie Joe Armstrong

Frankie's Point of View

Gerard was very fun and really cute. Right now he was bent over looking for a CD in his closet and the view was very hot. His brother Mikey who I'm guessing was a flaming gay was kinda dorky-ish but cute.

"Frank are you checking out my brother?" Mikey asked.

I jumped about a mile. "N -- no!" I said nervously.

Gerard gave Mikey and I a smirk. "Why, Frank I'm simply flattered. I didn't know you liked me like that."

I stared at Gerard shocked. "I - I -- I don't -- uhh." What was I supposed to say at times like these? Flirt back or run away?

"Do do do do do do do do do
do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do
do do do do do do." Mikey hummed.

I put my face in my hands. Shit They were gonna sing. Who knew what they sounded like.

"Tonight I wanna give it all to you
In the darkness
There's so much I wanna do." Gerard and Mikey sang together.

I snorted. They were pretty good but seriously did they have to sing it now?

"You guys suck." I said.

"Thanks sweetheart, you blow." Mikey drawled lazily laying next to me.

"Go use your pink dildo I gave you for Christmas, Mikey." Gerard said.

I laughed. "You seriously got him that?" I asked.

"Yeah. That and glow in the dark lube." Gerard said smiling.

"Yeah, well you jacked off to Billie Joe Armstrong." Mikey said.

Gerard shrugged. "Well can you blame me?" He asked.

"Yeah, I mean I've done that twice." I said. It was true. I loved Green Day and Billie Joe Armstrong was hot.

"You're gay?" Mikey asked like it was his birthday today.

"Bi actually." I said looking at him curiously.

He skipped out of the room singing "Sunday, Monday happy days. Tuesday, Wednesday, happy days."

"Why do I get the feeling that I just made Mikey's day all the more worthwhile?" I asked Gerard.

"Because you just did." He said and shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Go ask him, I'm not answering that question."

"Why?" I asked cautiously.

"Because I don't wanna imagine Mikey.." He trailed off. "I think I'm gonna hurl." He said looking sick. I could hear retching noises from the bathroom.
I decided to do what Gerard said: to go ask Mikey.

Follow the yellow brick road...