Status: Complete



On Monday I was awoke by someone jumping on my bed. I groaned and curled into a ball.

"Wake up City, its time for school," Celia said jumping off my bed with a thump. I opened my right eye to see a grinning Celia. I opened my other eye and uncurled from my ball. I pulled the blankets off me and stepped on the cold hardwood.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and stretching with a yawn.

"Its 6:45," she told me after looking at my alarm clock.

"Your up early," I mumbled walking over to my desk chair, grabbed the clothes I laid out the night before, and left the room heading to the bathroom.

I stepped out of the shower and quickly dried myself off, rubbing down my hair, and quickly pulled on my underwear and bra on. I pulled my pants up and and put on my dark green shirt. I grabbed the brush that laid on the sink, and turned toward the mirror. I pulled the brush through my long black hair. As I brushed my hair I studied myself.

My eyes were a light shade of blue , and if you looked closer you could see silver around the pupil. My nose was small and cute. My lips looked pouty, but still thin. I was beautiful in my own way everyone told me. Celia was always the good looking twin, the blunt twin. I was more reserved, and liked to read.

I finished my hair, put the brush down, and was in the hallway. I walked down the hallway towards the stairs where Aidan stood talking on the phone, I passed him, going down the steps and hurrying into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Good Morning honey," mom said as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning," I said smiling at her sitting down and began eating. I looked up and noticed dad wasn't where he usually was.

"Wheres dad?" I asked as Aidan and Celia entered the kitchen and sat down beside me.

"He went to work early," mom answered as she bustled around the kitchen. I nodded finishing my breakfast.

"Do you think Cullen will be there today," Celia asked. "Do you think hell glare at you?"

I choked on my orange juice as I took a drink.

"Who is this Collin boy?" Aidan growled protectively.

"His name is Edward Cullen, hes beautiful," Celia said swooning as she mentioned him. I coughed and finished my juice.

I looked at the clock and got up bringing my dishes to the sink before going up stairs to brush my teeth. On the way back to the kitchen I grabbed my hoodie and dashed down the stairs to the front door were Celia was waiting. Both Celia and I shouted our goodbyes and started to the car.

As Celia drove to school, she was unnaturally quiet. She seemed to be thinking, and I bet I knew who she was thinking bout, Edward Cullen. Once we pulled into the school parking lot, parked, and got out she was back to her old self.

"So City, are you going to talk to people at school?" she asked grinning at me.

"I doubt it," I mumbled as I pulled my hoodie up on my head. She nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me to first period.
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