Status: Complete



I was wanting to skip lunch, but Celia had other plans. Obviously she heard That Edward was back and wanted to see if he would glare at me again. After class she was waiting for me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the lunch room, and to the table her new friends sat. I sighed as I sat down beside Celia.

"Hes not looking over here," Celia said disappointment laced in her voice. I snorted and played with a lose thread on my hoodie. I listened quietly to the conversations around me. Some girls were freaking out eating to much at the table next to ours, and Celia and her new friends were talking about, well I really wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Come on, City," Celia Said knocking me out of my thoughts. I glanced around the room to see it half empty. I stood up and followed Celia to biology.

I stepped into the room holding onto my book and notebook and noticed Edward was already sitting down. I looked at Celia in the corner of my eye. She was looking at me in jealously. I sighed and made my way to my seat. As i sat down I placed my stuff on the desk, then looked at Edward. She was already looking at me. I blushed.

"Hello," he said in a musical voice. I blushed more.

"Hi," I said dropping my hood from my face, where it had been all day long. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm Edward Cullen," he continued. He was looking at me as though searching for something.

"I'm F-Felcity Hall," I said stammering. "But everyone calls me, City."

I studied him. His face was very pale, but perfect and flawless. The dark purple shadows I had seen him with were lighter. Even his eyes were lighter, a golden topaz, beautiful. His hair was a strange shade of bronze, but the one that was in my mind was his eyes. I quickly turned away from him. His eyes looked almost black, but now their a topaz. I turned toward Edward, but turned back as Mr.Banner entered the room. I sighed as he told us to open our books.

I finished my assignment and shut my book. I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes.

"Your sister loves attention," Edwards velvety voice broke the silence. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Yeah, shes always been like that," I said turning to look at my sister who was talking to at least five people.

"You aren't?" he asked curiously. I turned back to him to see he was watching me.

"No, I try to stay on the down low of things," I said looking down at my hands.

"Really? Is that why you didn't talk to anyone your first week?" he asked. I looked at him, and then the man flashed in my mind,

"Are you keeping tabs on me?" I teased. He sent me a smile, that made my heart beat rapidly. I blushed and looked down.

"Maybe," he answered. I looked back up at him.

"Your eyes, their beautiful." I blurted out. My eyes widened and I turned away quickly blushing a million shades of red. I heard him chuckle quietly. I turned back to him and smiled at him my face still red. His face suddenly turned serious.

"You should try and stay away from me," he said seriously as the bell rang and with another smile at me, he was gone. I sat there confused, till I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"What was that about?" Celia asked once I looked up at her.

"I don't know," I answered still confused as I grabbed my books and stood up.

"Well what did he say to you?" she asked as we walked out of the room and into the crowed hallway.

"He told me I should stay away from him," I said as we passes by a couple of Celia's new friends.

"Anything else?" she asked as she waved to someone.

"No," I said as we drawled near my locker.

"Oh," she said disappointed.

I put the combination in and opened my locker, putting my stuff away before shutting it.

"Come on, time for gym." Celia said grinning at me as I groaned. She flipped her blond hair over her shoulder and pulled me to class.
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