Status: Complete



"City, wake up," I heard as someone shook me. I moaned and shot up. My eyes scanned the room. I was home. The T.V. was on a commercial and Celia and Aidan stood in front of me with worried faces. I breath in and then out to calm myself.

"Are you alright?" Aidan asked bending down to my height.

"Yeah, just a nightmare," I breathed out flicking my hair out of my eyes.My eyes scanned the area again, then I got up.

"What time is it?" I asked as I stretched.

"Its about seven," Celia said still watching me. I nodded and turned to them.

"I'm going to take a shower," I muttered and hurried to the stairs.

"City if you need to talk you know I'm here," Celia said as I was halfway up the stairs. I stopped and turned to Celia. who stood at the end of the stairs.

"Yeah, I know," I said looking away from her and hurrying up the stairs and to the bathroom.

I shut the door, and pressed my back to it. I breathed in deep and held it in for a while, before letting it out.

Was what he said true? I thought as my mind over what that Luke said about the Cullen's being vampires. I turned to the door and locked it, before stripping away away my clothes. I turned on the shower to a warm temperature. I grabbed a towel from the rack next to the door, placed it on the closed lid of the toilet, and stepped into the shower.

The water rolled down my back as I stood in the shower with my forehead pressed against the wall. My mind was going about 100 mph through my thoughts. Everything about the Cullen's, why I felt safe around Edward, and wanted to be around him. The dream was playing over and over in my head, and it would not stop. That guy Luke said he was watching me, but how?

Pounding was heard on the bathroom door as I shut off the shower, and stepped out, wrapping the towel I laid out around me. I walked to the door and it to see Celia.

"You've been in there about a hour," she growled as I stepped out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind," I muttered looking at Celia briefly before looking away.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked softly

"School, everything." I said smiling at her.

"Well I'm off to bed," I said smiling at Celia before walking to my room.

"Night." she said from down the hall.

"Night." I said back, walking into my room, shutting the door behind me.

I walked to my dresser, grabbed my P.j.s and some underwear. I slipped my underwear on under the towel the dropped the towel. I pulled on my shirt and turned to the window. I felt as though someone was watching me. I stuck my head out the window and looked around before sticking my head back in and shivering. I walked to my bed. I pulled on my pants and then climbed into bed.
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