Status: Complete



Sunday was eventful, but nothing much happened other than sitting around, watching T.v., and talking. Monday morning I woke up early, but still Celia was up before me, surprising actually. I slowly got dressed in a pair of blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. I pulled my hair up in ponytail and headed to the kitchen.

"What time is it?" I yawned out entering the kitchen. As usual mom was hurrying around the kitchen, while dad sat at the end of the table with a newspaper and a cup of coffee.Celia was leaned up against the counter twirling the car keys around her index finger.

"Time to leave," Celia said looking away from the clock to me. I nodded and said my byes to my parents before following Celia to our car. She opened the drivers side door and getting in. I slowly followed not really up to school today.

Celia pulled out of the driveway, and made her way to school. I sighed and unbuckled as she pulled into the school parking lot, and into a parking lot next to the only Volvo in the parking lot. I got out and slowly made my way to first period.

The rest of the morning Celia talked to Jessica, and Lauren about the up coming dance. It was girls ask boys, but I was planning not to go anyway. Celia was hyper, and both Jessica and Lauren were giving her death glares without Celia noticing, but I noticed and they caught me. They weren't all to happy either.

I followed Celia as always to the table in the middle. I sat down at the end of the table and listened to Celia go on and on about the dance. I glanced at the Cullen's table and was disappointed when I didn't see Edward.

"Edwards staring at you City," Celia said looking at me, and then back to a table. I followed her gaze and my eyes landed on Edward.

"Wonder why hes sitting alone today," she muttered looking away from him, but I kept my gaze on him. He looked at me and motioned for me to come over.

"Go on City," Celia said pushing me to stand up. I looked away from Edward and looked at Celia.

"Go, but if he so much as glare at you I'm coming over," she said looking back at Edward.

I stood up and made my way over to Edward who sat at a different table and alone. I stopped as I was in front of him. He motioned for me to sit down. I sat down and looked at him.

"Hello," he said smoothly. I was confused, didn't he say I should stay away from him.

"Hi," I said looking at him. His eyes were lighter today, a butterscotch.

"Didn't you say I should stay away from you?" I asked looking away from him.

"I couldn't stay away from you," he said looking over my head.

"Why is that?" I asked brushing my hair from my eyes. He didn't answer but looked at me.

"Your sister is deciding either to come over or not," he said looking me over. I just stared at him.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked cocking a eyebrow at me, but leaning forward.

"About a dream I had the other night," I said also leaning forward looking into his eyes.

"What was it about?" he asked leaning back and looking back over my shoulder. I leaned back and watched him.

"I problem shouldn't tell you, it might...," I stopped and thought of a way to tell him.

"Might what?" he murmured looking at his bright eyes. I sighed and looked down at the table.

"Are you going to class?" I asked changing the topic.

"No." he answered.

"Good, well talk then," I murmured looking over my shoulder at Celia who was getting up with her friends and heading to class. I turned back to Edward, and waited till everyone was gone.
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