Status: Complete



"What are you doing home early?" I heard as I laid on the living room couch. I leaned up and opened my eyes to see Aidan looking at me.

"I wasn`t feeling to well and a friend drove me home," I lied as I laid back down. I closed my eyes and thought about Edward.

"Who dropped you off?" he asked moving my feet and sitting down, and placing my feet on his lap.

"Edward Cullen," said opening my eyes and looked down at Aidan to see him scowling.

"The boy who glared at you?" he asked with a scowl still on his face. I nodded and closed my eyes again.

"I want to meet this Edward Cullen," he said.

"Aidan, he`s not my boyfriend" I snapped.

I wish he was though.

"I still want to meet him." he said finalizing the subject. I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"Aidan I like this guy," I said sitting up. "Alot"

"Celia likes him too," he pointed out.

"Yeah and the whole female population in Forks," I muttered loud enough for Aidan to hear. He snorted and stood up.

"Well I`m going to drive around, want to come?" he asked looking at me.

"No," I said shaking my head as I stood up and stretched. He nodded and walked out of the room. I slowly walked to the stairs and walked up them. I stopped at the top for a second, but made my way to my room.

I closed to door behind me, and made my way to my bed, falling softly onto it.

"So you really like me?" Edward`s teasing voice was heard. I jumped up and gasped in alarm.

Edward sat on my desk chair chuckling at my shocked face. I blushed and slowed my breathing.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked walking slowly over to him.

"Checking up on you." he said with a teasing smile. I blushed again, and looked away from him. He`s cold hand went under my chin and brought my face up to his gaze. I looked into his Topaz eyes.

"I really do like you ," I said with a small smile. I brought my hand up and placed it on his cold cheek. I bit my lip as he jerked back.

" I should go," Edward said breaking the silence. I nodded and dropped my hand stepping away from him.

" I will see you tomorrow." he murmured picking up my hand, kissing it my palm and rolling my hand into a fist.
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Please comment and I will get more chapters out.