Status: Complete



Once Celia got home after school, she was steaming for some odd reason. She just went straight up to her room and slammed the door. Mom has arrived home about an hour before Celia.

"What`s her problem?" she asked as we sat at the table.

"I `ll go see," I said standing and moving into the living room and up the stairs.

I cautiously walked toward Celia`s bedroom and stood in front of her door, were music was playing loudly. I knocked and waited for a second before opening the door. I stepped into her room closing the door behind me. Her room had clothes all over floor, make-up was all over her dresser. I looked to the bed to see Celia on her with her face stuffed into the pillow. I stepped around the clothes and made my way to her bed.

"Celia are you okay?" I asked as I shook her. She mumbled something and sat up.

"I`m fine," she snapped at me turning to glare at me.

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked angerly.

She softened her face and sighed.

"I`m sorry," she mumbled looking down at her hands. "I had a bad day."

"Want to talk about it?" I asked sitting down beside her. She shook her head and put her face back into the pillow. I sighed and sat there.

"Talk to me," I said to Celia. She groaned, turned over on back and looked at me.

"Well you know the dance is coming," she said. I nodded and motioned for her to keep going. "Well it`s girl`s choice, and I have know one to go with, I can`t ask Mike cause Jessica likes him."

Who do you like?" I asked with a roll of my eyes.

"Well I do think Edward Cullen is gorgeous, but everyone says he dozen`t date, and plus he`s taking a liken to you," she said grabbing my hands and starts playing with them.

"I also like Mike Newton," she finished.

I snorted, but covered it up with a cough.

"Well ask Mike first, has Jessica said she liked Mike?" I asked.

"Well actually no." She said letting my hands go.

"Then ask Mike before Jessica does, she never told you she like him." I said smiling at her.

"Are you going to the dance?" she asked.

"No." I said looking away from her.

"Why not?" she demanded.

"Cause I don`t want to, and I`m clumsy." I looking back at her.

"Tomorrow I want you to ask Mike to the dance, and then this weekend I`ll take you dress shopping." I said standing up and walking to the bedroom door.

"Thanks City!" Celia said.

I smiled at her and left her room, heading back downstairs to talk with mom.
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I got this out for Kayla and Save.Me.Romeo.!
Please Comment people and then I will get more updates out!!!