Status: Complete


Twenty One

"Have you asked Mike yet?" I asked Celia as we walked out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway.

"No, but I`m asking him at lunch," she said looking around the hallway obviously looking for Mike.

"Hello City. Celia." Edward`s voice was heard.

I turned to the voice and smiled softly as he approached us.

"Oh there`s Mike, wish me luck." Celia said making me look at her. She was excited and a bit neverous.

"Luck," I wished, but she was out of range.

"He`s going to say yes," Edward said as we began walking to the cafeteria together.

"That`s great," I said with a wide smile looking at Edward in the cornor of my eye.

"So about your family," I said as we neared the cafeteria doors.

"What do you want to know?" he asked opening the door for me.

"Well do they hate me?" I asked as we walked past his family to a empty table.

"They don`t hate you," he said as we sat down on different sides. "They just don`t know you."

"Yeah right," I said snorting.

"Well Rosalie is bitter, cause she wants to be human. Emmett doesn`t know you, Jasper is the newest of the family to... eat our way, but getting used to you and I," He said. "Alice she only sees that of human very little, but she knows you a little."

"See`s?" I asked confused looking at the table his family sat at. I quickly looked back to Edward as they looked at me.

"She has powers just as I do," he said watching me.

"Really?" I asked sneaking a glance at his family. "What does she do?"

"She sees the future," he said leaning in toward me.

"What does she see?" I asked also leaning in.

"She sees things when something serious will happen, but changes just a quick when they change their minds," he said watching my reaction.

"What does the others have?" I asked interested.

"Jasper he can control the emotions around him, my other family members just brought somthing with them from there human life." he said with a glint in his eyes.

I nodded in understanding and looked away from Edward to my sister. Celia was laughing at something somebody had said, and Jessica was glaring daggers at her.

I snorted to hold in my laugh and turned back to Edward. I blushed deep red when I looked back at him.

"Your sister just asked Mike to the dance, her friend Jessica isn`t very pleased," He said smiling at me.

I smiled back and jumped as the bell rang for the next period. I blushed as smile widened.

"Well better get to class," I said smiling at him.
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Sorry so late Holidays and family.