Status: Complete


Twenty Five

Sunday passed quickly and Monday came. I was running late having woke up later than usual.

I groaned as I pulled my shirt over my head and smoothing it down as it fell onto my body. I grabbed the brush that was next to me on the dresser, and quickly pulled it through my hair before throwing it back on the dresser.

"Why me?" I mumbled to myself hurrying out of my room grabbing the book bag I decided I needed after carrying around my things since I moved here.

"City, Edward`s here!" Celia yelled up the stairs.

"Coming," I yelled back hurrying down the stairs.

"Don`t forget to ask Edward," Mom called as I ran passed the kitchen for the front door.

"Yeah, bye!" I called back opening the front door.

I stepped out of the house and smiled as the Volvo come into view. I closed the door and softly began walking toward the silver car holding my bag on my shoulder.

I opened the door and slid in pulling my bag off my shoulder to place it at my feet. I shut the door and looked over at Edward.

"Hello," Edward`s smooth voice broke the silence.

"Hi," I said smiling at him.

"So anything to ask me?" he asked pulling out of the driveway.

"Yeah, my parents want to meet your family," I said embarrassed.

"I`ll talk to Carlisle about it," he said looking at me smiling.

"Can we talk about you today?" I asked softly.

"What do you want to know?" he asked his making me shudder happily.

"How did you become a ... vampire?" I asked taking a pause before vampire.

He breathed in deeply never looking at me as he continued to drive.

"It was 1918 and I was dieing of the Spanish Influenza, my parents were already gone, I didn`t know, but my mother told Carlisle to help me as if she knew he was a vampire, and then she died," he said pulling into the school`s parking lot.

"and he helped you," I whispered looking over at him.

"Yeah," he said bitterly.

"Would you have rather died?" I asked feeling hurt.

"No, then I would have never met you, but sometimes I wonder," he said looking at me.

I smiled and blushed happily.

"I`m glad I met you," I whispered, blushing deeper.

"Good," he said smiling at me.

I smiled happily never looking away from his eyes.

"So if we come over this Friday, there`ll probley be embarrassing pictures," Edward said smiling wilder as my face got red, and mortified.

"Time for class," I said opening up the door quickly, getting out, and shutting the door.

"Come on let me walk you to class," Edward`s voice said.

I looked over in surprise to see him holding my forgotten bag smiling at me.

I nodded, grabbed his hand, and began walking to class ignoring the students whispers.

Edward squeezed my hand gently, bringing it up to kiss it softly. I blushed happily as butterfly's fluttered in my stomach making me happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for all the comments! Even though it wasn`t many it still made me very happy.
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