Status: Complete


Twenty Six

As the day went by, and it was time for us to leave something made me keep looking over my shoulder. I shook off the feeling of someone watching me and hurried out of the school, and into the parking lot. I smiled and felt butterflies and my heart sped up as I saw Edward standing by his car watching me. A crooked smile made it`s way onto his beautiful face as I tried to walk calmly as possible to him.

As I reached him he had the passenger door open for me. I blushed happily as I got into his car, shutting it for me before walking slowly around the car to the drivers side. Once he got in gracefully and waited till some of the cars were gone he turned the car on and swiftly pulled out, racing down the street.

"Make sure you talk to your family about this Friday," I said grimacing of the thought of my mom pulling out the baby pictures.

He nodded smirking slightly, before pulling into my driveway.

"Bye," I said hesitating a little, before quickly pressing a kiss to his cold cheek.

I blushed and opened the door, getting out, grabbing my bag, and shutting the door behind me. I hurriedly made my way to the front door, turning to wave, before opening the front door. I stepped into the house, and shut it making my way into the living room to start my homework.

"How was school, did you ask Edward?" mom`s voice come once I stepped into the living room startling me.

"School was okay, and yes I asked Edward, he said he`ll ask his family," I said settling down on the couch.

She nodded happily before turning to her soap. I sighed pulling out my homework and started on it.

An hour and a half later I stumbled into my room placing my bag by the door. I pulled my shirt off, placing a old shirt on, falling onto my bed. I groaned happily, but was ruined when Celia waltzed into my room.

"City will you get my purse from the car?" she asked lazily.

"and why can`t you?" I asked looking up at her.

"Please," she said pouting.

I groaned, sat up and shuffled out of my room. A thanks was shouted as I walked down the stairs. I hurried to the front door throwing on a jacket and some shoes. I opened the front door, stepped out shutting it before hurrying to our car. I opened the passenger side, and grabbed Celia`s purse. I shut the door, and began walking back to the house.

"Hello City," a voice purred from behind me.

I let out a squeal of shock, and whipped around. My eyes widened as my nightmare stood in front of me smirking.

"How have you been?" Luke asked his red eyes shining.

I gaped speechless stepping away from him, only for him to grab my wrist in his crushing grip. I whimpered as my wrist threatened to break.

"Answer me," he seethed holding tighter.

A growl came, then my wrist was ripped from Luke`s grip as his body went flying. I stumbled back holding my wrist to my chest. Another growl was heard as I tried to watch the fight, but it was to fast for my eyes. I`ll be back was heard in the wind.

"City," came Edward`s voice. I looked up and flew into his arms.

"It`s okay," he said murmured pulling me closer.

"I don`t know what I`m gonna do," I said letting tears fall.

"I want you to go into the house, and try to act like nothing happened, and I`ll meet you in your room," he said wiping away my tears.

I nodded and let go of Edward, picking up Celia`s purse that I had dropped earlier, and hurried into the house cradling my wrist to my chest. I hurried past my parents and up the stairs. I stopped at Celia`s room and stepped in.

"What happened?" she asked grabbing her purse, looking at my wrist.

" I tripped," I lied weakly.

"Oh, what am I going to do with you?" she asked chuckling softly.

I shrugged and hurried out of her room. As I stepped into my room, Edward was at my side gently grabbing my wrist.

"Thanks Edward," I said softly looking up at him.

"I`ll always protect you," he said softly letting go of my wrist. "It`s just sprained and badly bruised."

I nodded and looked up at him. I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips softly against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed back. My breathing began to deepen and I became light headed. Edward gently pushed me away.

"City you`ve got to be more careful," Edward said stepping away from me.

I nodded and breathed in deeply calming my heart. I licked my lips to get another taste of Edward.

"How`d you know he was here?" I asked sitting down on my bed.

"I didn`t , I come over at night, and watch you sleep, but Alice didn`t even see him coming," Edward said coming over and sitting by me.

I blinked and looked over at him.

"Edward," I said hesitantly as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. He looked over at me and smiled speeding my heart up.

"I l-love y-you," I stuttered out nervously, blushing as I looked away from him.

"I love you," Edward said turning my head to look at him.

"Do you?" I asked breathing in deeply to settle my nerves.

"City I`ve waited my whole life for you," he said lifting me up and placing me in his lap.

I turned around and looked into his eyes, before looking away happily. I leaned into him softly. Edward got up slowly lifting me up before laying on my bed with me laying on his chest.

"Sleep City, I`ll be here in the morning," Edward whispered softly into my ear.

"Okay," I said sleepily looking up at him. I leaned in, kissed him softly on the lips before laying my head on his chest.
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