Status: Complete


Twenty Seven

"City wake up," a silky voice murmured making me squirm.

I groaned and snuggled into a cold, hard chest. I shot up as I realized I was laying on Edward. I looked up at Edward and blushed blood red when my eyes settled on Edward`s calm face.

"So about last night," I said hesitantly my eyes looking at his beautiful mouth before looking back up into his topaz eyes. "I really do love you."

"I know," he murmured with a smile brushing the back of his hand across my cheek slowly.

My stomach fluttered happily as his hand slowly traced my jaw bone. I closed my eyes as his hand slipped to my neck.

"I better get up," I said with a sigh of unhappiness opening my eyes to look at my alarm clock on my nightstand before slowly getting out of bed.


This went on for the rest of the week. Edward coming over and staying till day break, but was back to pick me up. As the days past Edward`s eyes got darker and darker, but Friday he told me he would be back before dinner, and I went to school with Celia. After school I was nervous about Edward meeting my family.

"Calm down City, everything will be fine," Celia said as I paced around my room. I sighed and slumped against my wall.

"I`m just scared," I said looking up at Celia who was watching me. "What if mom and dad don`t like him?"

"They will," she said.

Of course they`ll like him, but what if he doesn`t like them, I thought my eyes widening.

"City you have to calm down," Celia said coming to sit next to me.

I breathed in deeply, and slowly let it out. I looked over at Celia and back down to the ground.

"They`ll be here in an hour, so we better go help mom," I said after a moment of silence slowly standing up bringing Celia with me.

I walked out of my room with Celia hot on my heels, down the hall and finally down the stairs. As we walked into the kitchen, mom was pulling food out of the oven.

"Your father will be here in ten minutes, so just go wait in the living room with your brother," mom said placing the food on the counter.

I groaned and followed Celia out of the kitchen and into the living room, where Aidan was sitting on the couch watching t.v.. I took a seat next to him and leaned back closing my eyes. I breathed in deeply and slowly fell asleep.


"City wake up," Celia`s voice came shaking me awake. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"They should be here in fifteen minutes, dad`s home and in the kitchen with mom," Celia said as I stretched popping my back.

I slowly got to my feet and looked around the room for Aidan. Hmm guess he`s upstairs, I thought licking my dry lips. I straightened my shirt and breathed in deeply trying to calm my nerves.

Fifteen minutes later there was knock on the front door. My heart sped up, and I tried to calm myself, only my heart calmed down but my head was filled with What If`s.

"Aidan get the door!" Celia yelled up the stairs before making her way toward me. Feet thundered down the stairs with Aidan with them. He quickly made his way to the front door.

"Calm down," Celia whispered next to me. I bit my lip nervously as heard voices come from the front door, then a door closing.

"City`s in the living room," Aidan said walking into the room with the Cullen family behind him.

My eyes immediately landed on Edward and blushed when he smiled. Beside me Celia giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"City this is my family," Edward said motioning to the beautiful crowd.

I slowly stood up and made my way over to them stopping a few feet in front of them.

"This is Carlisle," he said motioning to the beautiful blonde man that stood in front of me. I stuck my hand out, and his large cold hand covered mine softly and gently shook it.

"Hi," I said softly.

"Hello," he said smiling softly at me.

"Esme," Edward said to me motioning to gorgeous women next to Carlisle.

I smiled at her and shook her hand also.

"You already know Alice,Jasper,Emmett, and Rosalie," Edward said once again motioning to four gorgeous vampires. I smiled at each of them and shuffled my feet nervously when I got a glare from Rosalie.

Edward snapped his head toward Rosalie with a glare on his face, then he turned to me with soft eyes. I smiled at him and blushed softly.

"Hello," I heard as my mom swept into the room with dad following behind. "I`m Marcia."

I watched as my parents got acquainted with the Cullen`s before shuffling us into the kitchen. My eyes widened as I stepped into the kitchen behind Aidan. The kitchen table had more chairs around the table, where they came from I`ll never know. The table was decked out with food. My god they don`t even eat, how are we going to finish all this, I thought groaning inwardly taking a seat next to Edward.

"City didn`t tell me what you liked so I made many dishes," mom said beaming at the Cullen family.

I bit my lip holding in a groan, and closed my eyes wanting to thump my head against the table.

"I`m sure we`ll love whatever you`ve made," Carlisle said smiling at mom, who swooned. I felt my hand being taken softly into Edward`s cold one. I looked over and smiled at him nervously.

The dinner went on, though I only talked to Edward mostly, but still answered questions from the Cullen family. There were many embarrassing stories told by mom and let me say I don`t think I will be looking at the Cullen family the same again. The Cullen`s at some but they mostly shuffled there food around their plate making it seem as though they ate. When dinner was over I was relieved, but when we were in the living room, Celia and Aidan turned to me with identical smirks.

"We thought that you`d want to see some home movies," Celia said popping in a VHS tape.

Oh god, I thought horrified as the movie started.


Soon it was the Cullen`s time to leave, and I was sorta glad, but was sad Edward was leaving. My parents loved Edward, and I think Edward might like them too. As they were leaving Edward was the last one out the door, but before leaving he leaned in and whispered he`s be back later. I smiled happily giving him a kiss on the cheek before he left.

"So what did you think of him?" I asked about five minutes later in the living room.

"Well I liked him," Celia said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to my parents.

"He seemed to be a fine boy," dad said with mom nodding beside him.

I smiled in relief before standing up and stretching.

"Well I`m off to bed," I said heading toward the stairs. Night was said as I made my way upstairs.
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