Status: Complete


Twenty Eight

Thanksgiving came and went, and then it was almost time for Christmas break. Celia actually dating Mike about a week after he took her to the dance, and I know somehow she really liked him, maybe even loved him.

Edward brought me to his parents house, which was incredible. I learned that he played the piano so well that he could make angels weep. He came over nights when he wasn`t hunting and watched me sleep. I tried to stay up but I couldn`t when he would stroke my hair and back making me feel like a little girl again.

Luke hasn`t left my head, though I did forget about him when Edward was over, but he was 'camping' today so I kept glancing over my shoulder in unease. Celia was sick so I drove myself today. I was one of the few students who were still at school after hours. Which was the cause of my unease, and feeling as if someone was watching.

I quickly made my way across the parking lot to my car without slowing down. When I looked up at my car I immediately stopped stopped in shock. Leaning against the car making it lean was Luke. He wore a smirk on his beautiful face. I whimpered and took a step back but was stopped but a hard body. My heart sped up in fear and looked over my shoulder to the two other smirking vampires. I whimpered again and turned my head back around.

"Mmm, smells delicious," Elizabeth purred behind me making me shiver.

"I know," the other, Jonathon moaned breathing in deeply.

Oh god, I though horrified. I`m going to die

Luke soon began walking toward me his red eyes staring into my blue ones. I ripped my eyes from his to the ground.

"Your precious Edward won`t save you this time," Luke said growling at Edward`s name. "Cause Jonathon here is a blocker."

"W-what?" I stuttered out horrified never looking up.

"He`s blocking him, and the pixie one from having visions and hearing us," Luke said a smirk in his tone. "I also blocked your mind from him."

My eyes darted around me, searching for something or someone to save me. Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes. I was pulled into a par of cold hard arms. I let out a scream dropping my bag. Celia`s homework falling out. I started struggling but went limp when pain erupted from the base of my neck, blackness sweeping over me.


The clock struck six p.m. and the Hall family was gathered in there living room. A very worried mother, sat on the couch nearly in tears. Her oldest daughter, Celia was waiting nervously next to her mother waiting for her father and older brother to get home. Suddenly the front door opened with a bang and Celia and her mother jumped their feet as the front door shut with an equal bang.

"Stopped by the school, the cars still there, and it looks like she dropped her books." Aidan said dropping City`s bag onto the ground and tossing the car keys to Celia.

"Where`s your father?" Celia`s mother crooked out tears rolling down her face.

"Went to the Police Station," he said looking very worried.

City watched her mother cry softly into her hands, and Aidan pace back and forth in front of her.

"I think I`ll go call Edward see if he`s seen her," Celia said standing up thinking of the journal she found some time ago.

They both nodded and Celia all but ran to the phone, still thinking of all the things her sister never told her. She grabbed the phone and dialed Edward`s cell phone. On the first ring it was picked up.

"City is everything okay?" Edward`s beautiful voice sounded from the phone.

"Edward this isn`t City, it`s Celia-" the girl paused before going on. "- there`s something you need to know."

"What`s wrong? Is City okay?" Edward asked darting out the questions.

"Edward-" Celia finally let her emotions go, and a sob tour through her. "- City`s missing."

"What?!" Edward and a few voices came.

"Oh god, I wasn`t feeling good this morning so City went to school alone, and she never came back," Celia sobbed out. "Dad and Aidan found the car still in the school lot."

"Oh god," moaned Edward on the other line. "I`ll be right there."

"Edward," Celia said hastily before he hung up.

"Yeah," he hoarsely said.

"The dreams, she`s been having dreams, do they have anything to do with this?"

A pause came, and a short "yes" came before he hung up. Celia hung up,and made her way back into the living room.

"What did he say?" Celia`s mother, Marcia said jumping to her feet, and quickly pulling Celia into her arms at the sight of her tears.

"He`s coming over." Celia said sniffling, pulling away from her mother to sit on the couch.

"He must really love her," Aidan muttered to them.

"He does, he dotes on her," chuckling sadly. "If she asked him to buy her a new car, he would."

Marcia chuckled sadly and sat next to her daughter.

"My little girls are growing up," she said sadly letting tears fall.

"Oh mom, she`ll be fine," Celia said sighing.

Aidan sat next to his mother and they waited for their father and husband to some home, and for City`s beautiful boyfriend to arrive.
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Only a few chapters left!