Status: Complete


Twenty Nine

It was cold when I awoke, and pain was all I could feel. I opened my eyes to darkness, total darkness. I could hear water dripping somewhere, and nothing else. I whimpered in pain when I moved, it came in waves as though it would never stop.

"Ah I see your awake," a deep purring voice came from the darkness.

I let out a whimper in alarm, and closed my eyes as the room grew brighter with light.

"They`re searching for you." the voice stated coming closer.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times for them to adjust to the light. Luke was standing over me with a large smirk, and I let out a whimper. I tour my eyes from him to the surrounding area. There were boxes piled up to the ceiling everywhere. There was a couch where the other two sat watching me with wide smirks that resembled Luke's, and above there was a light swinging back and forth.

"Do you like it? Cause this is the last room you`ll see," Luke`s purring voice came next to me.

"They won`t let you do this, they`ll kill you all," I said weakly closing my eyes as my head pounded.

A growl sounded from Luke`s throat and I knew no more.


Celia sat next to her mother as Edward paced back and forth in front of her. His family stood watching him from the corner of the room. It was nearing nine o`clock and no sign of City.

"We searched everywhere," Edward was muttering under his breath about what his family did more than an hour ago.

"The dreams," Celia muttered and ran from the room, up the stairs, and into City`s room. She looked around the room for the little book that contained all of City`s dreams and happenings.

"There it is," Celia muttered grabbing the book from the desk, and making her way back to the living room.

"Before City started dating Edward, she had nightmares which she never talked about, but she wrote them down, and until recently I forgot about them," Celia said stepping into the room.

"City had nightmares," Marcia said looking at her oldest daughter.

"After the wreak her nightmare began," Celia admitted. "They were always about a man, or what she wrote down."

Celia opened the little book and began browsing until she found City`s last entry. The word vampire was circled in the middle of the page. Celia snapped her head up to the Cullen`s in disbelief. That`s not even possible, she thought trying to think of a better reason. Edward`s eyes snapped to Celia in horror.

"He`s got her," he growled turning to his family.

"Who?" Aidan asked. "Who`s got City?!"

"The man from her dreams, he`s ..." Celia stopped herself in horrifying realization.

"He`s going to kill her!" Celia shouted starting to hyperventilate. "He`s a vampire!"

A shocked silence settled over the living room, before Roy let out a chuckle of disbelief sharing a look with Marcia.

"Honey there`s no such thing as vampires," Marica said trying to sooth her oldest daughter.

"Really mom, then what would you call the Cullen family," Celia said sarcastically.

A loud hiss sounded, Celia spun around and stomped to the Cullen family.

"My sister`s out there with that man, so don`t deny it any longer," Celia said her voice sounding strangely high with tears.

The Cullen family stood there shocked for a moment before Carlisle looked at his family then back to Celia.

"We`ll find her," he said. A snort sounded from Rosalie, which caused both Edward and Celia to turn to her with glares.

"Listen here you bitch, I don`t care what you think of me, but my sister is amazing, so save the attitude," Celia growled glaring at the shocked and pissed blonde.

"We`ll go to the school and see it we can pick up a scent," Carlisle said breaking the tense silence.

The they were gone without a blink of an eye. A strangled gasp left Marcia`s throat. Celia turned to her shocked family.

"Do you believe me know?"


My head pounded in pain, when I opened my eyes once again. I stayed silent trying to listen for any evidence that the rogue vampires were still around. I let out a breath, and rolled onto my stomach when I heard nothing.

How long have I been here? I thought trying to sit up. I closed my eyes as waves of pain ran through my head. I let out a breath and slowly sat up looking around. It looked like I was in a storage room, with no windows and only one light swinging back and forth on the ceiling. A door was at the far end of the room. I looked around the room for anything that would help me. A sigh escaped when I couldn`t see anything. I stared crawling toward the door at a fast pace while listening for the vampires.

"I wouldn`t do that," a voice cooed from beside me. I let out a sob of fright escape, and I was suddenly grabbed and pulled back.

"Your just making it harder for yourself," Luke said flipping me onto my back. I stared up into his red eyes with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"By the time they get here, you`ll either be dead or dieing," he said with a smirk. Another sob ripped through my throat, and I closed my eyes trying to block out the vampire. Suddenly a foot stomped down on my right leg. A scream of pain erupted from my throat as pain whiplashed through my whole body.

"That`ll teach you," he growled.

I whimpered in pain and despair. Please Edward hurry, I thought trying not to pass out in pain, but moments later I was out again.
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Only a couple left!!!