Status: Complete



I didn`t know how long I was out, but the pain in my leg was worse, which meant it had been awhile. I breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled watching as the three vampires talked in low whispers. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but they were talking to low and fast.

"You have very little time left," Luke`s smooth and velvety voice said making me lose my concentration on listening to them.

My eyes burned with unshed tears. I tried to blink them away, but they fell in big drops down my cheeks.

"E-edward w-will come," I sobbed out as the pain in my leg got greater, and with the thought of dieing.

A sharp kick to my broken leg came, along with my pained cry and his harsh laugh.

"Oh their trying, Jonathon here is going to unblock the pixie ones visions so they`ll know your going to die, and they`ll be to late," Luke said with a wide smirk. "Then were going to have some fun."

Luke pulled out a sharp brand new pocket knife. I watched as the blade popped out. I winced when I thought of what he could do with the knife.

"Unblock the pixie one, then block her in sixty seconds," Luke ordered turning to the two vampires who sat on the ratty old couch.

Jonathon nodded, and closed his crimson eyes. I watched him concentrate, then open his eyes with a curt nod. I turned away, or tired to with my broken leg. I sob broke through and suddenly tears overcame me again. Please Edward, I don`t want to die I wanted to be with you. I love you, I thought in despair.

I really wanted to live forever with Edward and his wonderful family, even Rosalie. Sobs racked my body making me hurt even more.

"Shut up girl," Luke snarled grabbing my arm and turning me back around with a harsh pull.

"Finished Luke," Jonathon's voice said. I sniffed while wiping away my tears with the back of my hand.

"They`ll come and kill you!" I said glaring at him

"Maybe if I don`t kill them myself," he said with a smirk.

Either this guy has powers to control them or he`s really stupid, I thought in disbelief and amusement.


A gasp flooded the living room in the Hall house. All of the occupants eyes snapped to Alice who had a look of horror on her beautiful face. A moan of anguish throe from Edward`s throat.

"What`s wrong?" Celia asked her blue eyes zeroing in on the vampire family. All of them had stepped into the living room not even five minutes ago with no leads.

"Pencil, and paper, hurry!" Edward said looking at his pixie sized sister. Celia jumped to her feet and searched for them before throwing them down in front of Alice.

Alice quickly grabbed the pencil and immediately starting drawling in a hurry. Her hands became blurs, but was soon finished in of an eye. Both families gathered around the drawling.

"It looks like a storage room," Aidan said eying the drawing. "Wait that is a storage garage, my friend from school has has one of these."

"He`s right," murmured Carlisle taking a step closer to look closer at the drawing.

"There`s a storage garage in Seattle," Roy said looking up to his family and the Cullen`s.

"Are you sure?" Edward asked looking up at his love`s father.

"I`m sure." he said with a nod.

The Cullen`s looked at the Hall family before running out of the house at full vampire speed.


Blood gushed from the cut Luke had given me moments ago. A moan of pain rolled from my throat. I was losing to much blood, I could tell. My body felt heavy and I wanted to close my eyes, but I didn`t I needed to fight. I watched as the vampires stalked toward, with blood lust in their eyes. They all fell to their knee`s and leaned over my dieing body. I was crying in pain and sadness. I would never see Edward again, and I would never see my family again. I closed my eyes as I felt them licking blood from my body.

"Get away from her!" a growl sounded through the small room. I moved my heavy head toward the sound, but my vision was failing me. A sob slipped from my throat, and then there were growls, snarls, and screams. I just hoped Edward was winning.

I could smell smoke, but couldn`t figure out were it was coming from. The screams got louder, then there was silence. I tried to see what was happening, but nothing. Suddenly a snarl came close to me, I looked up at the sound and saw the faint outline of Luke.

"If I can`t have her, nobody can!" he growled, and pulled the knife out from his pocket, and stabbed me in the stomach. White hot flames of pain burst and a scream slipped from my lips.

I felt wind rush pass me, then cold hands on my body. I gasped for breath, tears leaked from my eyes.

"NO!" a cry of raw pain sounded and I knew it hadn`t come from me.

"Edward," I called weakly, listening for his beautiful voice.

"I`m right here City," came his beautiful voice that sounded raw.

" I l-love y-you," I gasped out. Tears rolled down my face.

"Edward she lost to much blood, she`s dieing," Carlisle said his voice so far away.

Suddenly my body was cradled against a cold body.

"Do it!" Edward`s voice rang though the air that seemed so far away.

A dry sob was heard, I felt my body being rocked, then slowly passed to another cold body. I felt something sharp pierce my skin, and they stayed there a couple seconds before fire erupted inside my numb body. A scream of pain erupted from my throat and I knew I would be with Edward forever now.
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I can`t believe my story is almost over!