Status: Complete



I shot up from the bed. I looked around the room in search of that beautiful man.The man looked like he was carved from the heavens. I could remember it all like it was yesterday. The man was wild, but catlike. He had red eyes that shined with ... hunger. I shivered trying to erase the beautiful crafted man from my mind. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, pulled the covers off me, and stumbled out of bed. I looked at my alarm clock to see that I was up a half an hour before I was supposed to be. I shrugged and walked to my dresser. I grabbed some fresh clothes and made my way to the bathroom. I stripped the, put my dirty clothes in the hamper I set up last night and climbed into the shower.

I grabbed a towel, and slowly stepped out of the shower smelling of strawberries. I slowly dried myself off, and put the towel on my head and started rubbing my black hair softly. I finished drying my hair leaving it slightly wet, and messy. I started getting ready. I pulled on my underwear, and my bra. I grabbed my blue jeans and pulled them on buckling the button. I grabbed my blue t-shirt, pulled it on and hurried back to my room.

Once I entered my room, my alarm clock was beeping loudly. I hurried over and turned it off. I grabbed my Ipod off my nightstand, grabbed my black hoodie on my desk chair, and walked out of my room. As I closed my door, Celia was opening hers. I smiled amused at her bed head. Her dyed blonder hair was sticking up everywhere, and her blue eyes were droopy. I smiled at her as I passed and made my way down stairs and into the kitchen, were my dad was reading the newspaper, and drinking coffee, and my mom was making breakfast.

"Good morning darling," dad said putting the paper down, and taking a sip of his coffee. I smiled at him and sat down.

"Celia, and your car arrived early this morning" mom said putting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. I nodded that I heard her as I began eating. Fifteen minutes later Celia stumbled into the kitchen wearing jeans and a tight yellow shirt. I shook my head, grabbed my glass of orange juice, and slowly drank it. Celia sat down next to me and mom handed her breakfast.

"Eat fast Celia, you've got to be in school in a half an hour." mom said looking at the kitchen clock. I looked at the clock, seven forty-five, clearly school started at eight fifteen. I picked up my dirty dishes, got up and put them in the sink. I pulled on my hoodie, and placed my Ipod in my pocket.

"The car keys are on the counter, over there," dad said pointing to the behind him.

"Good luck at school girls" he said getting up dumping the rest of his coffee down the drain, kissed mom, and quickly left. Celia put her dishes in the sink, and grabbed the keys. She hurriedly pulled on her white hoodie, and pulled me outside to our car. Sitting in the driveway was our black 87 Honda. We've had this car since we first got our licenses. I hurried to the passenger side of the cat and slid in. Celia got in and turned on the car, then turned on the heater. I looked out the window to see it had began raining softly.

Finding the school wasn't difficult. The school was like most other things, just off the highway. It looked like a collection of matching house, built with maroon- colored bricks. There were so many tress and shrubs I couldn't even see its size at first. Celia parked in front of the first building, which had a small sign over the door reading Front Office. Celia and I quickly got out of the car and entered the building.

The office was small; a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices and awards cluttering the walls, a big clock ticking loudly. The room was cut in half by a long counter, cluttered with wire baskets full of papers and brightly colored flyers taped to its front. There were three desks behind the counter, one of which was mannered by a large, red-haired woman wearing glasses.

"Hi, were Celia and Felcity Hall and were new." Celia said to the woman. The woman stopped what she was doing and stared. Celia coughed, and the woman's cheeks tinted pink.

She started to dig in the large stacked pile of documents on her desk till she found what she was looking for.

"Here's your schedules and a map to the school, and make sure each teacher signs the slip and return it back to me" she said handing Celia everything.

"Thanks," Celia said handing me my schedule and smiling at the woman. I smiled at the woman and followed Celia back to the car.
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