Status: Complete



"Let me see your schedule, City." Celia said as she parked the car. I pulled out my schedule from my hoodie and handed it to her. She studied it for a while.

"We have all our classes together, but when I have Spanish, you have french," she said as she handed my schedule back. I nodded and put it back in my hoodie pocket. I opened the car door, slowly getting out. I put my hood up over my head, and pulled my face back to try and keep it hidden from the teenagers who were already looking. Celia the attention whore she is, was loving the attention. I pulled my schedule out again. Government with Jefferson in building "6". Celia grabbed my hand and started to pull me to a small building with a big black "6" on it.

The classroom was small, and students were pulling off there jackets and hanging them up by the door. I didn't pull of my hoodie just walked to the teacher with Celia following me. I handed my slip to Jefferson along with Celia's. He signed both of them, and sent us to the back. Even in the back of the class I could still feel eyes on me.

The rest of the morning flashed by. Mr Varner my trig teacher was the only teacher who tried to make me talk. If I did try to talk Celia wouldn't let me anyhow. After french I made my way to the cafeteria. Celia stood by the doors waiting for me.

She pulled me to a full table where there were several people I saw this morning. Celia sat down and I followed her by sitting down beside her. I listened the conversations between all of them while looking around the cafeteria. Then I saw them. They were sitting in the corner, the farthest table away from were I sat. There was five of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them.

They didn't look anything alike, of the three boys, one was big - muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students.

The girls were opposites. The tall one was statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw Sports illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that took on every girls self-esteem just being in the same room. Her hair was golden gently waving to the middle of her back. The short girl was pixie like, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was deep black, cropped short, and pointing in very direction.

Yet, they were all exactly alike. Everyone of them were chalky pale. They all had dark eyes despite the range in hair-tones. They also had dark shadows under there eyes - purplish, bruise-like shadows. As if they were all suffering from a sleep night, or almost done recovering from a broken nose. Though their noses, all of their features, were straight, perfect angular. Their faces were, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly, beautiful.

I took my eyes off them and nudged Celia, who looked at me. I nudged my head toward the beautiful ones. She gaped as she saw them. Then as if he knew we were thinking about them, the thinner one, the boyish one, the youngest perhaps, looked at Celia, then his dark eyes flickered to mine. I looked away from his eyes.

"Who are they?" Celia asked her blue eyes still looking at all of them.

"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The short one is Alice Cullen; they live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." a girl who sat next to Celia said.

I glanced back to the beautiful bronze haired boy, then back to Celia.

"Which ones are the Cullen's?" she asked the girl flicking her dyed blond hair over her shoulder.

"The Hales are brother, and sister, twins - the blonde's- and there foster children." the girl said looking back at the table. At glances she was throwing at the table. I think she was jealous. I turned and looked at them again, the youngest one of the Cullen's looked up and met my eyes. My eyes widened and looked away from his curious gaze. I sat there a few minutes, till Celia stood up and began walking to biology. I hurriedly got to my feet, and quickly followed her. We entered the classroom, and I noticed there wasn't any tables open for the both of us, we would have to be separated. I followed Celia up to the teacher. As we passed the table that held the bronzed haired boy he went rigid. I looked at him my curious blue eyes met his furious dark ones. My face turned red and I quickly looked away from him. Celia and I handed our slips to Mr. Banner our Biology ll teacher. He signed both slips, handed us our books, and began looking around the room for any open tables.

"Felicity shall sit with Mr.Cullen, and Celia shall sit with Eric," he said pointing to the bronzed haired beauty and a boy with black hair and a slight acne problem. I nodded and stumbled to the table were Edward Cullen was sat. I sat down next to him. I watched him in the corner of my eye as he scooted his chair away from me. I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head and tried to listen to Mr.Banner.

Once the bell rang Edward was out of his seat and out the door before anyone moved. I blinked and slowly got up. I made my way to the door and waited for Celia to stop flirting with her partner. A few seconds later she walked to me smiling. I shook my head and headed to the gym. I'm going to admit it, that I'm bad with sports. I usually inflict pain on myself and others.

I walked into the girls locker room, put my stuff down and went to find the coach.Coach Clap signed both of our slips and found us some uniforms. He didn't make us do anything and I was happy with just watching. Celia and watched four volleyball games. Once the bell rang, I picked up my stuff and slowly walked to the office. When I walked in the warm office behind Celia I wanted to leave quickly. He didn't notice the sound of our entrance. I walked to the back wall, and waited for the receptionist to be free. He was auguring with her in a low, attractive voice.

The door opened, sending the cold wind gusting through the room pulling my hood off my head, and making my hair swirl around my face. Edward Cullen's back stiffened and then he turned to glare at me. I shrank back trying to get away from his hate- filled eyes, He murmured something to the woman before disappearing out the door without looking back.

"What was that about?" Celia asked grabbing the slip out of my hand, and handing both of the slips to the woman before she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. I shrugged looking away from her as I climbed into the passenger seat. That night flashed in my eyes. The mans hungry eyes, blood red. Then Edward Cullen's. Coal black.
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