Status: Complete



On the way home it was quiet as usual. I wanted to tell someone what I saw, but they'd never believe anyhow. What would I tell them anyway. Oh yea remember when got in that car crash, well I saw someone snap another neck just by the flick of their wrist. Like they'd believe me. I was shook out of thought when we pulled in the driveway. I unbuckled and slowly go out of the car, shutting the car door behind me. I followed Celia into the house.

"How was school?" I heard as we entered the kitchen.

"Great!" Celia said happily and sat down.I nodded and sat down beside her.

"Your father should be home any minute, so go get washed up." she said turning toward the stove. I stood up, and quickly made my way to the bathroom. I washed up, and made my way back to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen the front door opened, shuffling was heard, and the door closed. Footsteps echoed down the hall and stopped as dad walked into the kitchen smiling broadly.

"How was your day?" mom said turning from the brown hair swaying as she kissed dads check. I smiled at the affection that was shared between the two as they spoke softly. Celia slid through the door and into her seat as mom and dad stopped talking and started putting the food on the table. I sat down and began putting food on the plate in front of me and began eating.

"City, why did that Cullen boy glare at you?" Celia said with her mouth full. I shrugged and took and drink of pop.

"Cullen?" dad said putting his fork down. I nodded turning my blue eyes to my plate.

"I work with a Cullen," dad said making me look up. "Carlisle." I nodded and began eating again.

"You say he was glaring at City," he said turning his attention to Celia. "Which one?"

I winced as I remembered his angry eyes. They reminded me so much of that night. The mans eyes flashed in my mind. Blood red, and inhuman. He wasn't human I know it.

"The youngest, I think his was Edward." she said turning to me, I nodded and put the last bit of food in my mouth.

Later that night as I lay awake in bed I thought about the Cullen Family. At dinner dad had said Dr. Cullen was very beautiful. The Cullen's at school were all inhumanly beautiful.

Are they human? I thought turning to lay on my back. If there not human then what are they? I thought. "What are they?" was my last thought before I fell into a restless sleep.
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