Those Red-Rimmed Glasses

“I’m not dead, just a little crushed.”

I happen to hate glasses shopping. Really. I’m too short to reach the top shelf and I always get redirected to the kiddie section. Do I act like a kid?

So all in all I avoid them like the plague. But once in a while I actually have to go. But you bet I pout and grump my way there.

So today the dreaded day. It was actually pretty normal. Woke up, got dress, ate and made my way slowly to the eye doctors. I got a new prescription and again went glasses shopping. I sighed as I stood on my tippy toes to reach the perfect pair of glasses. My tongue licked my lips in desperation as I stretched higher and higher finger tip on the red plastic rimming.

When it happened.

I got slammed into the floor, someone’s bony elbow going into my stomach. I screamed in shock and pain.

“Brendon,” a voice said shocked as well. “I think you killed her!”

My immediate response was,

“I’m not dead, just a little crushed.”

The person who was still on top of me gasped and scampered to their feet.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry! I- I- I-” “It’s okay I’m fine.” I shrugged still flat on my back. “Help her up you idiot!” the other boy whispered elbowing. “Oh sorry.” he said, blushing.

He bent down, and steadied me on my feet. I found that I was like two feet shorter than him and huffed lightly. Just my luck.

“I’m Brendon. And very sorry for almost taking a life.” the slim guy said sticking his hand. “I’m Beatrix and happy you didn’t take said life.” Brendon smiled and shook my hand earnestly.

Someone cleared their throat, grabbing my attention. I peered over Brendon’s shoulder to see a guy just my height.

“Hi I’m Jon.” He said smiley. “I’m Beatrix.” I said happily.

“So are you gonna sue use?” Jon slapped Brendon in the back of the head lightly. “Umm no should I sue you?” I smiled laughing a little. “Oh no! No reason to sue us as all! We are perfectly fine with our money.” Brendon rushed, hands flying every where, my eyes trying to follow them. “Okay.” I said hastily grabbing his hands and placing them by his sides.

“I won’t sue you if you do one thing for me.” His eyebrows arched and I could see the track his mind was on. The only track there. “And what would that be?” he asked rocking on his feet. “Uh can you get those red rimmed glasses up there?” His laugh boomed thru the semi crowded waiting room. And I was glad I didn’t get those contacts.

Because he was a cutie.

“Yeah I think I can do that.” he smiled.

Then he easily grabbed the glasses, examining them carefully.

“You know I had a pair of glasses just like these. But they got demolish on tour.” “Tour?” I asked.

What kind of tour had this guy been on?

“Yeah.” he said sheepishly as Jon chuckled. “Did I miss something?” I asked blowing a piece of hair out of my face.

“Umm have you ever heard of Panic At The Disco?” he asked scratching eagerly his cal lick. “Umm the overly dramatic, emo, eyeliner wearing, like drag queens Panic At The Disco?” Brendon’s jaw dropped to the floor along with Jon’s. “Did I say something wrong?” Because I do that a lot.

“Jon am I a drag queen?” Brendon whimpered looking at Jon.

My eyes bulged out of my head. “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE IN THAT BAND?! I’M SOOO SORRY! I TOTALLY DIDN’T MEAN TO INSULT YOU! OH GOD I FEEL COMPLETELY JERK-LIKE. I’M SOO SORRY,” I said apologetically. Brendon smiled childishly before saying “No biggie.” I frowned. “I’m a complete jackass. I think I should leave before I incriminate myself any further.” “Awww I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I get that a lot. That or I’m gay.” Brendon said the last part mainly to himself.

I held my tongue, because I felt the question coming.

You’re not?

“Well I should go anyways. I have to ya know take care of stuff so yeah.” I smiled. “Oh here.” Brendon said handing me the glasses. “Thanks.” I grinned before walking to the register.

Just as I walked out I heard my name screamed.

“Hey!” Brendon panted catching up to me. “Can I have your number?” he asked giving me this incredible smirk.

“Yeah.” I grinned before giving him the digits.

And I have to say the eye doctors never seemed so bad after that.
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So I like the concept but I don't know it just seems more like a one shot. But it could explode into a story soooo....


= loveliness =D