
Let's Get This Party Started on a Saturday Night..

Dancing with Tom wasn't half bad. My drink was carefully held in my hand as we danced together, imitating what the others were doing around us. I looked back at Tom as he held his pants up with one hand and my hip in the other. He smiled at me, his hand leaving my hip and running along the length of my right arm to my hand. His smoothly slipped the alcoholic beverage from my hand and brought it to his lips, his eyes staying in my vicinity the whole time. I let my now empty hand drop to my side and kept on dancing against his front.

His left hand rested on my hip, putting pressure on the spot to bring me closer to him. Another four minutes and forty-two seconds later, and the song changed. It was some heavy rock song I've never heard of before. It was upbeat and fast paced. I turned, facing Tom as the song got into loud lyrics. His hand, now on my right hip, held onto me as we danced, closer together and not so much grinding as the last song.

The chorus kicked in and the singer declared that he never wanted to dance. I smiled at the lyrics and continued on dancing. Tom somehow lost the cup and both of his hands gripped my hips as we moved. He lowered his head to mine, his warm breath hitting my neck as he spoke.

"You're a good dancer." His accent was ever present and his voice deep.

"Thanks," I replied in his ear. "You're not so bad yourself."

He pulled away and smiled at my compliment. He studied my face intently. I smiled at him, not sure what he was thinking. He leaned his head down again, saying, "You're beautiful."

I blushed and giggled nervously at the compliment. I was sure it was the alcohol talking, but when he straightened out, I could see it in his eyes. He really thought I was beautiful. Something in the pit of my stomach knotted with my sudden nerves at the statement. His hand came up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear that had fallen into my face at looking down. I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Why'd you say that?" I asked over the music.

"'Cause you don't seem to be told often," he quickly answered. He looked right into my eyes, something that hasn't happened since my last boyfriend. It felt weird, dancing closely with Tom to the slow song that just began while looking each other right in the eyes. It was like those romance movies my mom watched when I was younger. Those picture perfect couple moments. I hated them.

But at that moment, I didn't. All that I cared about was dancing with Tom. His arms wrapped around my back, holding me against his body as we revolved in a slow circle. My hands had found their way around his neck without my knowledge, but I kept them there, holding onto my own wrist as we spun. The song, which was slow, set a great mood as everyone needed a slight break from the fast paced dances. As the song grew into the chorus, I recognized it as Linkin Park's Leave Out All The Rest. It was one of my all time favorite songs, at the moment, at least.

Tom leaned closer, his warm breath hitting my face. His breath smelled of alcohol, but considering the situation, and my own intoxication, I smiled at it. His tongue played with his lip ring only mere inches from my face. And that was it. That was all it took for Tom to lean in farther, his lips only centimeters from mine, hesitating for a split second.

His hesitation passed the next millisecond as I closed the gap, causing our lips to just touch. He leaned in farther, covering my lips with his. We'd stopped moving at this point, just standing there, Chester Bennington belting out the chorus to the room of dancers. It was like something straight out of a romance novel; the feeling of his lips on mine was more intoxicating than the alcohol pumping through both of our bodies, the cooler touch of his lip ring against my flesh, and the way his hands seemed to pull me closer as the kiss deepened. One of his hands escaped from it's way around me, coming up to my face and resting there softly. His hand, like my own skin, was burning with the intense heat of the dance.

Tom suddenly pulled away, taking his right hand off my back and digging in his pocket... again. As before, his cell phone emerged. I sighed inaudibly to myself, pissed that whoever kept calling and texting Tom wouldn't stop long enough for us to enjoy the moment. After reading the screen and quickly texting back, he stuffed his phone back into his pocket as his left hand fell onto my hip again.

"My brother," he explained. "Again. He seemed to have gotten lost."

I smiled as he brought his lips back to mine. It was short, just a peck, but none the less, it sent the butterflies dancing around in the pit of my stomach. He pulled back shortly after, his hands coming around my back. We began to dance again, smiling at each other and laughing at this crazy couple near us. They were dancing so oddly, neither of us could help but laugh at the sight of them flailing around.

After another fast paced dance, Tom and I agreed that it was time for more drinks. Grabbing my hand, he led me back to the kitchen, where the people still lingered, only less this time around. I waited by the door again, looking around at the group mingling in the room. Tom was back in an instant with a cup for me.

Thanking him quickly, I took a large drink of the alcohol, liking the cold feel of it in my throat. Tom and I were walking back out to the living room to dance some more or something when I lost Tom because someone had bumped into me. I was suddenly stopped from finding Tom again by two hands grabbing my wrist and jerking it, and me, in the opposite direction.

I turned to the attacker and was about to curse them out for grabbing me like that, but I was met with Matt, who had a large smile on his face. I figured he's met someone that he really liked, and because I was passing just then, he had to tell me himself and be all excited about it. I was... kinda right, in a sense.

"There you are!" he exclaimed, letting go of my wrist to grab my hand and pull me back into the kitchen. "I found someone you have to meet! He's really cool." Matt's eyes were wide with excitement as he pulled me through the kitchen's crowd and to the door near the table we occupied earlier. "He's just through here."

On the other side of the door was a sizable back yard. I didn't get a chance to notice much because Matt was soon tugging me towards a small group of people standing underneath a large tree. I noticed one was the tallest, sorta towering over the rest as they stood around him. He laughed, his mouth opening wide and his made-up eyes closed as his head tilted back. I recognized him immediately and almost stopped.

Matt squeezed into the circle of people as I stood back and drank nervously. Every one's eyes were on me, studying me as if I was about to sprout another head or something. Sorry to break their hopes, but I wasn't. Luckily, Matt was back out of the group quickly, tugging on a boys arm and leading him over to me. I was too busy looking at Matt with a crazed look to notice who it was.

"Ry, this is Bill," Matt introduced. "Bill this is my best friend Ry."

I blushed at the nickname, not really wanting Bill to know about it and everything. But, I guess it was better than him calling me by my real name. That'd be highly embarrassing, even if he probably wouldn't remember it. I looked at Bill for the first time that night. He looked much like he did in the store, but with more make up and brighter clothes.

Bill stuck his hand out for me to shake after Matt introduced us. As my hand slid into his, I noticed that his hands were very thin and long. Quite feminine.

"Nice to meet you," he said thickly.

Did he not remember me? He probably did, he was just being nice. I smiled, unsure of how to respond.


Bill seemed to examine me as I took another much needed sip of beer. I turned to Matt, about to say that I needed to get back to Tom when Bill began to talk.

"So, how long have you known Matt?" He seemed genuinely curious.

"Forever," I responded, noticing that he was playing with his chain necklace. So he wasn't drinking? "Almost literally." I swallowed another gulp of beer. "You?"

"A few months," he shrugged his small shoulders, smiling slightly.

I nodded, bringing the cup to my lips out of nervousness. I shifted my weight and looked around at the other people in the backyard. They laughed and drank as they socialized with one another. I smiled and turned back to the two standing in front of me.

"...since elementary school," Matt was telling Bill. "We've been through everything, it seems." He glanced at me and his smile grew. "She's awesome Bill! Aren't ya?"

Bill turned to me ever so slightly as I raised my eyebrow at the question. What was I suppose to say? No, I'm a horrible person!? That didn't seem like a good option so I nodded, agreeing with Matt awkwardly.

"Well, I wouldn't say awesome, Matt..."

"Nonsense!" Matt touched Bill's arm. "Don't believe a word she says!" Matt leaned foreword toward Bill and, in a loud whisper, said, "She thinks she's a ninja sometimes, I swear. So watch out for her!"

Bill chuckled. I couldn't hold my own laugh in when he looked at me as if I was suddenly going to do some moves or something. How much did Matt have to drink if he was already acting this way?

"Damn, I'm out," Matt surveyed. "I'll be right back."

Apparently not enough.

With that, he left Bill and I alone to stand in the grass near the tree. The group that had once congregated around the tall boy dispersed to do their own thing.

"You look good tonight," Bill suddenly complimented. "The dress really flatters you."

I looked down at my figure, not seeing what he was. I always thought this looked rather plain on me as the only decoration was lace here and there to accent everything.

"Thanks," I felt the need to compliment him back. "I like the way your make-up's done. Very stylish and picture perfect."

He smiled. His hands played with the chains around his neck, causing them to jingle against each other. I was tempted to ask why he wore so many heavy looking steal chains, but it seemed rude. I took another drink.

"Aren't you going to drink?" I asked as I lowered the cup. "Have more fun?"

"No," he answered quickly.

I shrugged, feeling like I shouldn't have asked. Silence fell between us. Where was Matt?

Of course, when you speak of the Devil...

Matt was walking... no, strutting towards us. I smiled as he resumed his original place. He leaned closer to me and touched my arm. His smile was big.


"You kissed him?" Matt burst.

"What?" My eyebrows burrowed in confusion.

"The foreign guy!" he exclaimed. "You kissed him!?"

"How'd you know?" My eyebrow raised. I glanced at Bill, hoping that he could help. He was as clueless as me.

"Laci! She told me that she saw you kissing some guy with dreads!" Matt gushed. "You weren't dancing with any one else, I thought, so I assumed it was the foreign guy!"

Bill was looking at us with his own raised eyebrows. I felt bad because I don't think he really wanted to hear all about me kissing some guy, who happened to be really cool. But what could I do? I shrugged, taking another drink.

"So what if I kissed him?" I implored. "It wasn't like I don't know him at all. Besides," I tried to reason with him. "he kissed me."

Matt gasped dramatically just as Bill's face turned into surprise. He pulled out his phone, much like Tom had been doing all night, and quickly began texting someone. I assumed he had a new text message and was responding.

"Why is it such a bid deal, Matt?" I was getting more annoyed with the fact that it was being turned into a dramatic thing than it was. Matt was so excited. I just couldn't get it.

"You haven't dated in years, Ry!" Matt quickly retaliated, copying my tone when using my name. "Of course it's going to be a big deal!"

I laughed at his expression. It was a mix between excitement and a look that just said You should know this, Ry! He took a drink of his own alcohol and turned to Bill. I felt awkward suddenly, just standing there, not really belonging or anything.

"Who you texting, huh?" Matt questioned, jokingly.

"You know, just that hot chick from first class," Bill smoothly replied, shrugging his shoulders as if they did this daily. They probably did.

"Of course," Matt rolled his eyes. "Always her over me. Always!"

Bill laughed, his whole face lighting up and contorting to the sudden outburst. His mouth opened wide and his head tilted backwards. I couldn't help but stifle my own laughter behind my hand. Matt seemed to be under the same contagious effect, but he didn't hide it very well.

"What's her name? I choked out between bouts of laughter. "Beatrice?"

"Actually..." Bill seemed to have calmed down enough to respond, but somehow, it was hilarious. Just plain funny to the point that I didn't even want to laugh anymore, it hurt so much. They way Matt had said it... It's unexplainable. His voice and the movements and the words, all of that combined equaled a laughing fit of the three of us.

Suddenly, I didn't know why I was laughing. Why was I even smiling at Bill?

When I calmed down enough to take a drink, I felt two hands wrap around my midriff. I gasped at the foreign touch and tried to turn to the person that held me so close. Their grip was too restricting, but I could smell them. Joey.

"Hey Baby!" he all but shouted in my ear.

I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Joey, let me go." I tried again. I only had one hand as the other was holding my drink and I couldn't get him to let his grip on me loosen enough for me to get away. His breath was on my neck, entirely different from how Tom's felt. His was hot and damp with the sweat on him. I felt sick at the thought of his sweaty body pressed against mine and tried with new vigor to break free of him. I looked at Matt for assistance, but his face had fallen in shock. I forgot that Matt and Joey didn't get along.

"Want to dance, Baby?" Joey's lips were grazing my neck as he began to move back and forth, his grip on my midriff not loosening one bit. I attempted to squirm away from him. I did not want to dance with him, not at all.

"Joey! Let me go!" I tried again, turning my head away from his so that I could get away from his assaulting lips. "You're drunk!"

"No I'm not! I swear," he paused looking at me with longing eyes. Oh God. "Come on, Ry! You danced with that gangster!"

Did everyone see me with Tom? "Don't call me Ry!" I snapped, fully angry now. "And he wasn't trying to get into my pants, Joey. Unlike you..."

His face contorted with anger at my statement. Oh, he knew it was true. I think everyone who knew him did. It wasn't any secret that he'd been trying to hook up with me since the day we met.

"Let her go."

To my surprise, it wasn't Matt who had spoken up. It was Bill. I looked at him with a smile of thanks. Joey didn't release me. Bill's face was serious, something that looked very... odd on him, but that was probably because I didn't know him and his reactions to things. He looked very intimidating, standing tall and serious. Joey didn't back down, though.

"Who the fuck are you?" Joey spat, looking him up and down.

"Her friend," Bill replied in a hard tone. "She asked you nicely. Let her go."

He spoke slowly, as if Joey couldn't understand anything he said in his intoxicated state. I felt nervous, afraid of how Joey would react to Bill's words. Joey could be a violent drunk, sometimes. As long as no one bugged him and everyone had a good time, he was cool. But if even one person started to say anything that he thought was remotely threatening or he didn't agree with, out came the Angry Drunk.

Although I was stuck between the two, trapped in Joey's grip, I couldn't help but frown at the thought of being Bill's friend. I mean, he was popular and the new 'thing' around campus. Why the hell would I want to associate with him in the first place?

"You don't control her, Fag," Joey retaliated.

"Neither do you."

The named didn't even effect him. Bill just took it, smoothly ignoring the jest and getting to the point - getting me out of Joey's crushing arms. It seemed the more Bill fought with Joey to let me go, the tighter he held on. It wasn't like Bill was going to snatch me away. I couldn't see him doing that anyway. He didn't look like he'd have the strength to.
♠ ♠ ♠
No German in this chapter, I know! But, don't worry, the next will be LOADED!

Comments equal much more updates, faster. So, please, if you are a silent reader, SPEAK! I don't care what you say. Thanks.

Title credit all to Pink. Songs mentioned in chapter credit to Mindless Self Indulgence and Linkin Park. :]