Insert Romantic Title Here

Chapter One

“Smile!” Melissa snapped yet another picture of my irritated self, with my back slightly hunched over the wheel and brow pulled tightly together. Only this time it wasn’t an irritated profile picture, she put the Drug Mart disposable camera right in front of my face blocking my view of the road.

“Mel, what the fuck?” I yelled at her after I finally got my sight back, thanks to that stupid flash.

“Well, I thought we should cherish these moments.”

“What moments?”

“The moments leading up to the My Chemical Romance Concert!” She turned up the volume on the radio and Thank You For The Venom blasted through the speakers. “We’re going to the MCR concert!” She yelled out the window like a dog. A few people cheered back, but most just honked at us.

She came back into the car with a sigh. “This is gonna be soooo great!” She gave me a shove of enthusiasm with her comment. “I have so many questions for them! Like what inspires them. And how they feel about Spongebob! And-” I couldn’t help but rain on her little parade.

“You know we’re probably not gonna meet them, right?”

“Oh yeah,” she looked down at her white converse covered in Spongebob and Patrick doodles.

“Do me a favor and get my scarf from the back,” I told my friend.

She looked at me with a you-just-totally-ruined-my-happiness-and-your-expecting-me-to-do-me-a-favor look. But being the good friend she is she unbuckled and climbed into the mountain of crap in the back of my van.

While searching she started singing along to our favorite song, and I joined in with her. “So gimme all your poison, and gimme all your pills. And gimme all your hopeless hearts and make me ill. You’re running after something that you’ll never kill. If this is what you want then, fire at will!” We sang like a bunch of ducks gasping for air. Not really, but it was still really bad.

“How the hell do you find anything back here?”

I could hear her rummaging through all of my clothes, books, and CDs. I keep all of the stuff I couldn’t fit in my apartment in the back of my old, beaten up van. And trust me, that’s almost everything I own.

“I found two, what one you want?”

“What one’s you find?”

“Umm… one white one with black stripes, and a red one with black stripes…” she held both up so I could see them in the mirror.

“What one do you like better?” I asked.

“The red one.”

“The red one.” I confirmed.

“Catch!” Melissa threw the scarf at me, but she hit the radio instead.

“GOD DAMNIT! I hate this piece of shit!” I yelled at my radio when it started skipping.

“Settle down, Katie. All you have to do is hit something.”

Melissa, now back in her seat, pounded her fist against the dashboard and MCR came back to us properly once more through the speakers. I looked at her in disbelief, but she just had a smug look on her face. The one she always has when she’s right.

“Don’t be such a smartass,” I warned her.

“It’s who I am, get used to-”

Our van went over a bump and the CD player began to skip again. Melissa pounded her fist on the dashboard once more, with no avail.

“So much for hitting something.”

Melissa slapped my arm. “Shut up, you.”

We sat in silence for a moment. The only sound was the road passing beneath us at 65 miles per hour. But soon that wasn’t the only sound; a humming sound was coming from my left. It was Melissa. And soon her humming became singing.

“Looooong ago. Just like the hearse you died to get in again. We are, so far from you.” She stopped and looked at me. Then in unison we started belting the lyrics to Helena.


We drove on into the city and towards the location of the show, singing My Chemical Romance songs the whole way there, laughing, and taking more memorable pictures.
After fifteen minutes of looking for a spot, and ten minutes of nonstop arguing, we finally found a spot a couple of blocks away from where we were headed. It took us a few minutes to gather everything we needed from my collection of junk in the back.





“ID, for both of us?”

“Check. Check.”

“Great, we forgetting anything?” I asked.

“BAGS!” Melissa pointed out with great excitement.

“Fine pick one,” I motioned to the vast array of bags among my things.

“THIS ONE!” She pointed to a gray messenger like bag with a red, stitched pattern of a phoenix on it. Before I could give my answer she whipped the bag out of my car and started shoving her money, ticket, ID, and almost empty camera inside of it.

“Ok, then.” I reached inside to grab my favorite bag of the whole bunch that I had. It was a simple, black, shoulder bag with only two pockets. It was quite tattered and old, with two patches of red, plaid fabric covering two very unforgettable holes.

“God, Katie, you always choose the same one.”

“I love this bag, me and it have been through a lot together,” I reminded her while carefully putting my belongings into the fragile pouch.

“Can we get going now? I want to get right up close to the stage! And the doors are probably gonna open soon!” She looked down at her watch. “Yeah in like five minutes!”

“Holy shit, come on!” I locked the van and wrapped my scarf around my neck. And we both took off, practically sprinting down the street, Eyes glistening with tears from our excited laughter. We were headed to our first MCR concert, and nothing could ruin this night.
“Thank god we got here on time!” I gasped as we set down our stuff on our seats in the second row of the floor seats. “I hate general admission sometimes, but this rocks!”

“Yeah, but now we have to wait like, and hour for the show to start.” Melissa reminded.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

I could tell that she was looking at me. She sat there, with a mischievous look on her face.

Plotting, something. Something pure evil no doubt, knowing Melissa.

“HA!” She flashed another camera in my face, and laughed in her most obnoxious way, and she knew it. You could tell she knew she was being annoying by the little glint of evil in her eyes.

“AHH! THANKS A LOT YOU FUCKER!” I yelled at her, rubbing away the light from my eyes.

She stopped laughing and glared at me. “Don’t be such an R-tard!” Mel yelled back with a poke on my shoulder. A very hard poke.

I bit my lip to try and contain my laughter. But that word was just too much. I broke out in laughter. In between breaths I would say, “R-TARD!”

“Don’t make fun of my lingo. Not cool.”

“NO! I-” more laughter, “I- love-it! It’s-” more laughter, “the-coolest- thing-” even more laughter, “EVER!”

“Oh, well thank you.” She gave a little bow.

We finally settled down, and more and more people filed into their seats. But even though we were sitting down and talking normally, our excitement wouldn’t be able to stay on a normal level once the show started.
About an hour later the lights dimmed, and the whole crowd stood up on their feet cheering and yelling, Melissa and me were no exception. The band stepped out on stage, and everyone seemed to get even crazier than seemed possible.

They gave their introduction and the show began. Melissa snapped as many pictures as possible, of all of the band members. We screamed and sand along as much as our lungs would let us. We jumped, and danced, and we even bumped into some people standing around us.

This one man that Melissa bumped into, didn’t take the sorry she gave him. He pushed her back and she fell onto the floor. With flames in her eyes, and steam coming out of her ears, she shot up from the ground and started yelling at the man that pushed her.

“What was that for, bitch?!” She yelled.

“You started first!”

“That sounds like something a five-year old would say!”

“Wanna say that to my face, jack ass?”

“I think I already did shit face!”

This was too much for the man. He punched my friend right under the eye.

This is when I knew I had to step in. “Hey, just leave it be, okay?” I told the man, and then went to go help my friend on the floor. “We need to get you some ice. There’s a security guy over there, I’ll help you get there.”

I flung her arm over my shoulder and helped her to the man. He led us back stage to get an ice patch and some band-aids for when she fell down.

“No, let me see the end of the show,” Melissa whined. “They’re playing our favorite song.”

When I stopped to listen to what the band was playing I heard she was right. Our theme song was playing, the song we wanted to hear the most: “Thank You For The Venom”.

“We can always come to another show,” I tried to comfort her.

“Are you kidding? We could barely afford this show.”

I handed her the ice pack, and she threw it on the floor. I bent down on the floor and picked it up. Only this time I gently pressed it to her eye. “We’ll find a way.” She gave and unbelieving ‘humph’ and took the ice pack from my hand.

The music ended and we heard the band come backstage. Melissa took down her ice pack. I turned around to see them.

Gerard, the last one off, slowed down at the sight of the injured Melissa, and me nursing her. For a moment he just kind of stared at the pair of us.

“Hi,” I said, trying to break his trance.

“Oh, hi!” He waved at us with a smile.

I smiled back. “You played a great show,” I complimented.

“Thanks.” He noted Mel’s injury. “Whoa, that looks really bad.”

“Yeah, some fucker was well… being…. An r-tard,” she stammered.

His smile got even wider. “Well, I hope that gets better soon.” Gerard looked at me again, and then left, laughing to himself. “R-tard.” He ran to catch up with Mikey. “Hey, Mikey! Listen to this word that I just learned…!”

I looked at Melissa. “You didn’t ask those questions of yours,” I reminded her.

“Wha- oh DAMNIT!” She hit her face with her hand right were the bruise was.

“OOOOOOWWWW!” She wailed.

“Very smooth.”

“Shut up! Ice! I need ice!” Melissa flared her arms around for the ice pack like a little two-year-old. “GIMME! GIMME! IIIIICE!”

“Ok here!” I handed her the ice and immediately she settled down. “How did your mother handle you when you were a child?”

“She didn’t. That’s why I’m so crazy!” She flashed me her infamous toothy grin. We laughed together for a little bit, until the security guard said we could go.
It was only 10:30 when we left the show. Definitely not time to go home. So we decide to aimlessly wander the almost vacant streets of Cleveland. Searching for anything that could occupy our minds for even a minute.

I wasn’t really thinking about what to do, honestly. My mind was far to engaged with other things. Family things. Friend things. Money things. Love things. Basically everything.

My mind was so preoccupied that I barely noticed when Melissa started running ahead of me. “What the hell?” I yelled after her.

“Full bladder! Must fine bathroom. NOOW!” She did her little full bladder dance, and gave a little puppy dog whimper.

“I told you to go before we left the show!”

“Don’t sound like such a mom. And I didn’t have to go then.”

“Fine go ahead I’ll wait right here.”

“Thanks!” And she darted off into the nightclub in which she decided to stop in.

I stood there against the brick wall of the club, music blasting fully in my ears, and slightly vibrating the bricks. I got out my lighter and my pack of cigarettes. I lit up and started doing what I’ve been trying so hard to quite. Obviously not hard enough.

My thoughts started to carry me again. They always had a bad habit of running away with me at the least convenient times. Except this time it wasn’t about my usual little problems. It was about Gerard Way. How he looked at me. Something behind it was unusual, somewhere deep below the surface there was trouble starting. I couldn’t help but wonder why.

“Why hello there.”

Thoughts disrupted once again. But not by who I thought. It wasn’t Melissa, it was a complete stranger. Someone whose face was new to mine.

“Hi,” I said and then went back to smoking.

“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone tonight?”

“Smoking,” I answered pointing to my cigarette.

“Anything else?”


“Good, cause I got plans for you and me.”

I raised my eyebrow at the stranger. “I don’t think so.” I threw my cigarette against the ground and stepped on it. My hand then waved away the smoke around my head.

“Aw, come on.” The man leaned in closer to me and placed his hand on my waist.

“Get off me, fucker!” I immediately slapped his and away from me.

“Feisty, I like that. But I don’t think it’ll do in this situation.”

Fear. It filled my eyes. I knew it. And he could see it. I always say that if I were in this situation I’d kick him in the balls. But it never occurred to me that I might be to scared to move.

His dirty hands grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel his breath on my neck.

It was then that I heard the door to the club open, and the music coming from it double in volume.

“Damn her! Damn them! DAMN THEM ALL!” I heard this voice. This familiar voice. Not well known, just familiar. I attempted to turn my head to see whose rage might just save me. It was Gerard Way.

“What the fuck?” The stranger holding me loosened his grip around my waist to see who it was.

I took my opportunity for struggle. I failed. My struggle only reminded him that I was there, and he held me close once more.

But the man’s words directed Gerard’s attention to where we stood.

“What the hell?” He walked over to where we were standing.

The stranger started to panic with the closer Gerard got. He threw me down in alarm and ran off down the street.

“NOT SO BRAVE NOW ARE YOU FUCKER?!” Gerard yelled after him. “Are you ok?” He leaned down to my side. It was sweet how concerned he seemed to be. He moved the hair away from my face to examine my cuts.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Gerard looked more intently at me. “Do I know you?”

“Well, not really. I was just at your show. Me and my friend were backstage at the end-”

He chuckled, “Oh yeah, R-tard!”

I laughed along with him. “Yeah, that’s Melissa. Where is she anyway?” I looked around for my friend.


“Oh, Melissa. The one with the bruise on her eye.”

“Oh yeah, is it feeling any better?”

“I dunno, I’m not her,” I said with a shrug.

“Well, where is she?”

“She just ran into the bathroom. In the club you just came out of.”

“Let’s go look for her shall we?” He stood up and offered me his hand.

“Thanks,” I took it gratefully, and he gracefully helped me to my feet. With a smile as if to say “you’re welcome” he led me into the club.
Gerard stood close by my side the entire time we were searching for my friend. I guess he wanted to make sure that I really was ok after what happened outside. After all I did hit my head kind of hard.

“Do you think she could still be in the bathroom?” He had to yell straight in my ear so I could hear what he was saying.

“Yeah! I’ll go check.” I let go off his hand to move to the bathroom. He immediately followed. “I think this bathroom is for females only!” I reminded him.

“Oh, yeah.” Even in the dim light I saw his cheeks turn bright red. With a smile, I entered the highly in need of repair bathroom.


“What?” Groaned Melissa from the stall closest to the wall.

“Are you okay?”

“Ugh, yes, I just finished.”

The toilet flushed and then emerged a disgruntled Melissa.

“What took you so long?”

Her one eye twitched, hey, that’s Melissa. “All I have to say is that, whenever you’re unprepared you always end up needing a stickin’ tampon!”

I laughed. But the seriousness in her eyes told me to stop. “Sorry.”

I leaned up against the wall impatiently as she washed her hands, well attempted to with the broken sink and empty soap dispenser. She took out her irritation on the paper towels.

Melissa pulled violently on the brown paper almost tearing the dangling machine off the wall.

“Hurry up,” I tapped my foot anxiously.

Melissa looked down at my foot then back up at me. Then down at my foot again. She plastered a suspicious smirked on her face at my eagerness to return to the club. Brow raised curiously in need for enlightenment, she stood there until I gave her an answer.

“No,” I answered to a non-existent question. “You want to be surprised.”

She gave me a quizzical look. Melissa hates surprises.

“Trust me,” I nudged.

“NO!” Her foot stubbornly stomped against the floor in rebellion, and irritably crossed her arms across her chest. Her eyes narrowed in furry and her eyebrows pulled together as well.

I gave up with a heavy sigh. And calmly walked out of the bathroom. Now let the game begin, I thought. Let’s see how long she’ll stay in there until her curiosity gets the better of her. It always did. That’s why we always have to get band-aids on hand.

Once out of the detesting bathroom Gerard came rushing to my side.

“Was she in there? Is she okay?”

I didn’t want to embarrass Melissa. She is my best friend after all. “Yeah she is. And yeah she’s fine. The bruising went down a little. But not much.”

“That’s good.”

We just stood after that. Letting the music pound any thought we had out of our brain. I haven’t had such an awkward semi-silence since I was sixteen. He swayed back and forth a little as I played with my fingers.

“Wanna meet some of my friends?” He finally piped up.

I had to hold back the biggest smile of my life as I nodded my head excitedly.

“Okay, follow me.”

He led me through a giant maze of faces. Until we reached the bar, where four people sat.

“Uh guys,” Gerard attempted to get the men’s attention. “GUYS!” He cupped his hands around his mouth as he yelled. Everyone turned around except for one. “Frank you ass!” I heard a smack as Gerard whacked his head across the man’s head.

I stood face to face with people I thought I would never meet. And now I was in a bar with them.

“Guys this is…” He stopped. This is when I realized that I never even told him my name.

“Katie,” I responded.

“Yeah, Katie.”

“Hi!” All of them said in unison.

“Katie this is Frank, Mikey, Bob, and Ray.” As he pointed to them they all did they’re special little greeting.

“Hi,” I gave my signature shy wave.

“Frank, Mikey, Bob, Ray, this is Katie. Katie was at our concert tonight,” Gerard stated with a proud smile.

I read once that they loved meeting their fans, but I never realized that they were so enthusiastic about it also. Almost all at once they perked up and started asking me questions about what I liked, and what I thought they could improve on. But every time I opened my mouth to talk they just asked me more questions. Until finally Frank stood up and yelled in my ear, “WOULD YOU LIKE THE MONKEY THAT’S DOWN MY PANTS?”

All questions ceased. Everyone stared at Frank. While he stood there with his toothy grin plastered on his face. It even seemed that the whole club got quieter. I had to bite my lip from bursting out laughing. Little things easily amuse me…

“It depends. What kind of monkey?”

Frank’s jaw seemed to drop to the floor like it did in old cartoons. “You- you- you passed!” He spread out his arms to give me a hug. “You’re just as crazy as us! Welcome!” We hugged in a semi-awkward way.

“Thanks for that,” I said when he let go of me.

He shrugged it off. “It’s the least I could do!”

I laughed with him and say down at the bar with the rest of the guys, and ordered a diet coke.

“Not much of a drinker?” Bob asked.

“Well I used to, but then I went to a party I got drunk and, well, it didn’t end well. So it was my New Year’s Resolution not to drink anymore.”

“Good for you!” Ray piped up from the other end of our party. He raised his glass to toast my almost successful alcohol-free year. All of the rest of us did the same. I hadn’t even known these guys for a total of ten minutes and they were already treating me like I was an old friend.

All of us chatted and asked questions, drank, and Frank even danced with Bob. It was all going like a dream. I looked at my watch. It had been almost fifteen minutes since I left Melissa wondering in the bathroom. That must have been a new record! She usually cracks by ten minutes…

“God damn you Katie!” Melissa came storming over to me. “I looked everywhere for you! You really blend in with people!” She looked at the people around me. First she looked at Bob and Frank still dancing slow to the fast music, then at Ray and Gerard sitting to my right flinging straw wrappers at each other, and finally at me and Mikey sipping beverages and staring at her.

“Melissa, this is Gerard, Frank, Bob, Ray, and Mikey.” I pointed to the band members as I said their names.

Frank and Bob stopped dancing at the sound of their names. Ray and Gerard turned around, and Mikey just kind of stared. Gerard stood up when he realized Melissa was Melissa.

“How’s your eye?” He asked.

“Oh,” She put her hand to her bruise. It seemed like she forgot it was there. “It doesn’t hurt much anymore.”

“What happened to it?” Frank asked getting really close to her face. He hovered his hand over it as if it were something deadly that would kill him if he touched it.

“Some r-tard in the audience punched me. I slammed into him.” She looked at them. “On accident!” She looked down at her shoes. The guys’ eyes followed.

“NICE SHOES!” Frank was now on the floor examining Melissa’s Spongebob covered converse. “Did you make them yourself? Where’d you get the idea?”

“Well I saw a picture of them on the Internet, but they were to expensive, so I made my own!” She told him proudly.

Frank and Melissa continued talking about random issues and Bob came over to sit down with Mikey and me. Gerard and Ray continued they’re little game with the wrappers. But I noticed that Mikey didn’t turn around right when Melissa left with Frank. He kept starring after her. Even when I flipped of his hat he kept staring after her, and when I took off his glasses.

It was Bob that finally cut off his gaze. By taking an ice cube from my Diet Coke and throwing it at the side of Mikey’s face.

“What the fuck?!” Mikey swung around to face the two of us, and his yes narrowed. When I realized that he thought it was me who threw the ice I pointed at Bob. Bob looked at me with a look of betrayal. Then a hatless and a glassesless Mikey grabbed my Diet Coke and started chasing Bob around the bar with it.

They fumbled and darted around people. Mikey being extra careful not to spill my beverage on anyone who wasn’t Bob. And Bob being careful not to run anyone over. For about five minutes this game went on, by this time almost everyone in the bar was watching them.

Everyone but Frank and Melissa, who were still deep in conversation about the most random of things.

On about they’re thirtieth time around, Mikey slipped on a bit of Coke that fell out of the glass.

He slipped and dived right into Melissa. And the drink went all over her. She stopped and turned to Mikey who was lying on the floor, her mouth wide open in shock.

When Mikey realized who it was the liquid covered he shot up from the floor, only to fall back down again.

“I’m so sorry!” Mikey said. “Really! I didn’t mean to at all!”

Melissa gaped down at her clothes and at Mikey. She fumbled over to my shocked self.

“Help?” She pleaded.

I shook my head. “Ok.”

Mikey came over to Melissa’s side. “I really am sorry.” Melissa bit her lip and nodded her head. “Do you need any help?” Still biting her lip she held up her hand to stop him from coming any closer.

I took her hand and then looked back at Mikey and shrugged. He hung his head and sulked back to the bar. Me and Melissa went into the bathroom again to get her cleaned up.
We came out ten minutes later to find that the club had adjusted back to its normal crowd of bodies. The guys still around bar, and Mikey still hanging his head over what looked like a full glass of beer.

I nudged Melissa forward and she clumsily made her way through the mass to the stool to

Mikey’s left. She sat down.

With his head in his hands and his hair in-between his fingers Mikey offensively asked,

“What do you want?”

“I’m sorry.”

He shot up at the sound. His hair a mess and his glasses still off. “What?”

“I’m sorry I was so rude before. You didn’t mean to spill that on me. And I’m sorry.” Melissa gave a little smile and looked down at the floor again.

“Oh,” Mikey stammered. “Are you okay?”

Her smile widened at she started talking normally to him.

I smiled.

“You wanna come back to the bar with me?” I turned and saw Gerard smiling back at me. “I haven’t gotten my chance to talk to you yet.”

“Yeah, sure.”

He guided me back to the bar. Only not to where the other three were sitting, but to an isolated corner with two lone bar stools. We each took a seat and began talking.

“So I know you’re name. And I know you like our music. But what else about you?” He asked.

“Well, what exactly do you want to know?”

“Anything. Like your age. What you do. That kinda stuff.”

“Twenty Questions, eh? Ok go ahead. Ask away.”



“What do you do for a living?”

“I work at Barnes And Nobles.”

“Where do you live?”

“In an apartment.”

He laughed. “Exactly?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“You’re a stranger.”

“I’m not a stranger,” Gerard pouted. He crossed his arms and puffed out his lips.

“Fine, you’re not a stranger. But I’m still not telling you.” He pouted even more. “Next question.”

“What’s you’re phone number?”

“Why do you wanna know that?”

“Because after tonight I might want to call you.”

“Do you do this for all the women you meet? Or is it just me?”

“It’s just you. You’re special,” He said the word “special” with great emphasis and also with a hint of ridicule.

“Oh, thanks!” I laughed.

From then on we talked about things. Just random things. Not as random as Melissa and Frank, but random nonetheless. We laughed, at funny things. And sighed at others. But most of all we listened. He listened intently and I did the same. I’ve never had someone who really listened before. So this was a new, refreshing feeling that I never wanted to let go of.

“Hey there cutie!” A blond, perky woman came up to Gerard and put her hand on his shoulder. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He didn’t protest. He let it happen. He let her play with is hair.

“Hi, uhh, Sydney.” He was hesitant to say her name. She smiled at him and then smiled at me.

“Hello, stranger,” The person named Sydney flashed me a fake smile. “I think you’re in my seat,” then she pointed to where I was sitting.

Gerard opened his mouth to protest, but it was too late. I was already out of the chair and flung my bag over my shoulder.

“Nice to meet you Sydney.” I looked from her to Gerard and the phony warmth had gone from my voice. “Gerard.” I turned and departed from the lone stools, and made my way over to Frank, Bob, Ray, Mikey and Melissa.

Melissa seemed concerned with the look on my face. “Katie are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I said less than enthusiastically.

“Well that’s reassuring,” She said.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need air.”

“I’ll come with you,” Melissa stood up from her chair and walked away from Mikey and towards me. But before we left the club she turned to me and said, “Hold on a second.”

Melissa ran back over to Mikey and whispered something into his ear. He handed her a pen and she wrote something on his hand. Then whispered in his ear again. Mikey smiled and looked back at me and waved. I waved back. And left the bar, the cold air felt like needles against my skin. And the wind made me shiver in my tiny excuse for a coat and my pin strip converse.

“Hey, you just left me in there.” Melissa came running after me. “Is everything okay?” She asked again.

“Call me crazy,” I began.

“CRAZY!” Melissa pointed at me and laughed.

“Thanks,” I said sarcastically.

“So tell me what’s going on.”

We started walking down the street in the direction we parked my van. I began the whole story starting from when she ran in the bathroom. And as we walked it dauned on me that I was walking away from the people I’ve been longing to meet, and I’d probably never see them again. Right after this thought came regret filled me to the brim and I was blue for the rest of the ide home up until I passed out on the couch with Melissa lying on the floor.