Insert Romantic Title Here

AN: Very Important, Indeed

So you guys might be wondering:

"Is it over? What happens next? Don't tell me you're ending it there!"

Well, if you are thinking that, you shouldn't be. Because I'm not ending it. There are still many many more devious thoughts in my head of drama, romance and... the occasional random spurt of.... well randomness. So this probably won't end for another ten to fifteen chapters. Then there comes the sequel! Oops... that was supposed to be a surprise... Actually no. It wasn't but I just wasn't really planning on telling you.

But yeah, there are plans for a sequel. Maybe not that surprising, but still... Surprising enough.

Anyway, so here's the dilio:

I'm going to be taking a break for a while. Not that long, maybe just a week or two... or three.

You see, there's been a lot of stuff in my life that I feel like I have to sort out, or else you won't be getting the "high quality" chapters that I really think you deserve. So what's the point in writing if I can't give you something good? So until all this stuff is semi-sorted out, you won't be getting any new chapters, you may be mad, but I'm thinking of you in the long run.

Another reason is that I simply can't figure out what to write! Sure I have all the details, but the words! They're just not coming.

You need and example? It's like my main character Delilah in, Summer:Undefined

No, I'm not pimping my story, you only need to read the first couple paragraphs of chapter one to get it... Hehe. ^_^

So that's basically what's going on.

Sorry, if I disappointed any of you. But I really think it's for the best. I love you all, and thanks for staying so loyal!

With my love,
