Insert Romantic Title Here

Chapter Five - Jackie

Okay, so here's the dillio. Melissa doesn't want to post her side anymore. So you know what? If you're a fan of my story, I'd love you forever if you would read hers if you haven't already. This just doesn't seem complete without her side, so all in all, read hers and encourage her to post her side! Her user name is: melissaistheshit
She's just not listening to me... *sigh*

Past the games, past the rides, past the food I ran. Not once did I stop or look back. Remembering would only make my cry harder and I didn’t want that. Yet I still found myself back in the record shop, standing in front of Gerard, listening to his degrading yelling as he pointed out each of my flaws. Flaws that I wish I could say were false. I ran through them once more, each one was true. I was pale and strange and lazy, and many others he said. I am unlovable to the point of suicidal hatred. No I didn’t want to die, I just wanted to get away from here. This now vacant boardwalk.

I’m not really sure how I found my way to the beach I was on now. All I knew was that this was the first time I stopped in what seemed like hours, and I was exhausted. I let myself fall into the wet sand and closed my eyes. Two of my favorite things should calm me down. The smell of the ocean, fresh, full of opportunity. And the rain, each new drop that fell on my face wiping away an old tear. An old memory. Before I knew it I wasn’t thinking anything. My mind was a blank slate, ready for a new adventure.

Gradually the rain stopped and with it my tranquil thought. And as the sun broke through the wall of clouds my anger tore through my attempts to keep it away. Gerard’s voice came ripping through my mind and was shouting at me just as he was no more than fifteen minutes ago. ‘How could anyone love you? You’re pale! You’re a messy eater! You have a strange personality! And you lock people out! You never tell anyone what’s going on inside you’re head! You put it all in that stupid notebook of yours! FYI! THE NOTEBOOK’S NOT GONNA LOVE YOU BACK! So what do you know about love?” Over and over again ‘How could anyone love you?’ like a broken record. Soon I began compiling my own list of faults.
“I have strange taste in music. I can’t draw. I can’t sing. I have no real talents. I have big feet. My athletic abilities are zero. I can’t solve puzzles easily. I can’t think outside the box. I’m not photogenic…”

I’m sure I could go on forever. All through my life I’ve known these thing existed. Never once had I ever listed them all. It was surprising to me just how many I had. How Gerard’s words were so true. How could anyone ever love me? I’m disgusting and strange.
I knew I should be mad at Gerard for pointing all of these out to me. But I couldn’t. I found myself enraged by the thought of me. Everything about me. I couldn’t stand it anymore.
Jumping from my spot I went to the water. I kneeled down in it to see my reflection. To see if this was just in my head. I stared in. To my great disappointment I saw my messy hair, my pale skin, and my minty green eyes. I hated what I saw. I splashed the water to get rid of what I saw in it. I couldn’t take this reality anymore. I just let loose. I jumped in the water, I flailed my arms everywhere, I screamed, I punched at nothing, I kicked at nothing, and I pulled at my hair.

Defeated I fell to the ground, and I was crying again. Giant, tiring sobs. They just poured out of me like they’d been bundled up for years. I pulled my knees to my chest and lost my balance and fell to my side. I didn’t even try getting up.

I couldn’t even imagine how strange I looked. Here I was, a woman of 23 lying on the shallow water, sobbing uncontrollably. But I didn’t care. I just didn’t want to go back. I will not go back. Nothing on this planet could ever possibly make me go back to face anyone who was in that shop today. Not Melissa, not Mikey, not Frank, not Bob, not Ray, not the people who work there, and especially not Gerard.

“Katie! Thank God! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

Nothing but that.

“I was so worried!” Melissa pulled me up from the water and knelt down by my side. Wiping the tears from my cheek she said: “We were all so worried. Everyone yelled at Gerard after you left. He’s a dick! But I’m so glad you’re okay!” She pulled me into a hug and we rocked back and forth. I saw Mikey and Frank come running up to us.

“Katie! Oh my God! Here you are!” Frankie was gleaming happiness.

Melissa let go and helped me stand up. I didn’t see anyone else around. Mikey could see what I was thinking.

“Bob’s still at the record shop. He wanted to stay with that one girl who worked there. And Ray went back to the hotel with Gerard.” I cringed at his name being said aloud.

“That’s where we’re going now. Back to the hotel. We’ve got a cab. Come on now,” Melissa grabbed for my hand but I pulled it away.

“I don’t want to go,” I avoided their eyes and stared at the glittering pieces of sand. “Don’t make me go.”

“Listen, Katie. I know that you’re hurt right now. But you can’t stay out here. And while we’re on the subject, everything Gerard said was wrong! You’re lovely! The most perfect Katie there could ever be!”

I half smiled and Melissa pulled me into another hug. “I just don’t want to see him,” I said in between sobs.

She looked me in the eye now. “Ok, let’s go.”

We interlocked arms and went to the cab. Frank placed his hand on my back and Mikey went over to Melissa’s side where they were holding hands.
The ride from the beach to the hotel was silent and awkward. I was sitting up front and leaning my head against the window mindlessly looking up at the sky, while Frank was in the back with Melissa and Mikey who were whispering to each other. He obviously felt left out by this.

Back at the hotel we entered our room with Mikey and Frank still keeping us company. Immediately I reached for my bag where my notebook lay. I took it from its resting place and tore out all the pages. It wasn’t a mad thing; I just starting ripping, one by one, every single page until they were spread out all over the floor and my notebook was empty. I gathered all the pages and tossed them in the trash. Melissa was looking at me wide eyed. I merely shrugged and went into the bathroom to change into my PJs.

Emerging from the bathroom I saw that there were two new faces in sitting around the table and on Mel’s bed. I only glanced at them and then went straight for my bed. I turned my back to them and hid my head under the covers. Slowly I pretended to drift off to sleep. They knew it was safe to talk. I listened intently to what they had to say.

“I mean he’s really beating himself up over this. He was just pacing back and forth letting everything out, and I just sat there listening. I’ve never seen him like this before,” I heard Ray say.

“If he’s beating himself up over it so bad why did he say it in the first place?” Melissa inquired.

Yeah, that’s my best friend. She’s always right!

“I don’t even think he knows! Well I think he does, but he just doesn’t know that he knows he does. Does that make sense?”

“No. But I think I get where you’re coming from.”

“What do you think triggered this though? I mean he was fine before!” Mikey spoke up.

“I think maybe Katie said something,” Bob started. Oh yeah right, what could I have possible said to the guy to make him so fucking pissed? “Or he just kinda realized something…”

“Realized what?” Melissa asked.

“I think Gerard loves Katie.”

I couldn’t help but open my eyes. I knew they couldn’t see me, but I still felt like I shouldn’t have done that.

“What?” Melissa asked again.

“I think Gerard is in love with Katie.”

“Wow. Do you think he’s gonna do anything about it?”

“What can he do now? She basically hates the guy now. I mean he did go kinda crazy on her. So I think he fucked up, big time,” Frank spoke the truth. He did fuck up, big time.

“We could nudge them along a little bit.” Ray opened up. “Or a lot.”

“What does that mean?”

Oh no, Melissa you better not let them interfere.

“We could do something, I dunno, set a scene, lock them up together, something to get them to come face to face and have to escape.”

Oh no, Melissa please don’t let them do this to me!

I didn’t want to fall asleep in that moment. I didn’t even know sleep was physically possible in that moment. But I don’t remember anything after those words. All I remember was the black, and how it took over my mind faster than I’d even figured probable.
It was dark. I could barely see anything past my nose. It was cold, too. I felt around in the black for some kind of escape. Some way out of the darkness. I found no such thing. Noise began filling my dark chamber. It was a low murmuring. It was a familiar murmuring.

“Hello?” I called out.

The murmuring only grew louder. And with it came a small source of light. It grew, as did the voice. I knew this voice was familiar. The greater it became the greater I could depict it.

It was Gerard. He was bringing the light with him. He had the greatest smile on his face, and his whispering became humming, his humming became singing.

“Gerard! I’m so glad you’re here! I think we’re trapped in here. There’s no way out!”

His expression changed. The white light became a deep red. Gerard’s singing stopped, and the unearthly silence had returned. I seemed to be shrinking, or Gerard was growing, I don’t know, but something was happening to make me feel so weak, so helpless. In return for his singing he gave me screams. He was yelling at me again.

“STOP IT!” I yelled up at him. He couldn’t hear me. I tried again but with no success. I couldn’t take it anymore. The intenseness of the red light, the pain of his yelling, all of this causing me to fall down on the floor yell. I wasn’t really yelling at anything, but it did become something eventually. I was screaming for help. For someone to come save me.

I got up from the ground and began pounding on the walls, trying desperately to find some kind of escape from this hell I was trapped in.

The banging became more real than ever. And so did the yelling.

“What?! Who’s there?!”

It was Melissa.

The darkness was gone. No more yelling Gerard. No more red lights. I was safe in my hotel room, lying in my bed.

I scrambled out of bed and walked into the doorway. I saw Melissa open the door. At the door was Gerard.

Gerard’s hair was tangled and his outfit in disarray. His eyes were bloodshot.

“What do you want?”

“Can I talk to Katie?” He asked hopefully desperate.

“She’s sleeping, come back later.”

“If she’s sleeping, then why is she standing behind you?”

“She’s sleepwalking.”

He opened his mouth to say something but Mel got there before he did and she slammed the door in his face. Then turned around to face me.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better, I think. What time is it?”

“It’s three in the morning. Frank and Mikey slept over in our room tonight. See?” She pointed at the two lumps of sleeping people lying on the floor. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

“I just need coffee.” I pulled on my jeans and a jacket and went for my shoes.

“Want me to come with you?” She asked.

“No, it’s fine. There’s a Starbucks just down the street.”


She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. And I put my shoes on and left the hotel.
I sighed as I entered the Starbucks without knowing it. It was basically empty except for one man sitting at a table in the corner, hovering over his laptop. The employees were tired and bored.

They took they’re time making my order and I sleepily placed my money on the counter.

“This isn’t enough?”

“Really?” Man coffee’s getting expensive. “Sorry,” I say as I place another two dollars on the counter and walk off with my coffee.

My table by the window was in the front of the building and off to the side a little. I stared at the beach once again, the moon making it even more magical.

As I thought of the moon I thought of that night with Gerard. The night that Melissa and I learned that we were going on this great adventure. I remembered how beautiful the moon looked that night, and how beautiful it looked tonight. And I thought of Gerard. I couldn’t help
it. It just happened. I let my mind get away with me. I hate it when that happens.

Then as if it truly was magic, Gerard walked into the Starbucks. I tried not to make it look like I was there by sneaking out of the light and into a corner. Sipping my coffee I looked out the window trying to hide my face. As he walked by I prayed that he didn’t see me. I held my breath as his steps grew closer, and closer.

He didn’t even hesitate. He came down to sit next to me and began sipping at his coffee casually.

“Melissa said you’d be here,” He said plainly.

Damn you Melissa… I thought.

“We need to talk.”

“Talk about what?”

“You can’t avoid this talk, Katie. It’ll either happen here, and everything will be fine. Or not at all, and we can go back on that bus hating each other.” I looked at him, he hated me? What did I do? “Well, you hating me, and me hating me…”

I slightly smiled.

“I’m guessing you want an explanation.”

I thought about this. I could say yes, and, if Ray was right and Gerard does love me, this could be when he tells me. Or if Ray was wrong, and Gerard doesn’t love me, and I got my hopes up, I’d be mad and then he’d wonder why I was mad, then I’d tell him and it’d be awkward between us. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted. I don’t even know how I feel about him. Is he just a friend that I happen to think it beautiful beyond all reasons? Or is he someone that I’m fatally attracted to? Is he a male equivalent of Melissa? Ha, no. Sorry Mel.


For the first time in what seemed like forever I stared into his eyes. No, I wasn’t ready for hearing this. Not yet.



“I don’t want an explanation. Not yet. Okay? And I’m sorry, if anything I said set you off. I don’t know what it was, but I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize. It’s my fault really. So I’m sorry.”

I’m sure we could go on forever with the “No I’m sorry.” “No I’m sorry.” Business so I let that go with what I had.

“Okay, I forgive you.”

He smiled a cheek-to-cheek smile and laughed a little bit.

“What’s so funny?”

“Girls, they’re so…. Unpredictable.”

“We try!”

“You succeed!”

We laughed together and finished our coffee. Then walked back to the hotel together before departing for bed until the morning when everyone would be wondering why we were speaking to each other again.
Oh, God. I’ve got an elephant sitting on me.

“Get off!” I yelled at it. Gathering as much strength as I could I pushed the elephant off of me. Wow, I’ve got more strength than I thought.

“Hey I think she’s awake!” It was a very familiar voice.

“No way!” I opened my eyes.

No elephant to be found. It was just Frank, Bob, and Ray. They were all piled on me for some unknown reason. Peculiar….

“We were screaming at you to wake up for about ten freaking minutes! You’re a heavy sleeper.”

“And you’re just plain heavy! Get off!”

One by one they got off of me and I sat up fully in bed. Everyone was fully dressed and looked like they were going somewhere.

“Where are we going?”

“We are going to… to… the mall…” Gerard stumbled.

“Ok, let me get dressed.”

I did and we all got ready to leave properly this time. I couldn’t help but think that they were all up to something. Everyone kept quiet while we were in the taxi. They were avoiding my eyes and were pretending to hard that they were not up to something.

For fifteen minutes we all sat in silence. I stared out the window and thought up all of the possible reasons for the suspicious behavior when the car slowed and then came to a full stop. I raised my head and looked around at the people getting out of the taxi.

“What? I thought we were going to the mall?”

I jumped out of the taxi and it drove away. Everyone was walking, completely ignoring me. We were at the boardwalk again. The food, the rides, the games, now with the shadow of the memory of yesterday lingering over it.

“Where are you going?”

They just kept on walking. I didn’t want to be left all alone so I ran after them repeating the
same questions over and over again, but still with no response. All of this happened until I found myself in the most familiar spot. It was outside the record store. The only difference was the loud music pounding through the walls.

“We knew you wouldn’t want to come if we told you. So we didn’t,” Bob explained. He was right; I wouldn’t have wanted to come. “I really want you guys to meet the girl I met yesterday.”

I sighed and folded my arms. I didn’t want to disappoint Bob. And I didn’t want to have everything change just because I didn’t want to face the embarrassment. I looked at him and nodded my head. He smiled cheek to cheek and ran inside, Melissa, Ray, Mikey, and
Frank following.

Hesitantly I stepped towards the door.

“It’ll be okay,” Gerard said stepping forward and taking my hand into his.

I gasped and look down at our intertwined fingers, shock overcoming my brain.

“Sorry,” He said jumping and taking his hand out of mine.

I blushed and smiled. Then we stepped into the store together.

It wasn’t different at all from yesterday, the lights were still up, the posters still hanging, even the same employees. Oh great, the same employees.

Bob was already talking to the same person as yesterday, Frank was pestering the other one and Bob was introducing the rest of the group to the girl. Everything seemed to stop when Gerard and I walked in. The music even seemed to get quieter.

The semi silence was broken, thank God, by Bob, who obviously knows me too well to know exactly when I need to be saved from silence.

“Katie this is Jackie. Jackie this is Katie.”

“Hi,” I smiled and waved at her.

“Hey,” She responded.

“And Jackie this is Gerard, Gerard, Jackie.”

Gerard nodded. Jackie did as well, only she with a great big smile on her face.

“Gerard, Jackie’s a fan,” Bob nudged at Gerard, now at his side, trying to get him to break his trance.

“Oh? Oh yeah. That’s great. I’m gonna go over here.” And he was off, browsing CDs and records we knew he wouldn’t buy. I would give anything to know what he was thinking.

“So no baggy pants today?” Melissa asked Jackie.

“No, unfortunately not. They were tired.” She was funny. I could tell we would get along just fine.

“So what’s with the music?” I yell over the roar of a guitar solo.

“Well, our boss, Steve, is out today so we decided to give the place a little life by holding a

I looked around. There were only seven people in the whole store; Us, Jackie, and her fellow employee who was now coming over to join our conversation.

“But there aren’t many people here,” I pointed out.

“That just makes it all the more fun!” Jackie’s friend piped up.

“Everyone this is Shelby. Shelby this is” she took in a deep breath “Katie, Gerard, Bob, Melissa, Mikey, Frank, and Ray.”

“Good job! You didn’t forget anyone’s names!” Frank laughed roughly patting her on the back.

“Thanks!” She yelled returning the favor.

“Thanks for introduction, Jackie, but I think I know who they are. I mean, it’s My Chemical Romance!” Shelby said asserting herself in front of Jackie trying to make herself more noticeable.

“Whatever, Shell.”

As much as it killed Bob, we convinced him that Melissa and me should spend a lot of time talking with Jackie. It was obvious he liked her, how much was a mystery, but that’s exactly why we needed to do this. That and because she seemed really cool, I think we just made a new friend.

“So, you and Mikey,” Jackie said directing this to Melissa. “Are you two a couple?”

“I hope so. I think so. How’d you figure that out?”

“Well, yesterday, you two were holding hands, and… Never mind.”

I could tell where this was going.

“Yeah well, I think we are,” Melissa said putting an end to that subject.

“And you and Gerard…?” She asked now, directing this at me. Damnit I thought this couple subject had been dropped.

“No, we’re not.” I laughed. “What made you think that? If it was yesterday I must say that you’re not a very good observer.”

“Well I was just wondering. Sometimes couples fight like that.” She put her hand to her chin. “Then again, you were fighting about something that couples probably wouldn’t fight about…. So just forget I ever asked that question.”


We were walking around in circles now, all around the store, every now and then a new party member would join. Once it Shelby joined she wouldn’t stop talking. On and on and on she would go, barely stopping for anything. Finally Bob stepped in and pulled Jackie aside to the register. Shelby looked at us suspiciously.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” She asked us.

“They’re probably demising a secret plot to take over the world and then some. Quick, Katie! Get the marshmallows! I’ll handle the feather pillows! And I know, I know, that we could find some latex around here somewhere!” And with that Melissa was off crawling on the floor looking for latex.

I looked at Shelby and then down back at Melissa and laughed. “That’s how cool my friends are!” I told her. We both smiled and continued talking about how crazy we are. That is until Jackie decided to be so nice to grace us with her presence again.

“What did Bob want?” Shelby eagerly asked.

“Oh nothing! You’ll just have to wait!” Jackie smartly remarked. There must have been something I missed here. An inside joke or something because I just wasn’t getting what they were saying. They kept going on about winning and losing, so I just stopped following and began browsing among the CDs.

“You know they suck right?” Gerard said leaning over my shoulder.

“And how would you know?” I asked.

“I don’t I’m just guessing!”

“Oh, well then!”

“Well then what?”

“I don’t know. Whenever I have nothing to say I just say like ‘Well then’ or ‘You wanna know what?’ and then I drop it.”

“So you don’t like being caught wordless?”

“Yeah I guess, and I always want to have the last word.”

“Oh well then!” He said throwing my own technique back at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could get a sound in he was off. Standing there with my mouth still open I must have looked like a complete idiot. And Melissa helped confirmed this fact by getting off the floor and closing my jaw for me.

“Don’t be so dumb, Katie!” She smirked and went to Mikey’s side where she knew she’d be safe from my "almighty wrath!"

Soon after this happened the store got unusually quiet, even though the talking didn’t stop. Everyone realized this though and the talking did eventually cease, we all looked around the store trying to discover the source of the silence.

“Steve!” Shelby yelled.

We all looked over to the register. Behind it there was a tall, tattooed, pierced, man who wore a vest, which matched Jackie and Shelby’s. He had a stern look on his face and a remote control in one hand. I looked at Jackie and she looked at Shelby, obviously worried. This must have been their manager. And they must be in trouble.

“I leave you a lone for maybe about four hours, and you blast music that scares away costumers? And I told you to put these records away! But the boxes are still sitting here! Come on you guys! Hop to!”

Shelby looked at us with an apologetic look and went to attend to that box of records. Jackie looked at all of us and waved. But before she truly left she scurried over to Bob and whispered in his ear.

“Yeah I won’t,” He responded.

“Okay!” She brightly smiled and skipped off to get scolded a little bit more.
“So does Bob have a smitten like sensation in his tummy?!” Frank asked as we walked up to the rooms.

“Shut up, Frank!” He yelled smacked Frank on the head.

“So Bob, what’s going on tonight?” Melissa asked changing the subject before more violence occurred.

“Well, I was wondering-”

“NO!” I cut him off. Everyone looked at me, blank faced. “Sorry.”

“Anyway, I was wondering if we could meet Jackie up at this club tonight.”

“NO!” I said, seeing if my joke would make any more sense. No avail. “Sorry.”

“Of course! Sounds like fun!” Mikey said jumping to the door. “What time?”

“When she gets off of work. I think it’s at like seven?”

“Seven? Well that’s nice we only have an hour to get ready!”

“NO WAY!” I grabbed Mel and we jumped into the room.

Only an hour to get ready? I know it is a long time, but I like to have a little comfort time just in case I can’t find something, or if I burn myself, or some tragic thing that I’ve failed to mention.
“You suck!” Melissa yelled at me as she sucked on her finger.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I told you, you shouldn’t have had me do it!”

“What happened?” Mikey asked holding the door to the club open.

“She wanted me to straighten her hair, and I burned her finger.”

“You? You burned her finger?”

I sighed. “Yes, that’s how crazy I am.”

He laughed and followed us in.

The music was just a tad louder than it should have been and even though the night was young, people were acting as if it was one in the morning and they were all drunk. The atmosphere was defiantly energetic and it had already started working its way on the guys. They were bouncing around trying to find Jackie. Of course Melissa and me were also searching for her, but only a little more civilized. Thank God we found her because if one of the guys did I’m sure she’d be knocked to the floor.

“Hey! Jackie!” I pulled her into a great big bear hug. I could feel her tense up. “Not a hugging person?” I let her go.

“Not really…”

“Oh, sorry. You better tell Bob that!” I laughed as he nearly knocked her to the floor with a hug.

I saw Jackie cringe. He felt it, and let go.

“Sorry, I’m not much of a hugging person.”

“Oh, that’s okay.”

He was obviously taken aback by this.

That was something she would have to get used to. This group likes hugs.

“So! Who’s hungry?!” Frank perked up, completely changing the mood.

We all looked around and everyone’s hands shot up.

“Well, then. Let’s get food!”

No one moved.

“I don’t think we can get food here,” Melissa pointed out.

“Thanks for the observation, Meliboo!” Frank rubbed her hair. She threw him an agitated look
and he immediately stopped.

“There’s a good restaurant down the street a bit!” Jackie piped up before Frank and Mel got completely out of hand.

We walked back outside and it still wasn’t dark. It was about twilight and the sky was beautiful. I wish we were by the ocean. I’m sure it would be beautiful right now. It was warmer than it seemed it should have been too. I didn’t even need to put on my jacket. I think the surprise in the temperature had taken a toll on everyone’s attitude.

It definitely made Bob braver. I thought I spotted him and Jackie holding hands a couple of times. All I could do was smile.

“What makes you so smiley?” Melissa asked as we approached the restaurant.

I just pointed over at Bob and Jackie and she instantly grew a smile. She moved through the crowd and informed everyone of this. We all got together and vowed to make this a very special evening for our old chum, and our new one.

We didn’t bother them at all during dinner. We just let them sit there and have their conversation. Frank tried very hard not to do anything too stupid and Melissa swore she wouldn’t be too loud.

What a useless vow that turned out to be. We were just as obnoxious and noisy as we’ve ever been, if not louder. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for those two. Every time they said two words to each other we would get real quiet, then they would just stare at us as if to say ‘Why did you stop talking?’. So we basically failed all through dinner, but we knew that the back at the club things would only get better.

It was a lot darker by the time we left. It was a lot colder too. The temperature had dropped at least fifteen degrees and my puny excuse for a jacket could barely keep the wind out. With every gust of wind more goose bumps decided to move in to the houses on my skin. I gave myself a giant hug and continued walking along with everyone.

“Cold?” Gerard asked.

“Only a little,” I reassured with a half-smile.

“Well, I’d offer you my jacket. But, two reasons I can’t. One; we’re almost to the club. And two;
I don’t have a jacket.” He smiled and held the door open as I chuckled and walked in.

It was just as energetic as before, only a truckload of new people seemed to have arrived.
You could barely walk from one side to another without bumping into someone. The only area that there was some maneuverable amount of space was a little corner with about six tables. We quickly made our way there and planted our stuff down, claiming our territory. We only took up two tables, but at least we got some place to set our stuff down.

Everyone decided to start off the night with a wild start and head for the dance floor. As much as I loved dancing, despite my lack of still in the area, I had to sit this one out. Dancing on a full stomach with me can only end badly. Ray decided that it was a good idea for him too and we sat and watched as all of our friends made complete fools of themselves. With every other move they made we would burst out laughing.

“I have no idea how I got so lucky,” I said taking a sip of Sprite.

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it. A month and a half ago I thought it was a dream just to be going to your
concert. Now, here I am, drinking soda with… you! It’s crazy. I mean if Melissa didn’t go to the bathroom that night, and if that crazy old dude didn’t come on to me Gerard would have never told him to back off and shit! It’s just… lucky. Or mildly crazy.”

“So that’s how you two met!”

I laughed, I forgot no one but Melissa and Gerard knew that.

“Yeah, that’s how.”

“That’s definitely crazy.”

We smiled together and took sips in unison.

“If you don’t mind my asking,” Ray started.

“I probably do… But I’m not gonna stop you.”

“Haha! Anyway… You and Gerard,” He stopped a bit to get my reaction. I smiled and put my hand over my mouth. I was going to say something. Instead I let him continue, “Do you love him?”

“Congrats, Ray, you’re the first person to get so… fast to the point.”

He gave a guilty smile and slightly shrugged.

“Well?” He asked again.

My mouth opened to answer, but my words just wouldn’t follow. I knew the answer. It was a simple three-letter word but I couldn’t bring myself remotely close to saying it.

Right when sound was starting to become an option the music slowed, and the lights became dim, and steady. Frank and Gerard came back to the table.

“What’s wrong?” Ray asked.

“We’ll sit this one out and leave the couples for this one,” Frank pointed to the dance floor as he sat down.

Melissa was swaying gently in Mikey’s arms, leaning her head on his shoulder. And Jackie and Bob were trying so hard not to be awkward as they slowly danced and talked. I tilted my head to one side and smiled.

“How cute,” I commented.

“Adorable,” Frank said rolling his eyes and slamming his head on the table.

“Frank!” Ray yelled, standing up. “May I have this dance?” He held out one hand and without lifting his head Frank took it.

“But I won’t like it,” He mumbled his head still on the table.

They left with one not-so-graceful movement and were ready to destroy at least three of the
couple’s romantic moments.

I muffled my laughter and turned back to my beverage. Taking a sip I felt a light tap on my shoulder. With the straw still in my mouth and turned and looked at Gerard. I didn’t stop drinking, and I raised my eyebrows.

“Wanna dance? With me?”

I lowered my Sprite and almost missed my target. I can’t believe I did that. Wow, I’m such an idiot.


He took my hand and led me out under the dim lights. Cautiously he put his hand around my waste and I his shoulder, slowly he entwined out fingers together and before I knew it we were dancing.

Though it wasn’t really like dancing. It was just rocking. Gentle. Calming. The music didn’t overpower it at all. But it wasn’t too weak either. We swayed perfectly to it. It seemed as if for those brief moments all reality was at a complete stand still. Nothing existed but me and Gerard. Everyone else disappeared. Melissa and Mikey, gone. Bob and Jack, gone. Frank and Ray, gone. Everything just, gone.

I wanted nothing more than for this to go on forever. But I had no idea what Gerard was thinking. He did ask me to dance after all. It could’ve been out of politeness. Ha, or pity.
Everyone came running back to me, or I came running back to reality, when the song ended. We untangled our fingers and let go of each other. I smiled up at him and awkwardly pushed some hair behind my ears. He returned the smile and awkwardly looked down at his shoes. We really are an awkward bunch.

The music picked up and the lights returned to big, bright, flashes.

Melissa came bouncing happily towards us with Mikey at her side.

“Hey there, scallywags!” She greeted.

“Joyous greetings, mates!” Jackie tolled out from behind us. She and Bob were coming over with Ray and Frank.

We stood in the middle of the dance floor while the other people danced around us. All of us looked around and then at each other.

Simultaneously everyone began jumping up and down, dancing like there was no tomorrow.
The night continued the same way. Nothing too exciting happened.

Around midnight we were all tired of dancing and crowded areas. We left the club and walked around the streets awhile. The cool air was definitely refreshing and the breeze no longer made me shiver.

We didn’t have much energy to walk for too long. And within the thirty minutes from departing the club we were departing with our new friend. We all said our good-byes to Jackie and she went on her way home, probably to a very eager Shelby.

“Good night!” Ray and Mikey said before finally heading off to bed. They had decided to spend some of the night with us.

“Good night!” Melissa and I waved back.
The next day was pure genius fun. It was nothing but laughs. We went back to the shop to visit with Jackie and Shelby. Their manager, Steve, was there today and he was really down to earth about yesterday, and well, basically everything.

After Jackie’s shift ended we invited her back to our hotel room to play one of our favorite games, Truth or Dare.

“Jackie, Truth or Dare?” Frank asked eagerly.

“Dare!” She pronounced bravely.

Stupid move, I thought. Frank was infamous for his merciless dares. Especially when someone was smitten with someone in the room. And it was obvious that she was.

“I dare you and Bob to go in to our room for fifteen minutes! And you can do anything, except nothing!”

Jackie twitched slightly. Bob tilted his head to one side.

“Okay! I will! Come on, Bob!” She boldly got up from the floor, took Bob’s hand and led him out of the room. We heard the door next to ours open and close again. Everything got really quiet, like we were waiting for something.

“I don’t think we should listen to them,” I said.

“She’s right,” Melissa agreed.

“Fine!” Frank crossed his arms in defeat.

We started normal conversation, after all, the game couldn’t continue without Jackie present. Before we knew it they were back in the room.

If anything big did happen between them, they did a damn good job of covering it up. There wasn’t a difference as all in their clothes, make-up was properly placed, and their faces weren’t red from embarrassment. But I did notice that Jackie’s hair was slightly matted in the back. I smiled to myself and the game continued on.
I awoke in the morning with a hushed sadness. I knew we were leaving Norfolk today. We were leaving the beach today. We were leaving our new friends.

Jackie was lucky enough to get the morning off to say good-bye. We all gathered outside of the hotel. The bus was loaded, Chad was ready, and everyone had a melancholy expression. We didn’t want to say good-bye. There was something different about Jackie that made this such a disappointing departure.

“Well, bye, Jackie.” I had to fight so hard not to show that my voice was cracking. I reached out to give her a hug but quickly declined. She smiled at me and held out her arms.

“Really?” I asked.

She nodded and I gave her the biggest hug I could, without harming her of course.

She went through everyone and gave them a hug and a good-bye. She saved Bob for last and included a peck on the cheek. She handed him a piece of paper.

“That’s my E-mail, phone number, cell, and home address. Call? Write?” She asked.

“All the time.”

They hugged again.

Chad honked the horn and we all filed on to the bus. Jackie stood on the curb and waved as we slowly left the hotel parking lot. We waved back at her until she was clear out of sight. Everyone left the window as soon as we were on the highway, but Bob stayed at that same spot at the window for at least another two hours.

If any mistakes or anything, just let me know and I'll fix 'em. I didn't have time to proof read today. Thanks! ^_^