Status: completed

Rebel Without a Cause Matt Sanders

Meeting Danny

I watched him. This kid. From the sidelines. That's where we always stood and watched. He was perfect. What they needed to be complete. I licked my lips. Watching and waiting for the opportune moment. It was close. He was a baseket ball player. But we could tell he was a bit different.

Jenn: him?

Melly: yup. That's the one.

Jenn: we transfered over here for that? A pretty boy?

Melly: arnt they all pretty boys?

We laughed.

Jenn: this will be fun.

Melly: yeah he looks like a real piece of work.

Jenn: so how'd Haner hear about this guy?

Melly: that will be good pillow talk for you two, won't it?

I smirked, she glared.

Jenn: shut up. Let's go find out our classes.

We walked up the steps and into the building.

Jenn: look at him.

We took a closer look. Being discreate about it. We walked into the office. A cross above the door frame. I looked out at all the other kids. All of them clad in blue and white. Plaid skirts. Button up shirts. Slacks for the boys. It made me cringe a little. These little bitches thought they were better than everyone. With their fancy houses and shit. Poor kids biggest problem being daddy didn't get me my new car. Pathetic. Jenn handed me a paper. I scanned it.

Melly: only a week right?

She nodded.

Jenn: enough to find out about him.

Melly: let's do this shit.

We walked out into the mesh of mindless students. All of us wishing for school to be out.

Jenn: I never pictured myself in a place like this again.

She shuddered. I laughed a little.

Jenn: God these skirts are so stupid.

Melly: they arn't all that bad once you modify them.

She scanned my attire.

Jenn: you cut your skirt?

Melly: you know it. I don't wear any skirt below the knee. Unless its to my standards.

Jenn: you mean a tight pencil skirt with a slit.

I nodded.

Melly: its just how I do things.

Jenn: I know.

Melly: I mean I know these bitchy shirts don't co-

I was cut off by shoulder meeting face.

Melly: Watch where you're going Fuck Face!

I looked at the guy. Figures. Just the guy we're after. He stared at me.

Guy: sorry it was an accident.

Melly: whatever you fuck. As I was saying...

I continued on quickly glancing at the neanderthul.

Jenn: ok. So our first classes are different.

Melly: what?

Jenn: I know. Total shit. This my first class. Woo hoo. Fucking english.

Melly: I'd trade. I've got chemistry.

Jenn: no thanks. Try not to blow anything up.

Melly: that was once.

Jenn: and I will never forget.

She smiled and went into the classroom. I took my time. Chemistry. Not my slice of cake. The bell rang. Darn I was late. Oh well. I strolled into the room. The teacher looked at me blankly.

Melly: I'm new.

She looked at me.

Teacher: take a seat next to Danny.

Melly: alright. Who is Danny?

A random hand went into the air. I looked him over. Not to shabby looking. I smiled. I sat down and looked around. Nope he's not in this class. Now I have to sit here and not give a fuck. A pen tapped the end of my desk. I looked over at it. Blue. My eyes traveled to Danny.

Melly: yes?

Danny: what school you coming from?

Melly: hunnington.

Danny: nice. Why did you transfer here?

Melly: oh you know cause I did.

Danny: trouble maker?

I leaned over and smirked.

Melly: you'd love to know wouldn't you.

He smiled.

Danny: boy I love you Hunnington high girls.

I shook my head.

Melly: you love them sleezy little girls at Hunnington.

He nodded proudly.

Melly: yeah I'm not like those girls.

I stood up.

Teacher: what are you doing?

Melly: I'm gonna go to the fuckin' bathroom. Don't worry I will be back. I'm actually kind of interested in what your saying.

I left without a second glance. I wandered the hall. I had forgotten I don't know this school. Whatever. A girl was walking towards me.

Melly: hey you.

She froze.

Melly: where's the piss room?

Girl: down the hall.

Melly: thanks.

When I walked into the bathroom I smiled.

Melly: english that bad?

Jenn looked at me through the mirrior.

Jenn: you know I don't make sense when it comes to writing.

Melly: yeah but you know I don't believe there's a right or wrong way to express yourself.

She nodded.

Melly: any luck?

Jenn: no.

I walked into a stall.

Melly: this place is creepy.

Jenn: tell me about it. Well I'm out I've been in here for about twenty minutes. Meet you here before the next class.

Melly: alright.

As I walked back into the classroom I was handed a paper.

Melly: what's this?

Teacher: I don't know how things were done at your old school but here there are rules. So you have detention this afternoon.

Melly: sweet. I just love detention. I fit in real well there.

Teacher: go take a seat.

I looked over at Danny. He smiled.

Danny: you are defitnatly a trouble maker.

Melly: pay attention. Chemistry isn't easy.

He frowned. An hour later the class was over. I headed towards the bathroom.

Jenn: so what's next on your list?

Melly: math.

Jenn: me too.

She took my schedual and smiled. We walked into class together.

Melly: check this out.

I handed her my detention slip.

Jenn: oOoO detention. Such a punishment.

We laughed as we sat down in the back. Someone clearing their throat caught our attention. I let Jenn take care of it.

Jenn: what?

Guy: you're in our seats.

Jenn: I can't see when I'm up close.

Guy: yeah right.

Jenn: seriously I can't.

Melly: look asshole.

I looked at the guy.

Melly: well if it isn't the fuck face from the hall way.

He made a face.

Guy: that was an accident.

I leaned back in my chair. I noticed Danny standing behind him. He waved a little.

Melly: hi Danny.

Danny: hey.

Melly: take a seat. Your friend seems to think that these are the only two in the back.

He sat next to me.

Melly: Danny this is my friend.

Danny: are you from Hunnington high too?

Jenn: I am.

He smiled. Danny whispered something to fuck face. He was looking at us funny. I winked at him and he perked a brow.

Danny: ladies this is my buddy Matt.

Me and Jenn looked at each other. He introduced him like we were supposed to melt at the sight of him. We nodded.

Melly: you here that his name is Matt.

She laughed a little.

Jenn: hello Matthew..

Matt: sorry again about bumping into you. It was an accident.

I nodded in aknowledgemeant.

Matt: so what's your ladies story?

Jenn: story?

Matt: yeah how'd you end up here?

Melly: well we walked into the office, filled out some papers, and transfered.

Matt: smart ass, are we?

Melly: smart? Sometimes. Ass? Yeah I have one. So you're right.

Danny laughed a little.

Teacher: Matthew, Daniel. Please leave the ladies alone.

Matt: yes m'am

Teacher: oh and your mouth.

He made a face and glanced at me.

Melly: what? You're the one who chose to use bad language.

Jenn smiled and shook her head. The teacher started on her lesson. Me and Jenn wrote notes to each other. Talking about various things.

Danny: so what do you girls do for fun?

We looked over at him.

Jenn: well I guess that depends on what you think is fun.

Matt: I love that you girls are trying to be badass.

I smiled and leaned across Danny's desk, to get a closer look at Mr. Fuck Face. Dimples. Cute. A smirk played across his face.

Matt: let me guess? You arn't trying to be a badass, you are a badass.

I shook my head.

Melly: I'm only what you think I am.

Jenn: we know what we are.

She said from behind me.

Jenn: girls.

She laughed a little and I joined in.

Jenn: sit back down.

She pulled at my shirt. I looked at Danny.

Melly: you act like you don't see girls in skirts everyday.

Danny: I do. But their skirts don't look like yours.

Melly: that's cause I don't roll with below the knee sweetheart.

I smiled and sat back down.

Danny: that's what I like to hear.

I could get along with this kid.

Teacher: Matt, Danny.

She said warningly.

Jenn: seriously. I'm trying to listen but you guys are distracting me.

She said thoughtfully. I giggled a little. Jenn is so full of shit. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. Matt looked over at me.

Melly: what?

He shook his head.

Matt: nothing.

A school bell never sounded more sweet. That is until remembered detention.Jenn: are you actually going to detention?

I made a face.

Melly: I don't even know where its at.

Jenn: oh well I guess you can't go.

Melly: guess not.

We were just about to walk out the front but bitch teacher.

Teacher: detention is the other way.

He gave me a stern look. I let out a pissed off sigh.

Teacher: you weren't thinking of not going were you?

He crossed his arms authoritativly.

Melly: ofcourse not. I wouldn't dream of not following the rules, sir. I just wasn't sure where the classroom was at.

Teacher: I'm sure. Come on I will take you.

Jenn: well see you later.

She said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

Melly: tell Haner I hate him.

Teacher: now, now. Hate is such a strong word.

Melly: well then its perfect.

I followed the middle aged man down the hall. The class room was small. It held the select few, that were privledged enough to get detention. I smiled as I sat down.

Melly: you seem to be quite the trouble maker yourself Danny.

Danny: well you know got to fill that yearly quota.

I nodded.

Danny: got a boyfriend?

Melly: naw.

I said with smile.

Danny: come on a girl like you, no boyfriend?

I smiled slyly.

Danny: ofcourse. A girl like you, wouldn't have a man.

Melly: I've got a friend or two. Benifits ya know.

Danny: friends with benifits. Is that how you do it?

Melly: its the only way. So tell me the ins and outs about this school baby.

A vile smile crossing my lips. Listening for what I needed to bag the boy we're after.