Status: completed

Rebel Without a Cause Matt Sanders

Recruiting Danny

Brian: so what do you say man?

We were all sitting in Danny's house. He looked at me.

Jenn: if you need more time just let us know.

Danny: I don't need more time. How soon will everything be happening?

Brian: well its undecided I think is the best word. Most likely by the time schools out.

Danny: so a few or so months.

We all nodded. Jimmy was eyeing a few paticular items.

Danny: you know, it just sounds like something I can't refuse. Especially since I know who you are.

Johnny: you make us sound famous.

Danny: you kinda are.

Brian: not yet. It takes a good crew for anything to happen.

Danny: then I will do everything I can to make what you need happen.

They shook hands. Both smiling happily.

Brian: now that's all said and done welcome to the band.

Jimmy: you're just as important as me or any of the other guys. Or ladies.

Zacky: yeah man. We won't be like some other bands who don't appreciate the hard work the crew does.

Johnny: it doesn't work that way with us.

Brian: if you need anything, have a problem, or whatever just talk to any of us. Did you work things out with whatever might have been holding you back?

Danny: yeah. They were a bit upset but hey I couldn't do all that shit for free forever.

Brian: no, not at all.

See we decided we needed Danny. Something about him. Me and Jenn have enough with managing the guys. Some extra hands will help.

Brian: first thing I need you todo. Find a good road crew.

Danny nodded.

Brian: and when you think you've found some good guys or girls. Send them to Jenn and Melly.

Danny: will do.

Brian: alright.

Danny: thanks for this guys.

He said while walking us out.

Brian: thank you for saying yes.

I stayed close to Danny.

Jenn: you stayin'?

I nodded. They all left.

Melly: I'm so glad you said yes.

I hugged him.

Danny: me too.

Melly: but you have to understand this is serious for us. We don't mess around.

Danny: I understand.

Melly: this isn't just some after school activity for these guys. This is their life.

He nodded.

Melly: there's no question as to what they are going to be doing with their future.

Danny: once a musician, always a musician. I am fully prepared for whatever is thrown at them.

Melly: at us. Don't forget, their is no you and them. Only an us. Equals. If we are going to things right. Its a family. Never forget.

Danny: ok I won't.

Melly: don't ever think you're not as important. They told you themselves. You're as important as the actual band. If not more. Without you nothing would be ready for them.

I smiled.

Danny: wow this band is serious about involvment of everyone.

Melly: ofcourse. There's no other way. It takes more than one person to get on top. No one can get there on their own. No matter how fucking amazing they are.

Danny: so what do you do?

Melly: what don't I do?

He pecked my lips.

Melly: an other thing, this between me and you.

Danny: oh I know, you're Zacky's.

Melly: no, I belong to know one. I am with who ever I want when I want. The same goes for you. That's the only way it can work out.

Danny: I don't really want anyone but you though.

I sighed.

Melly: look. You say that now.

Danny: I'm cool with the situation. You and Zacky. Then me.

Melly: Danny... You're gonna see that you're gonna need other girls. This is not the easiest type of relationship. If you want to even call it that.

Danny: but I'm happy with sharing.

I shook my head.

Melly: you'll see. Give it time and you'll see.

Danny: so why did you go back to Hunnington?

Melly: I just couldn't stand the private school scene.

Danny: I know what you mean. Its shitty. I don't even have Matt anymore. He goes to your school now.

Melly: oh I know. I saw him there. I gave him a tour.

Danny: he told me about that.

Melly: you guys are cool now?

Danny: yeah. He's my best friend.

I nodded completely understanding. You can't stay mad at your best friend.

Danny: I just wish you and him would have told me. A hit like that is not anything you just shrug off.

Melly: I already told you, I didn't want you to get mad at him or me. It was just an accident. Look my bruise is better.

I lifted my shirt.

Danny: wow you do heal fast.

He touched it lightly.

Melly: what can I say I'm amazing.

Danny: you are.

He leaned in and locked lips.

Melly: things with me arn't always rainbows.

Danny: that's ok.

I smiled and kissed him.

Melly: tell me about this other band.

He sat up.

Danny: its Matt's band.

Melly: really now?

Danny: yeah, they're defitnatly not as commited as the guys. They just do random shit. Unorganized. Practices arn't really practices. Its just a reason for them to hang out and eat free food. If were up to Matt, he'd be more like this band. Hard working and actually playing. The guys Matt picks start great but they get lazy. He works hard to write his songs. Then nothing happens. All because of a shitty band. He's a talented guy. Good set of lungs.

Melly: I would never guess it from his attitude.

Danny: its funny, he's never really clashed with anyone the way he does with you. He usually just let's it go, walks away and moves on. He doesn't like to waste his time, as he says.

Melly: I'm glad to be so privledged. I think Matt, just needs to ditch his band.

Danny: that's what I told him. That's also why he wasn't to upset about me not wanting to help his band anymore. Its a waste of my time really. You guys seem to have your shit together and you pay me. I just hope something works out for him.

Melly: oh if he's as good as you say then it will.

He nodded. I drew circles on his back. I stood up, making him stand with me. I took a good look at him. I walked around him a few times.

Danny: what?

Melly: your overall look isn't bad.

I put a hand to my chin.

Danny: am I supposed to look a certain way?

Melly: no, not really, but they do have a standard. I take care of there personal looks and such things. Jenn is business, as am I but I take care of them as far as....hmmmm how do I put it.

Danny: looks like you said.

Melly: yeah. Make up, hair, clothing, and such things. Jenn does to but her main focus is the business.

Danny: and your main focus is their image?

Melly: and personal affairs, I'm like a promoter, publicist, band manager, and image consultant all in one. Same with Jenn. We share the load.

He nodded.

Melly: now as I was saying, you look badass. But that shag hair mop you have, though cute, has to go. Brian's request.

He ran his hand through his hair. An unsure look on his face.

Danny: a hair cut?

I nodded.

Danny: I don't know...

Melly: we don't have todo much or anything, but at least let me get rid of those split ends.

He raised a brow.

Melly: its not like it will hurt.

He looked at his reflection in the t.v.

Danny: change would be good.

Melly: only if you're willing to accept it.

Danny: let's do it.

I smiled. I dug in my purse and pulled out my tools. He smiled.

Danny: I get the feeling even if I had said no I was going to get a hair cut.

Melly: pretty much. It was Brian's request. I just thought I would be nice and ask.

Danny: and then just do it even if I said no.

I nodded.

Melly: oOo you learn quickly babe.

Danny: ofcourse. I'm learning whatever Syn says goes.

Melly: kinda the idea.

Danny: but he does it out of the best interest of the band.

I nodded. He pulled up a chair.

Danny: so is he the ring leader?

Melly: I guess.

Danny: so what's his story?

He sat in the chair.

Melly: you should ask him.

Danny: I'd rather you tell me.

Melly: its his story to tell. So I'm thinking short and spikey.

Danny: short and spikey works.

I started away at his hair.

Danny: since you won't tell me his story tell me yours.

I tilted my head to the side a bit.

Danny: what's your fairytale?

Melly: I moved here from Seattle when I was itty bitty. I met Brian and them a long time ago. In school ofcourse. I didn't really talk to any of them until middle school. Me and Brian started hanging out, I guess you would call it that, then. It kind of went from there.

Danny: so he's your best friend?

Melly: we as a group are some crazy sick twisted family. Welcome to your new family.