Status: completed

Rebel Without a Cause Matt Sanders

The Discovery

My head nodded to the beat of the music filling my ears. The guys were practicing. Me and Jenn were happily lounging on the floor. She was pretending todo homework. While I just didn't do it.

Jenn: this is bullshit. I've never even heard of half of these chemicals. That's it. They arn't real. I've decided.

Melly: just like that?

Jenn: yes. All fake. Bullshit like I said.

Melly: why are you even bothering with that?

Jenn: I'm bored.

Melly: then do what I'm doing just lay here. Let the music drown out to mush and zone out.

Jenn: today just isn't a zone out day for me. I wish they would stop practicing. That way I could have fun with Brian.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled. I shook my head.

Melly: you silly child you.

Brian: FUuUuUuK!!!

I laughed and Jenn turned her attention to the guys.

Jenn: what?

Brian: broken string. Snapped me in the face.

She got up to examine him. I went back to my relaxing.

Melly: what Zacky?

Zacky: get up.

I rolled onto my side.

Melly: naw, but thanks.

Zacky: get up.

And with that he jabbed me really hard. Not intentionally trying to hurt me but did. I yelped in pain. I bit my lip harshly. I rolled onto my back. My hands on my side. I blinked which let tears escape. Zacky kneeled next to me.

Melly: SHit.

I started out loudly and ended quietly.

Zacky: I didn't mean to jab you so hard.

He said shakily. I thought for sure my side would be better by now. Its been atleast two weeks. I curled up into a ball. Holding my side still.

Zacky: Melly, I'm sorry.

Johnny: what did you do? Kick her?

Zacky: I jabbed her.

Jenn: move.

She pushed them out of the way.

Jenn: you need to let me see.

I uncurled myself painfully and laid on my back.

Melly: holy fuck it hurts.

She frowned.

Jenn: holy fuckin' shit. What the fuck happened to you?

I looked down. The giant bruise exposed to all. It was barely even there. Zacky seemed completely lost.

Zacky: why don't I remember seeing that?

Brian: because you're stupid obviously.

Jimmy: leeches could take care of that.

Melly: no.

Brian: who did it?

His tone was serious.

Melly: I fell.

He didn't believe me.

Melly: the day Zacky had the bitch in the house. I fell skating.

Jimmy: yeah right dude. A bruise like that.

Johnny: how'd you get the bruise?

They all stared me down. I bit my bottom lip to keep from talking. Why exactly I don't know. I could careless if he got his ass kicked or not.

Brian: you didn't come home that night.

Melly: so?

All the guys stood up.

Melly: where you going?

Brian: don't worry. Come on you three.

Jenn: what are you going todo?

Brian: don't...worry I said.

He said through clenched teeth. She gave him a death glare. He just walked away. The others followed. Like previously said. They treat us like princesses. So they care for us like we are. Any deed done bad to us will not go unjustified according to them. Jenn looked at me angerily once inside the house.

Jenn: why didn't you tell anyone? Do you know how bad that is! You could be walking around with broken ribs or some shit.

Melly: Danny said I was fine.

She stopped pacing and glared at me.

Jenn: Danny knows? You know what's going to happen to him right?

Melly: not if you don't tell.

Jenn: I won't have to. Matt will say something. Think about it. They are going there, you know what they're going todo.

Melly: who cares if he gets beat. I don't know why I didn't say anything. I hope he does fucker broke my damn board.

Jenn: Danny's gonna get it to.

She reached for the phone.

Melly: who you callin'?

Jenn: the doctor. We have to get you checked.

I stuck my tounge out as she turned around.

Melly: I'm not going.

She turned and gave me one of her she means business looks.

Jenn: yeah. You will.

I shook my head confidently.

Melly: I will not go.

Jenn: yes.

Melly: I won't.

Jenn: hi I need to schedual an appointment...

I made a face, as she gave her attention back to the phone.

Jenn: one is perfect. Alright see you then.

She hung up and crossed her arms.

Melly: just cause you made the appointment doesn't mean it will make me go.

She smiled with a glare.

Jenn: no. But four very pissed boys and one bitch will.

My turn to cross my arms. I glared at her. She kept the smile and sat next to me.

Jenn: Melly can't always go by her own rules.

Melly: whatever.

I was defeated. About two hours of arguing with Jenn. The front door slammed open. We looked in the direction. In walked Johnny.

Jenn: Johnny!

My eyes went wide and I rushed to his side.

Johnny: just a bloody nose ladies.

Melly: but Johnny...

I took the bottom of my shirt and started to wipe his face gently. But my attention was soon drawn to the door. Brian and Zacky were dragging a limp body. Jimmy quickly checking outside and closing the door. Jenn was fuming.

Jenn: what?! You killed the fucker?!

Brian: don't be outragous. He's just knocked out.

They let him go a loud dead weight hitting the floor. Made me shudder a bit. Something about the hollow sound didn't appeal to my ears at that moment.

Jenn: so you kidnapped him!? Oh that so much better!

Brian: we couldn't just leave him for his parents to find like this. Plus Jimmy left a note saying he was staying with some new friends.

She shook her head. Clearly not liking any of it.

Brian: well there's not much you can do, he's already here.

She stormed off and he followed. I looked at Matt's limp body. My eyes looked at Johnny.

Johnny: I'm fine Melly. Its the fucker who should be checked out.

I nodded.

Johnny: Zacky really let him have it.

I looked at my green eyed bestfriend. He gave me a hurt filled glare. One of those I can't believe you. I'm so disappointed. I sighed. He shook his head slightly and walked off.

Johnny: he was pissed, that Danny knew and he didn't.

Jimmy: we all are actually.

Jimmy stared down at me. His usually light blue eyes, dark from the actions that were just taken.

Jimmy: you told that kid and not us. Melly you know what Brian is going to do.

Melly: nothing.

Brian: sadly mistaken Melly.

He said calmly. We all looked at him.

Melly: what are you going todo, beat him too?

Brian: not me. Zack. I won't be shy from helping though.

Melly: why?

Brian: because, you know better. And because he knows how shit is supposed to work. He's a part of this group. We are a family. Since when did you of all people start keeping secrets? Especially something like this.

Melly: how do you think I got Matt kicked out of school. Why do you think Danny was so willing to work for us. I used this against him so they would fight.

Brian: so now you're suicidal? Trying to get hit by cars?

Melly: no. It was an accident. That just so happened to benifit us my oh so dear Brian.

He nodded a little.

Melly: he does however owe me a skateboard.

They all looked at him briefly.

Brian: what's Danny's excuse?

Melly: I don't know.

Brian: hmph that's what I thought. Clean him up.

He stated while walking away.

Melly: how am I supposed to move him?

Brian: did I say to move him? Clean him up and leave him there. He ain't going anywhere when he wakes up.

He started for a room but paused and turned around.

Brian: and don't you even fucking think about going Danny's. Or calling him my oh so dear Melly.

Melly: what? You trying to ground me?

Brian: something like that.

Melly: psh! Yeah right.

Brian: don't be like that with me. You girls are to important to be pulling shit like you did.

Melly: and why is that?

Brian: we need you. Both of you. That simple.

He walked off. He knew I wouldn't go anywhere. That's why he even went there. I started on Matt's motionless body.

Johnny: want help?

Melly: no, you should just clean yourself up.

He nodded and walked off. Jimmy had long gone somewhere. I looked at Matt's battered face.

Melly: see what happens when you mess with us? Even if it was an accident.

I wiped a cut with an alcohol soaked cotton ball.

Melly: nothing good. Stupid dick.

I sighed again. Purple black color was already lightly forming around his eye.

Melly: now you know how I felt.

I kept mumbling random shit under my breath as I cleaned him up. I jumped when his hand reached for me. I looked down at him.His eyes cracked open a bit.

Melly: you're going to be fine.

I said calmly. My hand running down his face.

Matt: where...

His voice was raspy and slightly pained.

Melly: our house babe. In our hall way to be exact.

Matt: you've got a soft touch.

I just stared at him. His eyes shut again. Soon his breathing slowed and he had fallen asleep.