Status: Active, I swear!

Little Red Cinderella and the Three Beanstalks

If I Had A Magic Bean For Everytime...


Ezu reached out a shaking hand and brushed a stray hair out of my face. I flinched at his touch.

His hand was practically on fire, the heat radiating off of his skin was enough to make tiny beads of sweat break out on my forehead.

"Do you know..." He began, his voice dry and cracked. He licked his lips, eyes sliding out of focus for a second before snapping back to me. "Do you know how beautiful you are in the sunlight?" He whispered hoarsely. Now I was sure the boy was sick. Even on a good day I was a long distance phone call from a beauty queen. And this was definitely not a good day.

"Come on. We have to get you to a doctor before you lose something else besides your mind." I huffed, now completely dragging Ezu's limp body through the trees. Just a few more feet to go...

And then in one swift movement, Ezu mustered up enough strength to pull my face towards his, and the next thing I knew my chapped lips were pressed tightly to his feverish ones.

He kissed me.

The crazy boy was kissing me.

I stood is shock for a moment, not comprehending what was going on. Then one of Ezu's shaking, burning hands snaked it's way through my hair, almost lovingly, and I snapped back to reality. I squeaked in protest, his flushed lips still locked onto mine, and I tried to push him away.

Unfortunately I had no such luck. Ezu had me in a death grip, one arm pulling my head towards his, and the other--his wrapped one--clutching at my waist. I struggled with his unyielding form for for a minute or two in vain, trying to get free, until it dawned on my that Ezu was no longer actually kissing me anymore. He was simply clinging to my body, trying to stay upright.

The moment I realized this however, he lost the battle with consciousness he was fighting, and collapsed into my arms. I oofed under the sudden weight, but somehow managed to keep my feet. I winced slightly as his almost painfully feverish body came in contact with my bare skin. I was no doctor, but I knew that if his fever got any higher, he could be in some serious trouble. that is, if he wasn’t already.

I heaved him up slightly, my legs almost giving out under his dead weight. His head lolled limply on my shoulder, his mouth slightly agape. I tried to ignore the closeness of his face, a flush of my own creeping into my cheeks. I still couldn't believe what had just happened. Whether that little episode was fever-induced or not, I knew I wouldn't be able to look Ezu straight in the face for days, if not weeks.

As this traitorous little thought fluttered around my head, I silently reprimanded myself. Why should I even care? He was just some guy I happened to meet in this crazy adventure. Some guy who seemed to be developing feelings for me.

NO! No, he was not! He was just delusional, that's all. As if to verify this, Ezu giggled and muttered "Toast..." in his unnatural sleep.

I felt my grip begin to slip, and I quickly set him down before I dropped him and gave him a concussion to top everything else off. I glanced at the sky nervously. The sun was just above the treeline now, having long since beginning its steady trek across the heavens. I guessed it to be 6-ish, 7 o'clock at the latest.

I let my gaze slide to the opening in the trees, and barely glimpsed what appeared to be the outer edges of a small hamlet. I sighed in relief, the famous town I had been hearing about since the day I arrived in this god forsaken world was not 100 feet from where we stood. Where I stood. Ezu was crumpled in a heap on the ground. I looked at him guiltily.

I nudged him with my foot, making him roll over so his face wasn't in the dirt. As I did so, I noticed his breathing was ragged and strained. His lips--those traitorous lips--were slightly blue, and I had the unnerving thought that he might not be getting enough air. I licked my lips nervously, then gagged slightly, spitting on the ground.

Shit... I thought. Great, now I was going to get sick! And I had Ezu cooties. I grimaced and mentally kicked myself for acting so immature. Now was not the time! And anyways, it wasn't like the kiss was that bad...

NO! Shut up! Jesus! I was about to rip my hair out. Now I was delirious, though only with exhaustion and hunger, thankfully. I sighed and contemplated what to do, whether to leave Ezu here and run to the village, get help, then come back with some one who could carry Ezu back; or try to carry the boy myself, which would slow me down considerably, but then I wouldn't be leaving my unconscious companion to the mercy of whatever animals lurked in the woods.

I opted for the second choice, grasping Ezu firmly by his waist and hauling him up. I have no idea where I got the strength or the energy, I assume it was out of pure desperation that I even managed to drag him into the sunshine, leaving the forest which had caused us so much trouble farther behind with every painful step.

I was able to pull Ezu for about 100 feet, right to the edge of the forest, where I finally collapsed, barely avoiding landing on top of Ezu.

I couldn't drag him any further; I was too tired and he was too heavy. I leaned over Ezu's limp body, and peered into his face. He was sweating profusely now, and he was gasping slightly, as if breathing was difficult. He made a funny noise in the back of his throat, and made a pained face in his sleep. I noticed my hand was shaking now, and I glanced down, confused. I saw that it was resting on Ezu's chest, which was rising and falling rapidly. Then I noticed the tremors. Ezu was shaking violently, his whole body seizing up. I pulled my hand back, scared. I thought for a moment, considering what to do, then lightly brushed the back of my hand over Ezu's flushed forehead.

"I'll be right back." I whispered in his ear, not sure if he could even hear me. "Don't you die on me."

I scrambled to my feet, my head reeling, and I stumbled forward; running towards the hamlet, desperately hoping someone would see me and come to help. I tried not to think of Ezu laying where I had dropped him, his skin clammy and pale, his temperature soaring alarmingly. I tried not to imagine what would happen if he threw up, if he would choke on his own bile. I tried not to think of what would happen if I was too late, if he was too far gone to save...

Too late.

I was choking back tears when I finally dashed into the little town. I ran to the first building I could find; one of the larger ones, with a big, oak door and a weathered sign emblazoned with a naked mermaid and a bottle of booze.

Classy joint.

I pounded to door with my fists and called as loudly as I could manage.

"Help! Please, someone, I need help! My friend is sick, someone!" I cried. The door swung open inward, and I fell forward, just barely managing to catch myself before I hit the solid wood floor. A rather stout woman with very pink cheeks and flyaway hair thrown up in a messy bun stood before me, the emotion in her eyes a curious mixture of worry and nosy interest.

"What was that?" She asked, in a disconcertingly high soprano voice. "Someone is sick? Who where are they?" She prompted, craning her neck to look behind me, as if they were lurking in my shadow.

"Over there. In the field." I said, my energy spent, pointing to the dark mound which was Ezu's crumpled body. The woman's eyes grew wide and she huffed a little Oooh!, then turned back into the house.

"Richard! Come quick! There is someone in trouble, get down here!" She called, wringing her spotless apron. There was a thundering overhead as pounding footsteps made their way across the ceiling, then door a flight of dark stairs on the far end of the room. A man as tall and thin as the woman was short and round came bounding into view, his slightly graying hair askew, his eyes bright and alert.

"What? Where? Who needs help?" His gaze fell upon me, and his eyes widened. "You?" He asked, peering closer. I grimaced. I must have been a sight; bloody, muddy, and sweaty.

"No, not me. A boy, in the field. He's very sick. Please, hurry!" I pleaded, pointing again. I wished they would just go. I wasn't comfortable leaving Ezu laying there, unconscious and alone.

The man seemed to be thinking along the same lines I was, and he dashed off without another word, his long legs carrying him to my friend's forlorn form twice as fast as I had managed.

"Come in, come in. Oh you poor dear, you look like you need a drink and a nice bath. Just come on in deary, that's it." The woman crooned softly, ushering me into the blissfully dark room. I smiled to myself, a hot bath sounded heavenly at that moment. The woman placed a reassuringly steady hand on my back and led me to a long bar-like table, asking me questions as we went.

"You poor thing. You must be in a state right now! And your poor friend. I do hope he is OK. What did you say his name was?" She asked, slipping behind the bar and pulling out a dusty bottle from underneath.

"I didn't say." I said, yawning. Now that Ezu was taken care of, at least for the moment, the wear of the past two days was beginning to set in. My eyelids dropped, and my head felt like it was on fire. "His name is Ezu." I mumbled.

At that moment, four things happened simultaneously. The woman screamed, a short, shrill shout, and clapped her hand to her mouth. At the same time she dropped the bottle, and it crashed to the floor, bits of glass flying everywhere. In an instant, I could feel my consciousness leave me, giving me up to sweet sleep, and I crumpled to the floor. And finally, just before I closed my eyes and let slumber take me, the oak door burst open, and I saw a dark silhouette framed there, haloed by a blinding white light.

Then my eyelids slid shut, and I thought no more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that was a freaking short chapter. I planned on making it longer, but seemed to be a fitting end, don't you agree? And I felt guilty about not updating recently, so I cranked this out for you ungrateful little urchins.
I mean really. Out of the 8 of you currently reading this story, not one had the decency to even mention possibly thinking about making a banner or something of the sort.
Anyway, about tonight's update. Rikki isn't dead. Just sleeping. And poor Ezu. I'm so mean. >=D
Rikki is... well, tough. Almost superhumanly so. Is it possible to drag a 130-140 pound dead weight for hours straight without sleeping for 48 hours? 72, it think now. I don't now. I think that was a mistake on my part. Just ignore that, 'K?
Adios, ya'll.
~The Masked Marauder