Status: IN EDITING (It's not that good, just a bunch of mess lol)

Straying out of Sanity

In need of super editing.
  1. Chapter One
    The man, obviously way to trusting, walked over while pulling out his pocket watch...
  2. Chapter Two
    Then I started noticing how his smile was huge, like seriously way to big to be human...
  3. Chapter Three
    I looked up to The Joker's face for a second before hesitantly taking his hand...
  4. Chapter Four
    He put a hand out in front of him, signaling for me to exit first, like a gentleman would...
  5. Chapter Five
    I crossed my arms with my frustration from him reading me so easily...
  6. Chapter Six
    "Does that look like ***ing bombs to you?" Mitch asked and pointed to the kid's clothing...
  7. Chapter Seven
    He warned in a sickening whisper and I heard, and felt, him lick his lips...
  8. Chapter Eight
    Some grateful French kids these are...
  9. Chapter Nine
    "Shit," Mitch muttered when the two of us noticed the weapons they were holding...
  10. Chapter Ten
    "Joker calls me Jill, I don't really know why..."
  11. Chapter Eleven
    I couldn't do anything but scream...
  12. Chapter Twelve
    "How am I supposed to tell you if I'm in a coma if I'm in a coma?" I asked him quickly...
  13. Chapter Thirteen
    "I got shot in the leg then Joker came and saved-" I paused. Did he really save me?...
  14. Chapter Fourteen
    Somebody grabbed me, either Jay, Mitch, my brother or my father, and I screamed...
  15. Chapter Fifteen
    "That doesn't matter when you're watching people with three foot wide faces drone on about stupid news!" Jay nearly yelled.
  16. Chapter Sixteen
    "Take your pants off," he stated plainly...
  17. Chapter Seventeen
    But nothing I remembered could explain why I was half on top of The Joker...
  18. Chapter Eighteen
    That was odd because I didn't remember smearing my arms all over The Joker's face...
  19. Chapter Nineteen
    I quickly turned to look to my right and saw The Joker twirling a strand of my curled hair in one of his ungloved fingers...
  20. Chapter Twenty
    It took him four or five minutes to decipher The Joker's writing, which should've only taken maybe a minute...
  21. Chapter Twenty One
    I went to give Croc an appalled look but quickly noticed that Joker had beat me to it...
  22. Chapter Twenty Two
    Once I had gotten the frumpiness off of me I started looking through the dresses...
  23. Chapter Twenty Three
    The way he was acting was scaring me, he had just had about four mood swings in the past ten seconds...
  24. Chapter Twenty Four
    The Joker had easily caught me, as if expecting it, and without a word started walking me out of the bar...
  25. Chapter Twenty Five
    "I know things about you your 'friends' probably don't even know..."
  26. Chapter Twenty Six
    I could not let myself forget what this man was...
  27. Chapter Twenty Seven
    There was something deep in his soulless eyes that I couldn't fully grasp...
  28. Chapter Twenty Eight
    "I find it astounding how street trash can clean up so nicely," he smiled...
  29. Chapter Twenty Nine
    "Instead of choking me or hitting me or holding a knife to my throat like I would have expected from him..."
  30. Chapter Thirty
    "Emmalee, there's something more, bigger than what you're letting me see..."
  31. Chapter Thirty One
    "Move," he told me, taking me off the wall, spinning me around and pushed me into an alley...
  32. Chapter Thirty Two
    Tom spotted me first and smiled, unfazed by my appearance but when my sister saw me her eyes widened and her jaw literally dropped...
  33. Chapter Thirty Three
    “Then why did you kiss me? If you’re not using me against Rachel or Harvey?..."