A Student/Teacher Relationship

Surprise, Surprise.

Does drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes at Starbucks count as food in California? Maybe that's a dumb question to ask, but that's pretty much all we have come close to eating. I don't smoke, but oh how I miss my soggy fruit loops. Forget it, I'm too excited to eat anyways.

"What time do shows normally start at Gilman's?" I think I said that alittle too fast.

Jimmy picked a lighter out of his pocket and lit the edge of the most obvious. "Scott?" He exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"In like... 10, 15 minutes." Scott examined his watch. Ok that's fine, right?

Andrea pulled her head away from Evan's ear from whispering who knows what. "We're practically across town. We'll never get there in time." It's silly to admit, but my heart just sank.

"Relax, we'll make it."

"How come we had to go so far just to get coffee?" I again found myself asking.

Terry scooted next to me. "Because Prince Evan refuses to drink nothing but Starbucks coffee and this is the most geographically compatible one."

"Well excuse me if I have an acquired taste palete and sensitive stomache." Evan defended his high maintenance.

"This bores me. Let's go." Jimmy stood up with me and Scott by his side. I have to get there.

"But I'm not done yet." Evan tore his focus away from Andrea and then to his untouched cappicino. Didn't we come here for him?

"Oh you're not done?" Jimmy eyed the full cup. Suddenly, he side swiped the coffee, knocking it to the floor. Everyone in the shop gaped at the mess spilled across the tile. "Looks to me like you're finished. Shall we?" He flashed a satisfied grin at those who originally joined him. Evan and Andrea jumped from their seats broadcasting the same grin.

"Don't worry I wasn't planning on drinking that." Evan stepped over the emptied plastic cup with Andrea on his arm. They exited through the door not looking back, and I left the wet floor feeling like a jerk.

According to Jimmy, only being minutes away from Gilman and the long walk across town coming to a close, I prayed for the "nothing ever starts on time" comfort to be a reality. I pray for this because it was supposed to start 40 some minutes ago and we had to walk all the way here from that blasted Starbucks. At the end of the block, Evan and Andrea raced ahead towards to what I assume to be the venue. They gracefully ran hand in hand, never missing a beat. Wow, they are genuinely happy together. They must really be in love. I envy them and hate them for it.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, Jimmy (who is walking beside me) took my hand in his and interlaced his fingers with mine. This is the first time I have ever seen Jimmy remotely nervous and far from being sure of himself. Eh, what the hell. I gripped his hand tighter to let him know it is alright.

Perhaps this is what moving on is all about.

Almost unbearable excitement rose high into my chest. This is it. The mystery will finally be solved. Unless someone here can read minds, no one can possibly hear what I have to think...

I have to see what this guy looks like. Many times I've wondered about a guy seemingly so insightful, so talented, so... mentally perfect? Is there even such a thing?- Ok anways- As long as he doesn't have any physical deformities and not married, I will finally see my dream guy in person. Sure, Jimmy is nice-ish, but we've just started whatever it is and I've been in love with everything Green Day has had to offer for years. Is that pathetic?...Yes, but who I am for self-improvement?

Walking inside and quickly adjusting to the darkness, there was no missing the crowd and o-zone shattering music. I know this song! It's "Road to Acceptance"! Damn, it's the end.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Jimmy came up next to me. I shook my head. "Ok, I'll get you something." Before I could refuse, he disappeared into the swarm of people around the bar.

People are too tall, I'm too short, and the stage is at ground level. I can't see anything back here. I should be grateful though. Seriously, what are the odds the mystery band I've been secretly obsessed with for so long is here playing live?

"Is everyone having a good time tonight?" A voice commanded the audience over a mike I can't frickin' see. The fans ahead of me shouted. "Alright." Odd that voice sounds familiar... Becky, you idiot. You've heard this repeatedly at top volume for many years of your life! "We have one more song to play for you lovely people. This is a song that up til months ago, wasn't one of my favorites. But after hearing someone very special to me belting it out in my car, it is definitely at the top of the list. So to conclude my rambling because I'm sure you want me to shut up. All my thoughts are only of her, this is 'Only of You.'"

The guitar started, tingles ran up my spin, and Jimmy handed me a cup. He is good. This song would normally be difficult to listen to, because it reminds me of you-know-who. Yep, a decision was made. The less I use his name, the more apt I am to forget about him. Besides with Jimmy just now putting his arm around my waist, how can I be depressed?

I wish I could tell you, but the words would come out wrong.
Only if you only knew the way I felt for so long.
I know that we're worlds apart, but I just don't seem to care.
These feelings in my heart, only with you I want to share.
-The first time I got-a glimpse of you- and all my thoughts-are only of you.

His voice is so amazing. A touch different from the CD. Here, live, it's more mature sounding. And the speech, it was sweet. It sounded familiar too. Yay, a basketcase plagued by deja-vu.

Jimmy tapped on my shoulder. "Wha-" He stole a kiss.

"Ex-cuse me." Scott purposefully squeezed between us after emerging from the stage crowd. Stumbling back, I happened to glance at the stage and saw who I was so anxious to see.

"Billie?!" I half yelped, half choked. With his hair styled, eyeliner stunning, in his black pants, and white t-shirt being a first for me, he sang and played his heart out. This is impossible!- Ok possible but unbelievable! Billie Joe Armstrong is the lead singer/ guitarist of Green Day? The same Billie Joe Armstrong I can no longer know and love? What?!

"Are you ok?" Jimmy steadied me. Good thing too or otherwise my legs would have given out.

"...Ye-yeah. I'm fine." My eyes are chemically shock infused to Billie's frame.

Is this the mack truck?