A Student/Teacher Relationship

No, I'm Not O-***ing-Kay.


Hours later that feel not at all long enough, Billie Joe and I rested comfortably in eachother's arms on the main mattress. We talked, but not about all the bad things that have happened. Memories that deserve to be in the past should remain there. No, instead we did something we haven't done in a very long time; simply enjoy eachother's company. Lame, who cares. Apparently the floor didn't provide either of us decent sleeping quarters last night, so conversation slowed to every other breath and heavy eyelids.

"Billie?" I asked, squinting my eyes open with much effort. He didn't rouse. I gently lifted his hand from my cheek into mine and held it close to my heart. As an after thought, I softly pecked him on the lips and whispered, "I love you." My vision rolled to black till he squeezed my hand.

"Becky?" He yawned.

"Hmm?" I moaned wanting nothing more but getting lost in dreamland. He drew in a deep breath that seamlessly transformed to the beginning of a long yawn.

"Marry me?" My confused brown pupils surveyed his tired face. His eyes stayed closed, but I waited for him to crack up laughing any moment and take it back. -he didn't.

Without thinking, I answered, "Yes." Then his drooping green x-rays stared through me and knew I was sincere. We exchanged weak grins and scooted closer.

Maybe dreams instead of nightmares will follow us to unconsciousness.


Four of my senses sharpened while I kept my fifth inactive; sight. Rolling over to face Billie Joe, I stretched out my arm and felt nothing. My brows furrowed as I ran my hand across the tightly woven material. Maybe I'm facing the wrong way. With that idea in mind, I awkwardly swung my other arm and searched behind my back- nope.

"Billie?" I at last pushed aside my laziness and tapped into sense numero cinco. Lighted by the late afternoon sun, he was on neither side of me. In fact, it seemed like no one else is here. "Billie?" I sat up. Where is he? The door handle slightly jiggled and the door cracked open. "Billie, where have you-"

Jimmy poked his head in. "Hey."

"Oh, hi Jimmy." I settled back into the bed.

"They're not back yet?" He closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

"Not that I know of. I thought you were with them."

"I had other things I needed to take care of." Like what? I wondered, but that's none of my business.

Uneasy about approaching the subject, I hesitated on asking Jimmy my main concern. "Have you by any chance seen Billie Joe since this morning?"

"Actually..." Jimmy thumbed at the door. "You just missed him. I passed him on the stairs."

"Did he say where he was going?"

"He didn't say. He was on the phone; said he had to go. Sounded happy about something." He shrugged. Ok, I'm still not satisfied.

"This is the last time I ask you anymore about it, I swear. But did he say who he was talking to at all?" Why do I have to be so nosey?

"Well not to my face, but he called whatever chick he was talking to 'Adrienne.' That's all I know." Her name was like a single bullet right between my eyes. He left me for her... Liquid pain built up on the rim of my lower lids. He left me after all that...

"Are you okay?" Jimmy asked.

A blink pushed my tears to run down my cheeks as I looked down at my hands. No, I'm not-o-fucking-kay. He held these hands... My finger lightly brushed my lips. He kissed- Oh my god he asked me to-

"Becky, do you hear me?" Jimmy knelt down in front of me and held my hands. "What's wrong?" My absent minded gaze found their way forward and stared into Jimmy's calming blue eyes. "Come on tell me what's wrong."

A tremor erupted from my ripped to bleeding heart and set off my body to shake and the rain to pour. "Everything!" I sobbed and buried my crumpled face into my hands. I felt Jimmy sit beside me and put his arms around my shoulders. He tried to comfort me with the softest I've ever heard him speak, but I couldn't understand through my sharp breaths and hysterics. I gripped the cloth of Jimmy's jacket and leaned into him. Jimmy cradled me while my muffled cries were absorbed into his chest.

I hate you, Billie Joe. I fucking hate you.