A Student/Teacher Relationship

"I plant...Plants?"

No One's POV:

Saturday, 4:46 PM

"Where are you going?" Robin, Becky's mother asked in the doorway of her room.

"Shit, I forgot."


"I was invited to go somehere today and I'm sorry I forgot to check with you."

"Who? Go where?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."


"Can I please go?"

"Becky you know the rules. If you're going somewhere with a boy, Brad and I have to meet him." Becky's eyes grew wide with a look of panic, but quickly regained composure.

"If you meet, I can go?" Her mom nodded and turned to walk away.

"I'll tell you when he's here."

"That won't be necessary." She whispered under her breath. Putting down her eyeliner, Becky checked herself in the mirror. She grabbed her purse and raced downstairs to wait for Billie Joe.

20 minutes later, she saw Billie's black BMW pull in front of her house.

"Be right back!" She called stepping outside. She stopped at the side of the car and bent down towards the rolled down window.

"Someone's eager to go." He turned down the radio.

"We've got problems."

"What is it?" He looked concerned putting the car into park.

"I can't go unless my parents meet you." He slid his sunglasses down his nose like a librarian.

"You're kidding right?" She bit her lip and slowly shook her head. The same look of panic Becky had on earlier, now was on Billie Joe's face.

"My suggestion, lie your ass off." His head began to nod in agreement and they both walked inside.

They stopped in the living room to Becky's parents sitting on the couch.

"Mom, Brad this is Billie." Becky announced. "Now can I go?"

"Becky don't be rude. Hi Billie I'm Robin and this is my husband Brad. Won't you sit down?" Her mom raised her hand to the vacant chair across from the couch they were seated on.

"Er... sure." Billie sauntered to the chair and hesitantly sat down.

"Well." Becky clapped her hands together, breaking the awkward silence. "I...uh... forgot something upstairs...so... I am going to go get it. Be back in a couple minutes." She grinned, placing her hand on Billie's shoulder. She began to pull away, but Billie Joe's hand grabbed it tightly.

"Why don't you stay?" He looked up at her smiling through gritted teeth.

"I'll be right back." She anxiously looked at her parents and back to him. "Can I have my hand back now?"

He looked at her with intense eyes, but still smiling. "Please don't leave me." He whispered.

"Remember what I told you to do." She whispered back and with some effort she struggled out of his grasp. "I'll be quick." Then she ran upstairs.

"No..." Billie gasped, eyes shut, and his hand clentched in a fist.

"Don't worry, we don't bite." The sound of her mother's voice made him jump. His eyes eased open one at a time as he settled back down in the chair.

"How old are you?" Brad's voice boomed. It was the first he spoke.

"Seven," he cleared his throat, "seventeen."

"Do you work?"

"Yeah. I am a...uh....." His eyes searched all around the room for some inspiration. A potted plant caught his attention. "A gardner. I plant...plants?" Both parents gave him a weird look.

"That's interesting." Robin smiled. "Do you have any classes together?"

"You could say that."

"What did you say was your last name?" Brad asked.

"I didn't." He coughed.

"Ok ready now." Becky rushed down the stairs and grabbed Billie Joe's arm giving him the signal to get up. They started to make their way to the door.

"Pleasure meeting you." Her mom called behind them. Not stopping, Billie gave a small wave.

"See you later. I won't be out too late!" The door slammed closed behind them. Her mother walked over to the window and watched them get in the car.

"I'm worried." She said, not taking her eyes off Billie Joe. Brad came up behind her.

"I know. He does not look like he's 17."

"That too, but I think there's more."


The car backed out and sped down the street.

"I am so sorry! Are you mad?" I giggled. Billie stared at the road, not saying a word. "Billie how did it go?" I grew more serious. "Come on, please tell me."

"You really wanna know?" He snapped.

"Yes, that's pretty much why I'm asking."

"I'm a 17 year-old fucking gardner! That's how it went." He looked at me, lighting up a cigarette. I desperately tried to restrain my laughter. Billie noticed and took a puff.

"Go ahead, laugh." I did what he said and began to crack up in my seat.

"A gardener?! Why the hell would you say you're a gardner?!"

"Ha, ha laugh it up, but you should know you're dating a 17 year-old gardner."

"Wait, so we're dating?" I asked. That sobered me up.

"Yeah, didn't you think so?"


"Oh now I remember. I see everyday how teens do it. 'Becky would you go out with me?'" He reached for my hand. I knew with everything we had already been doing was just like we were going out, but I don't know hearing that made it seem more official. The true teen shining though. Being on the verge of screaming "yes!", I decided to prolong it, savor it if you will.

"Eh I don't know." I pulled away from his reach. "Maybe you're not my type." He gawked at me and abrubtly stopped at the red light. "I'll have to think about it."


What the hell does she mean "I have to think about it"? Not her type. I looked away and watched a couple standing at the corner holding hands. At least they know what they want. Suddenly, I looked down at my leg, because I felt something on it. Becky's hand was resting lightly on my leg. My eyes met hers. She smiled warmly.

"Billie Joe I would love to be your girlfriend." As soon as she said that, her hand crept up to my inner thigh. Shit! Not now! Think old people, grape fruit, George Bush! Stay calm, be cool! Then in disappointing relief, she withdrew her hand.

"Good, that's good." I squeaked out. The light went green and I turned into the gas station. What could I do? I just can't get a semi right in front of her. Restraint must be administered....until the given time.


"I'm going to get a pack, do you want anything?" Billie Joe asked.

"No I'm good."

"Ok, be right back. Here." He flipped on the radio and got out. He stepped inside and I think I might have screamed a bit. I think I know what would make this better. I reached inside my purse and pulled out the CD I burned of my mystery group. I looked up and saw Billie Joe behind a long line of people.I have time.
I popped it in and forwarded it to a song I found appropriate. After a few seconds, "Only Of You" poured out of the speakers. I started to get really into it, singing and dancing. My eyes blinked open during my air guitar playing. I looked over and saw Billie Joe leaning inside the car, smiling. Of course I immediately stopped. Out of humilition and shock I went to stop the CD.

"Don't stop you were doing great."

"Sorry I shouldn't have messed around with your player, I really wanted to hear this song and the long line-"

"It's ok, it's ok." Billie eased down in his seat. "You don't -" All of the sudden he just stopped talking."


Wait, is this what I think it is? I listened more to the music. Holy shit! How the hell did she get her hands on this? Hmmm.... Maybe I could have some fun with this...


"Are you ok?" I shook his shoulder bringing him back to full conciousness.

"Huh what?" He snapped out of his trance.

"Am I missing something?"

"No..We gotta get going." He put his key in the ignition and started the engine.

"You never told me where we're going."

"Oh I didn't tell you? It's a surprise." He grinned, turning out of the gas station.

"A surprise..." I mused. "Can I have a hint?"

"Nope!" I was about to protest to his refusal, but I realize he won't give in so why waste energy. The music caught my attenting again. "Dry Ice" was beginning to play and I sneakily turned the volume up a few notches. The urge to sing along was getting to me, but I couldn't do it in front of Billie. I never sing in front of anybody. To slake the thirst, I looked out the window at the passing cars and lipsank.

"What band is this?" Billie asked pulling me out of my silent solo.

"Actually I don't know." He gave me a puzzled look. "I got the CD off the internet. It didn't say the band or album name."

"Oh....they kinda suck don't you think?" I gaped at his statement.

"What? Why?" I shifted in my seat to completely face him.

"It's the lead singer. He sounds so...whiny, premature. It sounds bad." I was about to burst. Remember therapy: Inhale, exhale, count backwards from 10. Wow for once it's working.

"I respect and value your opinion, but I beg to disagree with you." Words from my ex-therapist. I focused on the road as if it was all being spelled out for me on the asphalt. The anger of confusion and shock is subsiding now. "I think this is a great band, probably one of the best, and I also think the lead singer has an amazing voice. He sounds hotter than you look." Oops that slipped out.

"Awww you think I'm hot?" Billie teased, batting his eyelashes.

"No, well yes, no, ugh."

"I know I'm just fabulous!" He said with a gay accent, caressing his spiked hair.

I started to laugh,"Right you go ahead and keep telling yourself that."

"What-ever!" He flicked his wrist still keeping his accent intact.

Time to catch him off guard. "Where are you taking me?"

"I'm not telling you." His voice returned to normal. "I told you it's a surprise."

"Would seducing you improve my chances of you telling me?"

"No, but it would certainly be appreciated."

"Don't count on it then."

"Is there still time to change my answer?"

"The moment's passed." I sighed. It felt like we drove for hours due to the traffic and construction until we finally arrived to this mystery location.