Into Your Icy Blues

Girl meets boy. Girl falls head over heels for him.

Cliche? Deal with it (:

Age ---> 14
Hair ---> Blonde
Eyes ---> Blue
Intrests ---> Being with friends, going to the park/skate park

Age ---> 14
Hair --> Blonde
Eyes ---> Blue(ish)
Intrests --->Messing around with friends, going out in general

These are the main two characters that you need to know about at the moment. I'll add more is neccessary! (:

A simple girl, a simple life. Well... It would seem that way to some people...

This story is based around the relationship of me and my boyfriend, Ben. Everything that I write, is true. Well, some parts may have a little extra detail, but I assure you, basically everything I write is true.

The story gradually explains itself as it goes along. Plus I suck at descriptions! (Y)

This story is dedicated to Ben, 'cause I love him so frickin' much, it's unbelievable! </3
  1. I
    The first time they meet...
  2. II
    The same day.. At night on MSN
  3. III
    The same night
  4. IV
    The next morning
  5. V
    That same morning