Got To Go

My Best Friend

For me making friends was never an easy task. I was always too shy to talk to people. Kids at school would call me a freak, and teachers would often suggest that I be put in a special Ed class. But the truth of it was I didn’t talk because I had nothing to say.

Everything changed when I turned 13. I was in 7th grade at the time and my parent’s decided to get me a computer for my birthday. Before this I had only used computers in school, for projects and such. But when I was given my new computer I discovered a whole new world, the internet.

It’s wasn’t like the real world. People didn’t judge you on the clothes you wore, or what you looked like. All you had to be was yourself, or someone else if you wanted. I liked that, allot.

Everyday since I got my computer I left it on. The only times I shut it down where when I downloaded a new program that needed a restart to work. Otherwise I never turned it off. Now, whenever I walk into my room the reassuring buzz of my computer greets me happily; almost saying “YAY! My best friend is home to play with me!” And that’s what I did, because my computer was truly my best friend in the world.
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Written By Fueled By Music , Co-written by SagexSavage

This is my first story that I’ve co-written, so please comment, and subscribe.
