I Never Told You What I Do For A Living Because I Didn't Think You Could Handle It

A stain that never comes off.

Jadens P.O.V.

I went to sleep waiting for gerard to come back into the room. He walked back in and laid next to me on the bed. I saw Frank come in and sit down in the chair across from me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him stare at me. With those eyes, they seem to cut right into me. but I was Gerard's girlfriend. I couldn't hurt him. I did love him. How he stayed with me through everything. And how he stopped me from giving up.

About an hour later the doctor came in and said he would let me go out early, but I had to have 2 people there to supervise me.
So we drove back to Gerard's house and we watched Nightmare Before Christmas.

''I don't see how you guys can't like this movie.'' Frank said hogging the popcorn.

''You don't see how? frank, we've seen this movie 1,000000000000 ,and I bet a bunch more, times.''

''But it never gets old. So fuck both of you.''

''Frank, you can't we're,over here. You would have to give up the popcorn to come over and fuck us!'' i said laughing.

''You know what I meant.'' he said.

''No actually, I don't.''

''whatever.'' and he gave me the finger.

After the movie was done Gerard went to sleep, leaning his head on my shoulder and Frank was gone. I slipped from under Gerard and went upstairs to look for Frank.
As I passed a room I saw Frank looking at the cieling on his bed.

''Frank, you ok?'' I asked coming into his room.

''Yeah, just peachy.'' he replied.

''Are you sure?''

''Do you really want to know the truth?'' he asked.

''That would be nice.''

''O.k., well, I love you. I love you Jaden. I have every since I met you. You seem like a very special girl. But there's no chance in hell we would be together.
You're with Gerard and I don't want to ruin that.''

''I had no idea. I did like you too but..''

''But I didn't like you Jaden, I loved you.'' he said, his eyes shining.

''I know bu..'' Then all of a sudden his lips collided with mine.

''Frank..what..the..hell?'' i asked short of breath.

''I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.''

''it's o.k., just don't tell Gee, and we'll be fine.'' i said leaving the room.

''Jaden! Just remember. I will always love you.''

I don't think I can handle this. i mean Frank just kissed me! And I know he's Gerard's best friend. I don't know how I going to handle this.