I Never Told You What I Do For A Living Because I Didn't Think You Could Handle It

Clean me off.

*Jadens P.O.V.*

I woke up with my face drowned in tears. My bloodshot eyes were squinting in the sun that shone through Gerards red curtains.The spot that I had been laying in was covered in tears. Then I remembered the fight that happened last night. Had Gerard forgivin me?

I went down stairs and sat on the couch and watched t.v. Waiting to see what would happen next. Not a sound was made as I sat there thinking about what I had done. I thought maybe I was alone and started to talk to myself out loud.

''How could you be so stupid?'' i asked myself. ''You just messed up a perfectly good relationship. He will probably never forgive you.'' i said. No one could hear me. I was all alone again. it was happening. I knew it. Everybody was giving up on me and forgetting about me. Just like I knew they would. I thought Gerard was not like that,after everything he did for me, but I now I don't know.
No one wanted me in this world. So why not give them what they want?
I wanted to make it final. I wanted to die. Not cut, or slit but literally kill myself. Kill this soul that hurt everyone. Kill this soul that hurt me.

I grabbed my coat and went out the door. As I was walking I thought about the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams. That's where I was walking. Where I was heading.

A small shopping center came into view and I focist on the one store where I was going. The Gun Store.
I walked in and it reaked the smell of bullets and blood. My favorite smell. I slowly stepped up to the counter and scaned the choices.

''I want that one.'' I said, pointing to a small hand gun.

''$5.50'' he answered leaning against the counter.

I handed him the money and took the gun. Finally. I get what I want. For my life to end. I walked back to the house and got everything I needed. My coat, so I wouldn't die alone and cold, my ipod so I could remember MCR and last, my pictures.The pictures of my family. I would finally get to see them. So I could tell them how sorry I was. I put on my coat, put the pictures in my pocket and turned on my ipod. I placed it in my ears and selected This Is How I Dissapear.
I grabbed the gun and placed it in front of my head. I put my finger on the trigger and slowly pulled back.
But right as I was about to end my life forever, the door opened.

*Gerards P.O.V.*

I was getting back from the studio after we finished picking a name for our next album. As I opened the door I saw Jaden with a gun to her head and her hand on the trigger.

''No! WAIT, DON'T!'' I yelled trying to stop her.

''Don't do what Gerard?'' she asked coming to tears.''Make life better for you and the rest of the world?''

''That doesn't make my world better. It makes it worse.'' I said coming closer to her.

''You said it yourself Gerard. You want me to leave you the fuck alone. Well, I'm giving you what you want. That way, everybody gets what they want.'' she said lowering the gun.

''Jaden, please. What I said last night was out of anger and frustration. I love you. Please don't do this. Please.'' I begged her.

''Gerard, why do you want to save me so much?'' she asked.

''Because I love you. If I didn't,I wouldn't be stoping you.''

''I love you too Gerard'' she said and rushed into my arms, sobbing.

''It's o.k.'' I said,wipeing a tear from her face.

I got her back. Before I lost her forever. Before I never got to see her again. I saved her. But that was too close. I don't think I can handle anymore of this.
But I love her. And that's what people in love do. Save each other before Any thing bad could happen.

''Jaden, I always want you to remember these words. Without you is how I dissapear.'' I told her.

''Why?'' she asked.

''Because, they are true. Without you I will dissapear.'' I said and we fell asleep that night. Together, In each others arms.