I Never Told You What I Do For A Living Because I Didn't Think You Could Handle It

I'm so dirty babe

*Jadens P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes to find Gerard's face 4 inches away from my nose. I guess we fell asleep last night.
My stomach started to rumble,as I hadn't ate breakfast, so I tried to get off the couch but right as I lifted my head I was pulled back down by my waist.

''Good morning.'' Gerard said smiling. His eyes still closed.

''Goodbye.'' I said trying my hardest to get up but he was to strong.

''Where are you going? Trying to escape my sexyness?'' he asked.

''I would like to.''

''Please don't. I'm scared.'' he said shaking.
I laid back down while he was stroking my hair.

''Good.'' he laid his head on my shoulder. ''You smell nice!'' he laughed.

''Yea? Well, I know somebody who smells even better.'' I smilled.

''And who would that be?''

''FRANK!'' I yelled. Gerard jumped and I escaped out of his arms while Frank came running down the stairs.

''What?'' he asked,stoping at the bottom.

''Gerard wants you.'' I ran up the stairs and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

''Ooooh, Gerard, I always knew you would come around.'' he said shaking his hips as he walked to the couch.

''Whatever Frank.'' Gerard stood up to go get the t.v. remote but Frank tripped him and he landed on the couch with Frank sitting on top of him.

''FRANK! GET YOUR ASS OFF ME!'' he yelled. ''JADEN!''



''Oh fine.'' I said walking over to the couch.

''Good boy Frank, now go get the remote. Go get it. Come on.'' I said to Frank like he was a dog.
He crawled on all fours and picked up the remote with his mouth, bringing it over to us.

''Thanks.'' Gerard said.

Frank went upstairs while me and Gerard watched Fuse. THere was this show on that I didn't really like so my mind wondered off to what happened two days ago. When we had the arguement.
I had never really asked if he had forgivin` me. Now would be a good time `cause Frank's not here. I thought about it some more and then I took a deep breath.

''Gerard?.....Do you forgive me?'' I asked him.

''Forgive you for what?'' he said looking at me.

''For kissing Frank?''

''Uh...Yeah. I do.'' he answered looking back at the t.v.

''You don't sound like you mean it.''

''What do you mean I don't sound like I mean it? Of course I mean it.''

''Just tell me the truth. Did you save me because you really loved me and had forgivin` me or just `cuase you wouldn't feel guilty?'' I asked coldly.

''`Cause I loved you. Jaden, we've already been through this. I really really love you. I mean, I would still feel guilty about-''

''About letting me die because you know it was you're fault?'' I asked cutting him off.

'''Hold the fuck up. How the hell is it my fault?''

''Simple. If you hadn't screamed at me then I wouldn't have cried making me want to end my life.'' I stood up.

''Well maybe if you hadn't have kissed Frank in the first place, we wouldn't be having this problem.'' he said standing up,looking at me face to face.

''Leave Frank out of this. He has nothing to do with this.'' I said.

''Like the hell he does! Jaden, did it ever acur to you that maybe he did this on purpose?'' he asked.

''Frank's not that kind of person.'' I said in Frank's defense.

''He likes you. No wait, let me correct myself, he loves you. Can't you see he wants to break us up?''

''He wouldn't Gerard. If I remember correctly, he was your friend. Freinds don't do that to friends.'' I said trying hard to defend myself.

''Well, if I remember correctly, girlfriends aren't supposed to kiss their boyfreind's friend.'' he said back.

''After what you just said about him, I wouldn't exactly call him your friend.''

''I wouldn't either. He's trying to keep you all to himself. Even if he is my friend, he's a selfish one.'' gerard said.

''Like you're not selfish. You want to keep me all to yourself. You can't stand to see me with Frank.''

''Maybe I can't. That's not suppose to matter.''

''Yes it is. What if I want to be with Frank?'' i asked. Wait, did I just say I want to be with Frank?

''What if you want to be with Frank? You know what Jaden?, I can't take this. If you want to be with Frank fine.''

''What do you mean?'' I asked puzzeled.

''IT'S OVER!'' Gerard yelled and went up to his room. As he passed Frank's room,he quickly put up the middle finger and shut the door so hard,it shook the t.v.

Fuck. What did I just do? I didn't mean to say that. I don't really want to be with Frank. I was just saying that to make Gerard mad. But I think I took it too far. So far that it's not funny. So far that I've just made a new enemie. The one I loved, now someone that didn't love me. It's over. ''IT'S OVER''. That kept playing in my mind.

It's acutually over. There's no more me and Gerard. Only me. Only Gerard. What have I done?