I Never Told You What I Do For A Living Because I Didn't Think You Could Handle It


Franks P.O.V.

It had been about a week after Jaden and Gerard were let out of the hospital. As usual, they were doing married-couple stuff so I was bored. They were planning on having the wedding next month so they could get it over with and go straight to the honey moon.

''Frank! Get your lazy ass off the couch and find someone.'' Gerard said sitting next to me one the couch and taking the chips.

''But there is no one out there for me.'' I said back.

Jaden walked into the room and turned on the t.v. to Jeepers Creepers. She took a seat next to Gerard and they started making-out.

''Hello! I'm right here!'' I said waving my hand.

''Oh, sorry Frank. Would you like to join?'' gerard asked. Jaden laughed.

''Well, I would, but not with you two.'' I said going into the kitchen.

My stomach started to rumble,so I got out the hidden skittles behind the pantry.
I opened the bag and let the sweet scent of skittleness fill me. I tossed one up trying to catch it in my mouth, but instead it landed on my nose.

''Frank. You seem really down. What's wrong?'' Jaden asked coming in the kitchen to pour herself some coffee.

''It's just that, I can't seem to find anyone to hang out with. Since you and Gerard are getting married, I'm gonna have to find other people to hang out with.'' I answered tossing yet another skittle into my mouth, but this time, Jaden caught it.

''Well, maybe you should go to a bar or something. You might meet some people there.''


''Frank, just get back in the spirit. There's always someone.'' she said.

''Maybe.'' I said blankly, walking up the stairs to my room.

Maybe Jaden was right. I hadn't left the house in 5 days. I needed some action.
So I pulled on my coat and and my shoes and went downstairs.

''Hey dude. Where you going?'' Asked Gerard.

''Bar. Be back in an hour or so.'' i said.

''Just make sure you come home.'' Jaden yelled.

''O.k. mom!'' I yelled back.

Instead of driving, I decided to walk since the bar wasn't that far away.
After about 5 minutes, I came to the Rusty Anchor. I loved this place. Dispite the name, it had some live bands that would play every night. And some of them were good.

I walked inside to the bar and ordered a bloody mary. I heard this faint sound of a guitar amp being switched on, so I turned my atention to the stage and there, standing on stage was the most beuitful girl I had ever seen. She was wearing a white, short sleave shirt, with a red tie and black pants. She had the most wonderful, hazel eyes I had ever seen. She looked up from her guitar and looked at me. Feeling my cheeks go red, I looked back down at my drink.

Not to late after the little staring thing I did, the anouncer came up on stage.

''Thank you all for coming tonight to the Rusty Anchor.'' he said and the crowd did a laoud clap.

''Here, tonight, for the first time, plaese welcome, The Help.'' The crowd cheared and the guitarist did a quick strum with the guitar.

''Thanks for letting us come tonight. This first song is called Profile Photo.'' the voice I had just heard was that of the girl that I had just saw. With the wonderful, hazel eyes.

She began to sang and the crowd started to cheer even louder.

''Staring through your window. Not knowing what to see. Pictures of you and me. Do I really care? You were there. Not by me, but by that other somebody.'' Her words were hard and so were her guitar playings. The band was going nuts and the crowd started to, of course, mosh.

''See you in your profile photo. When you go to jail.
See you in your profile photo. When you go to hell.
Not you again. Not you again. It's me again. It's me again.
Take a good look in the mirror. You'll see what I see.
Take a good look in the mirror. `Cause It's the last you'll see of me.''

She finished and I could see the walls start to move. Crowd fans going crazy and security had to come in front of the stage.

''We have one more for you tonight. This last one is called Bye.''

I was getting more interested in this band. But even more with the girl.

''Last night I saw you again. Walked right past and left.
Thought it was time, to say goodbye and lost sight of the rest.
Bye, was all that I could say. Never wanting to make you stay.
Bye was all you wanted to hear. Saw you grinning from ear to ear.
Bye was I that I could say. Never wanting to make you stay.
Fuck off and die, for all I care. Never ever wanting you there.''

After she finished that last song and I knew she was special.

''Thanks for coming to the Rusty Anchour. Now get your drinks and get out.'' The anouncer said, laughing as he walked off stage.

I finished my drink and walked up stage to where the girl was unplugging her amp and packing up her guitar. I gathered up the courage to talk to her and took one last deep breath.

''Um.. hi.'' i said.

''Wha-oh hi.'' she said back.

''I saw you guys playing and I was wondering how you learned to play like that.''

''My dad tought me when I was about five. He died but I wanted to keep his memory alive, so I play.'' she said simply.

''Oh, wow. Well, you're really good.''

''Thanks.'' she packed up her guitar and started to walk out the door.

''Um.. wait. Can I get your number?'' I asked. Wait, that was the stupidest question ever.

''Uh, yeah, sure.'' She grabbed a napkin and wrote down her number.

''Here you go.'' She handed me the paper.

''Oh, by the way. I'm Frank.'' I yelled as she was walking out the door.

''I'm Makayla.'' She yelled back.

I finalley got a girls number. She looked really nice, like she would be a good person. But she also looked as if she could cut out your heart.
Things were starting to look up for me.