I Never Told You What I Do For A Living Because I Didn't Think You Could Handle It

Can I meet you alone?

Jadens P.O.V.

I was fading away. I knew it. It was my time to go. Finally I would get to see my parents and tell them how sorrry I was.
But as I started to embrace where I was I noticed I was in a hospital. I looked to my right and there was a heart rate moniter and I looked to my left and there was Gerard. Sitting with his hands in his head. There I go again. Messing up peoples lives by having them worry about me. I was going to end it all here. Pull the IVs out my arm and let death take me away. Where I knew I wouldn't hurt anyone else. But then I heard somones voice.

''Jaden? are you awake?'' It was Gerard.

''Yeah Gerard, sadly I am.''

''Thank goodness. When the docters couldn't get you back I thought you were gone.''

''Yea, I did to. But instead of wasting away like I was suppose to, I came back.'' I sighed.

''Don't you want to be back?''

''No, not if it means having everybody worry over me.''
Right when Gerard was about to reply back the docter came in.

''I see she's awake.'' he said.
He did some check ups on me and said they would need to keep me here for another day.

''Visting hours are over.'' He said leaving.

''Just another 30 minutes.''


Me and Gerard sat there talking about his past and everything he went thru and I learned that the same thing happened to him. Except his friends were all there before he could make that final cut. The cut that would end it all for him.
The cut I wanted to make.

''So your not alone in this world.'' he saud finishing his story.

''So you think.'' I mumbled.

''Your time is up.'' The nurse said in the room.

''O.k. thanks!''

''Remember Jaden, If people worry about you enough that they want to save you, then you are still special enough to live.'' Gerard said those final words and then left out of the room.

Did he really care about me? Care about me enough to save me?