Me Verses Every Guy

Locker 164

"Guys! Come on, this isn't funny! Let me out!" Sam yelled as she pounded on the locker.

"Have fun Sammy dearest," Jenny laughed as she, her boyfriend, and his friends left.

She groaned and banged on the locker louder. She tried to get out but there was no way she could get out, after all, she was in the locker after all.

"Come on guys, this isn't funny," she whimpered as she banged on the locker.

She started to cry, all her things we outside, so she couldn't call for help. She just hoped that for some reason, someone would of stayed after school. She banged even louder, someone had to be around, she didn't care who it was, they just had to get her out.

"Where is that coming from?"

"Is someone there?" She shouted loudly. She banged on the locker a few more times so they could hear her.

"Where are you?"

"Locker 164," she sighed.

"The code?"

"26, 12, 5."

Who ever it was, they had a bit of trouble trying to open the locker. But she had a huge smile once the locker opened. She tried to squeeze out, but he had to help pull her through. He finally pulled her out and she flew out and fell to the floor, she groaned in pain - from squeezing through the locker, and falling on the floor - he finally decided to help her up.

"Why were you in a locker?" He asked as she dusted herself off.

"Jenny and her jock boyfriend, that's how," she sighed as she rubbed her sore bottom.

"Are you okay?" He wondered as she began to pick her things up. She shrugged slightly and frowned. He closed her locker for her and walked to the front of the school with her. She groaned as she saw that she had missed her bus - the next one wouldn't come for at least an hour and a half. "Do you want a ride?"

"Do you mind?" She questioned giving him a worried look.

He shook his head in objection and grabbed his keys. She followed him over to his car and tossed her bag in the back. She never had a lot of luck - epically in school - she was that dork that people copied off of, she was that dork that wore glasses, and a retainer at night, she was that dork who very few people liked. He pulled up in his drive way and they both got out of the car. "Thanks Brian," she sighed as she grabbed her bags.

"What are neighbors for?" He shrugged, "I'll give you a ride tomorrow, okay?"

"Thanks, but it's the last day of school. Riley and I aren't going," she explained, "But thanks for the offer."

"Wow, your ditching?" He joked, "Man, why didn't I think of that?"

She shrugged as she slung her bag over he shoulder. "We're not doing anything special, late on that night were going to the movies."

"Mind if we join?" He asked leaning on his car. She shook her head in objection. "Not if you want to be seen with me."

He sighed feeling guilty for her. They hardly talked, but her personality was great. But her looks, not so much. "I'll see you and Riley tomorrow. I'll try and bring Zack," he said as he walked to open his downstairs door.

"Bye Brian, thanks again." She said giving him a small smile as she entered her house. But she quickly stood to the side as her brother Cameron ran out the door with their dog chasing after him. She rolled her eyes and walked in her house. There were eight of them, eight. Her parents wanted at least one girl. There was Seth, Adam, David, Eric, Cameron, Tommy, Josh, and then there was Sam. Seth, Adam and David were triplets in collage, Sophomores. Eric, Cameron and Tommy were triplets, Seniors in High school. And then there was Josh and Sam who were twins, Juniors in High School. Rough, huh?

"Hey Sammy," Tommy smiled. She groaned once she heard that nickname.

"What do you want?" She asked looking at him.

"We're kinda hungry," he smiled slightly.

"Here," she said going through her wallet. "Order pizza. Seth and Adam are taking care of dinner, I'm going out with Riley." She said handing him the money. She ducked as a ball almost hit her face. "Josh! Stop playing ball in the house!"

"Sorry!" She heard as she went upstairs to her room. She, had the smallest room, being by herself. Three of them lived in a collage dorm, three more once fall comes around. Then she would be having a bigger room once fall comes around. But even though they would be in collage, they would still come over to visit.

She dropped her stuff off in her room and went to go and take a shower. She took a quick one, knowing that they would be pounding on the door anytime soon to use it. Once stepped out, the door flung open. "Get the fuck out Josh!" She hissed as she tried to cover herself up.

"Oh, gross," he shuddered closing the door.

She cursed under her breath and grabbed a towel. She wrapped it tightly around her and left. She heard her brothers yell "Ew, cover yourself up!" And a few more other things. She was use to this, it wasn't the first time that one of them ran into her while she was in the shower. She walked to her room and got dressed. She dumped all her old school stuff into a trash bag and waited for her hair to dry.

"Sam! David got fucking glue in my hair!" Cam yelled as he walked in her room.

"Don't you knock? I could of been naked!" She yelled walking over. She picked up scissors and cut off the part that was hard from glue. "Get your girlfriend to fix it," she said pushing him out.

She looked at the time and rushed back to her dresser. She quickly brushed her hair, put a bit of eyeliner on, then left to go to Riley's house.

"You need a ride?" Brian asked walking out from his door.

"I-If you don't mind," she stuttered.
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New story of mine, I hope you guys like it.
Tell me how you like it.