Me Verses Every Guy

Edward Cullen

"Take the blue one instead, it looks better on you," Riley said not picking her head up.

"Uh, okay," Sam mumbled picking the blue one up.

"I love this store," Riley gushed.

"Me too," Sam agreed. "I wished it would branch out more."

She placed the black top back down and went to the cash register. Once it was paid she and Riley left. As they were leaving, they saw Zacky and Brian walk by.

"Hey guys," Brian smiled sweetly.

"Hi," Riley breathed.

"We have to go," Sam said grabbing Riley's wrist.

They began walking away with Brian following them. He grabbed on to Sam's wrist, making her turn around.

"You still can't be mad at me," he said as Zacky walked up.

"Were gonna leave you guys alone. We'll be at the food court or something," Zacky said grabbing Riley. "See ya."

Sam groaned as Riley left. She was now alone with Brian, the first and last person she wanted to be with. When she turned back to face him, he gave her a small smile. She sighed as she noticed that he was still holding her hand. She motioned down to their hands, and he quickly let go.

"Where do you wanna talk?" He questioned.

"Let's just go by the bench," she said motioning to it.

He nodded and followed her over to the bench. He sat down next to her and grabbed her hand again, expecting her to flinch, but he smiled when she didn't.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled quietly.

"Me too," she nodded. "Don't ask why, you know why."

And just like that, they made up. They sat there, about 4 inches away from each other, with their hands in the middle. They sat there for a moment, until he stood up and tugged on her hand. She stood up and followed him; at first they were walking a normal speed. Next thing you know, there are two crazy teens running in the mall. They made it out the door before the mall cop could reach them. He bought her over to his car and pushed her against it. He smiled and his lips pressed against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss.

"What does this mean for us?" He questioned.

She shrugged slightly as his hands rested on her hips.

"Deffinetly not friends with benfits, but I'm deffinetly not ready for a boyfriend yet," she admitted.

"Your smart, you'll figure something out," he smiled. "Come on, lets go back to my place."

She opened the door and got in his car and he walked over to his side. Once he got settled, she slid over next to him. He was glad for once that his car in the front seat was one whole bench, instead of the usual two seats. He put his arm over her shoulder as she snuggled up closer.

The ride over his house was pretty quiet. He realized when they were 5 minutes from home, she was falling asleep. His hand that was on her shoulder, went down her curvy body and landed on her bottom. He gave it a small squeeze, making her jump. Her head hit his chin, causing him to flinch.

"God, that was my chin," he mumbled.

"That was my head," she sighed rubbing it. "That's what you get for squeezing my butt."

"I couldn't resist," he smirked.

"Uh huh," she rolled her eyes.

"Come on, were here," he said pulling up in his drive way.

He put the car in park and they both got out of the car. He opened the door to led straight down to the basement. He let her go in first so he could shut the door. She giggled slightly as he hugged her from behind, almost knocking her over. He pushed her down, as is so he was laying on top of her. She grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, he grabbed it from her and searched for a channel since they both had different TV programs.

He kissed her shoulder, making her smile brightly.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna get a drink. Do you want anything?" He questioned as he got off of her.

"No thanks," she smiled.

He nodded and walked up the steps. Once he reached his kitchen, he grabbed a cup and filled it with ice. He opened up the bottle of Pepsi and fillled it up; he took a big gulp of it as he walked back down the stairs. She was now in the corner of the couch, sitting up. He put the cup down and laid down the opposite way so his head was on her lap.

As hours passed, they slowly began falling asleep. Their breathing became slower and slower with each minute. Riley smiled when she walked in and saw the two. Zacky was pretending to gag, causing Riley to elbow him. He smirked when he took the blow horn out of his bag. Her eyes went wide and she told him no. He ignored her and blew it, waking the other two up.

"What the hell? Fuck, Zack, your lucky I'm too tired to kick your ass," Brian threatened.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. "But wake up, were having our own little party."

Sam gave Riley a look, she just smiled innocently and shrugged. Brian smiled once he saw Zack take out a bottle of Jack Daniels out of the bag. Along with Vodka, Miller Lite, and other alcoholic drinks.

"We're getting wasted tonight!"

Riley sat by Sam as Brian walked away.

"How'd it go?" She questioned.

"Friends for now," she promised. "But hopefully he can be my Edward Cullen later on."
♠ ♠ ♠
Edit on September 2, 2008
The next one was supposed to have sexual content.
But I changed my mind.