Me Verses Every Guy

Max and Robbie

"I don't wanna go to school," Sam whined.

"You have to," Riley sighed. "We're going to prove Matt wrong, remember?"

"I hate that you made that bet," she sighed slightly.

She finished up her make up and sat on her bed next to Riley. The first day of school was always a drag. But today was the day that Sam would make her debut to the rest of the school. She was never nervous about school because she was good at it, but she was this time because of how different she was dressed.

"Girls, Brian is here!" Sam's Mother called out.

The girls grabbed their bags and headed downstairs. Brian smiled when he saw Sam arrive down the stairs. She quickly said goodbye and then left. The ride was quiet, usually, the first day of school is filled with excitement and disappointment. You would love to see your friends again, but without the teachers and school work.

"Alright, let's get going," Brian said pulling the key out.

The three got out of the car and walked in the school building. And already, Sam was getting looks from everyone in the school. She couldn't tell if they were good whispers, or bad, but she still ignored them.

"I'll see you guys in Homeroom," Brian smiled.

Sam nodded and walked over to her locker, which was 3 halls away from Brian's, and 4 lockers down from Riley's. Sam put in the combination in for her locker and began to put away the books she didn't need.

"Sam? Is that you?"

She turned around and smiled. "Hey, Max. What's up?"

"Nothing," he shrugged slightly. He began opening up his locker that was next to hers. "You look good by the way."

"Thanks," she smiled. "Senior year, you know? I have to make some kind of impact on this school."

"Your grades," he said in a 'duh' tone. "The new look is just a bonus."

Max was one of the jocks who didn't make fun of her. He was the captain of the Soccer team and was into those Artsy kinds of girls. She kind of had a crush on him, but it was nothing to make of.

"Sweet, we actually have some classes together," he grinned looking at their schedule. "I'll see you second period then."

"Save me a seat," she smiled.

"Will do," he winked.

She put away her Physics book and shut her locker. Riley smiled as she walked over to Sam. She put her arm around her shoulder and they began to walk to Homeroom.

"Did I just see Max wink at you?" Riley gushed.

"Yeah," Sam blushed slightly. "No big deal, though."

As she walked through the halls, she ignored everyone because she was too busy gushing over Max with Riley. She did hear the occasional, 'Lookin' good Sam!' and 'You look amazing!' comments here and there. She was finally starting to believe that this bet was going to work out. She yelped when she felt someone squeeze her butt.

"I'll see you in PE," Jenny's boyfriend, Leo, smirked.

"My god, I wanna beat the crap out of him," Sam glared.

"You and me both," Riley agreed.

They walked in their Homeroom and took their seats. Brian kicked a kid out his seat so he could sit next to Sam, Riley sat in front them, next to Jason. Brian could hear everyone talk about Sam, he didn't know if he should jump out of his seat and prove Matt wrong, or beat them up for saying all that stuff about her. He already heard what the basketball wanted to do to her when he was walking to class. And once PE would come, he had an idea what a few of the football players would say.

"So," Riley smiled turning around. "Why did he wink at you?"

"I don't know," Sam shrugged. "I told him to save a seat for me for Art. Then he just did."

"Who winked at you?" Jason asked, joining in the conversation.

"Max," Riley replied. "Guess it's a bad thing that they have a locker next to each other, huh Brian?" She smirked slightly as Sam smiled at Brian.

"Shut up," he sneered. "I'm still with her," he mumbled quietly.

Riley snickered at him, then raised her hand when the teacher called her name for roll call. Sam patted Brian's hand after two guys smiled at her. He grabbed her hand instead and held it tightly. She smiled slightly at his insecureness and held his hand with just as enthusiastic as he did. The bell rang, signaling first period. Brian walked her all the way to the Science Lab, even though it was on the complete opposite side of where he needed to be.

"Calm down," she smiled as she kissed his cheek.


"Whoa, calm down Haner. If you keep staring at whatever your staring at your gonna burn a whole through it," Zack laughed.

"What are you looking at anyway?" Jimmy questioned, taking a sip from his juice.

"Ah, I see now," Zack smirked, as his eyes followed Brian's.

He watched as Riley and Sam were in line for lunch. A few of the guys let the girls cut in front of them while the other girls near them glared. They were checking out both of the girls, it was usual for Riley, but not Sam.

"Why do you have three puddings on your tray?" Zack asked as the girls walked over.

"I wanted some but they ran out. So three guys gave it to me," Sam shrugged slightly.

"Can I get one?" He questioned.

"Sure," she sighed handing one over.

You heard loud food steps approach their table. It was a Freshman, Nick, one of JT's friends.

"What do you want?" Riley questioned.

"JT needs your help," he breathed.

Riley, Sam, and Brian jumped out of their seats and ran over behind Nick. Jimmy and Zack just followed them not knowing what was going on. Zack ran back to get his pudding though. When they finally saw what was going on, JT was already being bullied by a Senior.

"What the hell!" Riley yelled. "What are you doing to him?"

"This punk ass kid is getting an attitude with me," the captain of the football team, Robbie, hissed.

"Would you back off of him?" Sam yelled. "He's a kid, he doesn't know what he's doing!"

Robbie rolled his eyes as JT gave his sister a scared look. She felt so bad because he was so scared.

"Let him go, Robbie." Riley sighed, pulling on his arm. "He's my younger brother."

"No wonder, that's where he gets that mouth," Robbie chuckled.

Riley groaned and was about to pounce on him before Zack pulled her back. Sam squeezed in between Robbie and JT, and kneed him. JT fell straight to the floor while Robbie was weeping in pain. Robbie managed to control himself and left.

"Yeah! You better run!" Nick yelled.

"Shut up," Riley hissed, slapping him upside the head. "Do you want to be jumped instead?"

"Come on, we'll walk you to class," Jimmy said to Nick.

Jimmy, Nick, and Zack left the other four alone. Sam sighed as she looked at JT. He looked disappointed and embarrassed about the whole thing. He wouldn't pick his head up when they tried to talk to them, he ignored them completely.

"JT," Sam said quietly as she crouched down to him. "What happened? We're not going to make fun of you, no one is. He picks on everyone."

He sighed deeply and slammed his locker shut. He finally turned around and looked at them. "I was running late for class, so I was scrambling to get my books together. Someone said they needed to get to their locker, I said, "Wait a second." And here we are," he huffed.

"Come on, we'll walk you to class," Riley smiled.

"No thanks, I can walk myself," he hissed.

"God, I hate Senior year. Sam is getting all the guys and JT is getting and attitude," Riley sighed.

"Shut up," Sam laughed slightly.
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