Me Verses Every Guy

Good Luck Charm

"You suck, I can't believe all your classes are so easy," Max huffed.

"I took all my harder classes since Freshman year, so now Senior year will be a breeze," she smiled brightly.

"Well lucky you," he glared playfully.

She rolled her eyes slightly at him as she closed her locker. She turned to face him as he was still fumbling with his books.

"So, what are you doing this Friday night?" He questioned right out of the blue.

"Nothing, why?"

"It's our first soccer game this Friday night," he explained. "And I need a good luck charm."

"Well, what happened to that bracelet that your sister made you?" She questioned.

"I kinda ate the last cookie, and she took it away from me," he chuckled slightly. "So will you come? For me?"

She smiled at him as soon as he asked. She was supposed to be going out with Riley, but she was sure Riley would let them reschedule.

"Sure, I'll be there," she nodded.

"Sweet," he nodded. "But, maybe you should come to practice Thursday, you know, to see if you really are my lucky charm."

"We'll see," she smirked slightly. "I'll see you in Drama."

She walked away to go meet up with Riley at her locker. Riley smiled as Sam walked over, so they could walk to lunch. Without a word, Sam and Riley linked arms and headed to the lunch room.

"So, are we still on for Friday night?" Riley questioned as they opened the doors.

"Yeah, about that," she mumbled. "I told Max that I would be there for him on at his soccer game."

"Oh," she smiled, making the 'O' sound longer. "Sam's getting some action Friday night."

"Shut up," she glared. "Besides, me and Brian are kinda..."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes.

They took their usual seats with Brian, Zack, and Jimmy. Matt had stopped sitting with them for a while, ever since guys started to talk about Sam. But Brian still wouldn't tell Sam what the bet was. It annoyed her, she was included in this bet, so she had no clue why he wouldn't tell her.

"What are you guys doing this Friday night?" Zack asked. "We were gonna get together for a movie."

"I have plans, so you guys can go without me," Sam said.

"What are you doing?" Brian questioned.

"I'm going to the soccer game to see Max play," she explained opening up her bottle of soda.

"Oh," he said flatly. "I didn't even know you liked soccer."

She shrugged slightly as Riley looked up, and gave Brian a worried look. Sam drank her soda as the other three talked about the movie plans, well it was mostly Zack and Riley. Brian was annoyed with Sam on how she was hanging out with Max. He was even more annoyed when Zack began asking about Sam's plans with Max. Like how she wasn't going home with Brian on Thursday, but she was going to see them practice and really see if he was his "good luck charm" and how she was spending her Friday night with him instead of going to the movies. Brian was starting to feel jealous.

"So how's JT doing?" Sam asked breaking the small silence they had.

"Better I guess, he's starting to get a bit of an attitude, though," Riley sighed.

"Well it's High School," Jimmy shrugged. "Of course he is."

Riley nodded, but she had a disappointed look on her face. Sam rubbed her back in comfort as Matt called Brian over. Sam watched him as he walked over to where Matt was sitting. She sighed slightly and turned her attention back to Riley. She listened to the conversation she and Zack were having; she didn't pay much attention, her mind was else where. Like why Brian wouldn't tell her what the consequence of the bet was. Did they lose? It was possible, but Brian still would of told her.

"Come on, Sam! We're gonna be late for class!" Riley yelled, tugging on her hand.

She didn't even realize that the time had passed. She grabbed her bag and rushed out of the lunch room. She headed down stairs to the Drama room. When she opened the door, she saw Max talking to one of his friends. When she took her usual seat near them, Max noticed her and smiled.

"Hey, Sam," he said as he and his friend Cody sat down. While she was sitting facing the stage, they had their backs to it.

"So," Cody smirked slightly. "Max told me that you were his good luck charm?"

She rolled her eyes slightly as Max punched Cody. "Maybe, I have to see you guys at practice and then he'll decide if I'm good enough for him," she replied.

"Please, you definitely are. Your all he talks about," Cody scoffed, rolling his eyes. Max blushed slightly as the teacher ordered them to turn around.
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Gosh, what happened to all my readers? I don't get any more feedback :|
So if you read this, feedback would be nice.