Me Verses Every Guy

Me Verses Every Guy

"Hey, Brian," Riley smiled as he approached her. "Did you do the Pre-Calculus homework?"

"I got Sam to help me," he replied. "But the problems I did on my own are definitely wrong."

"Man, I hate how she doesn't have to take Math this year," she sighed slightly. "Anyway, she told me that you two are finally official?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "Why?"

"No reason, just keep an eye out on her."

"Wait, she wouldn't do anything against my back, would she?" He questioned.

"No, of course not. I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about the guys that look at her."

Brian grunted slightly and leaned to the side. He saw Sam at her locker, talking to Max and a few other guys. It wasn't like Sam dressed in a slutty way with a too short skirt and too tight tank top. She just wore things that actually fit her body, and that personality of hers isn't so bad either.

"I think I'm gonna go over," he said quickly. "I'll see you at lunch."

Riley waved back and finished putting her things away. Brian looked around the halls as he walked over to Sam's locker. A lot of eyes were still on her, and not just from guys, everyone including teachers were surprised by her new appearance.


"Oh, hey Brian," she smiled as she kissed him.

"So, you and Haner, huh?" Corey joked.

"Shut up," she glared. "At least he's getting some, unlike you."

Brian and Max snickered at her comment as Corey's face fell to the floor. Sam waved to Max as she and Brian headed to lunch. Brian and Sam were early, so they were the only ones sitting at the table.

"So, are you gonna tell me if we won or lost the bet?" She questioned.

"Oh we won, definitely." He nodded, "Matt's pissed because he lost the bet so early, and because he just lost."

"I know, he gave us till Prom and it's almost Halloween," she laughed. "So what does he have to do?

"We don't know yet. You, me, and Riley are gonna talk about that later."

"How does Val feel about it?"

"She's kinda on our side. You know she hates it when Matt shows off his cocky side, we all do."

She nodded as she felt someone sit next to her. Riley finally arrived with Zacky and Jimmy. Jimmy looked as if he hadn't sleep in weeks, and Zack, well he looks like he was hungry since he was almost done the apple he stole.

"You gonna get that Leo dude later today?" Zack questioned.

Brian sighed as Sam started to panic.

"What is he talking about, Brian?" She questioned.

"It's nothing, it's just something that we have to talk about," he said standing up. "I'll be right back."

He motioned his head then Zacky and Jimmy followed. Riley and Sam's eyes both followed the guys to see where they were gonna go, and they went to Matt's table. They were talking for a while, Matt finally nodded, and left with them, leaving Val alone. Val frowned and walked over to their table.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

"Of course not," Riley replied.

Val sat down next to Riley and finished up the small lunch she had.

"I'm sorry about Matt," she said to Sam. "I know he can be an idiot at times, but he really is sweet."

"I know," Sam smiled. "I've seen how he acts around you. As long as he treats someone other then himself right, then it's fine."

Val blushed slightly. She threw out her lunch, then walked up with Sam and Riley to get their lunch, although she wasn't going to get anything big, pudding maybe. But by the time they sat back down, everyone rushed out of the lunch room. The three girls gave each other a worried look, then ran out with everyone else. They squeezed their way through the crowd to see what was up. Sam and Val rolled their eyes as they saw the guys fighting. Sam and Val charged through, pulled Matt and Brian off of who every they were on.

"Brian! What the hell are you doing?" Sam yelled, loud enough for him to head.

"Break it up!" A loud voice boomed. The principle of the school charged right through the crowd. He sent the crowd away and glared at Brian. "What in the world is going on here? What is this fight about?"

"Her," Leo and Robbie replied, pointing at Sam.

"You, young lady, are suspended."

"Me? For what? I didn't do anything!" Sam yelled.

"Look at these boys, look at them! All cut up and bruised. You, Mr.Haner and Mr.Sanders, and the rest of you are suspended!" Mr.Jones yelled.

"We didn't do anything!" Val said motioning to herself and the other two girls. "We just got here!"

"Well it's not my fault you young ladies were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. All nine of you suspended for 3 days, now go or I will make sure that no colleges will look at your applications."

"Let's go!" Sam yelled, trying to push Brian and Riley through the door. "Damn it, Brian, move!"

"Fine," he grumbled.

He stormed out the door will everyone following. The guys didn't make much of it, but Sam did. She tried to ignore it and went home with Brian. The ride home was quiet, but full of tension over what just had happened. He gripped the steering wheel as they pulled into their street; he knew that they both were going to have a difficult time explaining this to their parents. He asked if she would come over for lunch since he made her miss hers, she slowly nodded and got out of his car.

"How mad are you?" He questioned when they walked in his front door.

"Enough not to touch you," she grumbled slightly.

"Look, I know I was an idiot, but he deserved it," he tried to reason. "I don't see why your that mad."

"Brian, I've never even came close to a detention let alone a suspension, so of course I have the right to be mad," she glared slightly. He just decided to reheat the left over pasta they had last night. He showed it to her, asking it if was okay, she nodded. "What was the fight about Brian?"

"Nothing," he mumbled as he popped the food in the microwave.

She sighed slightly and walked over to him. She tired to look at him, but he turned and faced the window. She bit her lip and walked over to the window. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"Brian, was the fight really about me?" She questioned, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah," he mumbled quietly. "They just said stuff about you on Friday when you left with Max. I didn't like it, so yeah, I got pissed and jealous. End of story."

"Why were you jealous?"

"They said something how you were with me and Max. And how they would be next in line, and then something about a booty call."

She chuckled slightly, making him feel even more upset.

"It's not funny," he glared, breaking away from her.

"Brian, come here," she smiled slightly. He still didn't move from the seat in the kitchen. She couldn't help but smile when she realized how insecure he was. "You don't need to be jealous," she explained as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Besides, the only time I would say 'yes' to any booty call is if you called me."

He laughed and grabbed her hands, and kissed her fingers lightly.
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Ah, it's funny how if I don't update within 4 days, people stop reading.
Don't stop reading! There's plenty more coming!
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