Me Verses Every Guy

Dinner, Sex, and Condoms

"What are you doing over Thanksgiving break?" Sam questioned.

Riley shrugged slightly as her eyes squinted from the brightness of the sun. "I don't know yet. My Dad is going to Chicago with his girlfriend to see her family, so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be with my Mom. Are your brothers coming home for Thanksgiving?"

"Yeah, Josh is bringing his new girlfriend over. Crazy mayhem in that house, I tell yah," Sam sighed slightly.

"Sorry for making you wait," Brian ran over. "Do you need a ride Riley?"

"Do you mind?" She smiled.

He shook his head before he kissed Sam. The three headed to his car and made their way over to drop Riley off. They talked about Thanksgiving plans - Brian told them about how the day after, he and his friends have a cook out on the beach. So that's what they would be doing the day after.

Riley waved to Brian and Sam before she picked up her brother, Aaron, as he walked over to her. Brian pulled out of her driveway, and took a short cut back to their house. Sam still didn't tell Brian about the kiss with Matt. Matt didn't tell Val either - it was so hard for Sam to face Val on that following Monday at school. She acted a bit awkward, but manged. And Matt acted as if it never happened; she wished she could do the same.

"Mm. I'm so tired," Brian yawned.

"What did you do this weekend?" Sam asked as she sat on his couch.

"I slept," he smiled brightly, as he sat next to her, pulling her in his chest. "I don't know why I'm so tired."

"Neither do I," she smiled, handing him the remote.

He moved his hand to her waist after she wrapped her arms around his waist. He looked down at her, and as if she knew, she looked up too. He smiled down at her, and puckered his lips out. She giggled slightly and him, and moved up to kiss him. He whined because she only gave him a short kiss.

"I want another one," he whined.

She smiled slightly and moved up on his lap so she could kiss him better. Once he was satisfied with the short kisses she gave him, he wrapped his arms around her again. Their bodies pressed tightly against each other, making him smile.

"Mm. I love your boobies," he mumbled against her ear.

"God, you are such a guy, Brian," she mumbled.

"Well that is one of the reasons why your with me, correct?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

She gave him a smile, followed by a nod. "You know that's not the only reason."

She pressed her lips against his again. His tongue ran across her lower lip, making her smile to herself.

"This isn't the only reason your with me, right?" He wondered seriously.

"No, of course not," she smiled before kissing him again.

"Good," he mumbled, in between kisses.

She pulled him closer, putting her hand on his neck. She moaned slightly, by just of the feelings on his hands going up and down her shirt. His hands made it's way to her breasts, giving them a squeeze, knowing that would make her moan. She began to grind her hips against his as he kissed her neck. He broke away for a moment and moaned loudly as he felt her hands rub against his crotch area. She could feel him getting hard each time she rubbed it.

"I need to go, it's my turn to make dinner tonight," she said, after she broke away.

"No! Come on!" He groaned, "You see what you did to me! Your a horrible girlfriend for leaving me like this!"

"Is anyone going to be home later?" She questioned.

"No," he shook his head.

"Then I'll be over then, but for now, you have two hands," she said before kissing his forehead. "I'll be back between six and seven, okay?"

"That's three hours from now! I thought you were the best girlfriend ever but you are just mean," he glared.

"Bye, Brian, six o'clock. Don't forget," she said headed out the door.

She quickly walked next door to her house and began making dinner. Yes, it was only half past three, but her parents had to leave tonight for her mother's cousin's wedding, so and early dinner was a good idea for the long ride. Besides, she was making her father's favorite dish, so it would take about two hours to make the whole thing.

"I got all the stuff you wanted me to get," Josh said once he heard the front door open.

"Thanks," Sam sighed. "Hopefully they'll leave earlier then expected."

"Planning to go over Haner's again?"

"Yeah, are you going over Mandy's?" She questioned, taking the food out of the pantries.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Oh, by the way, did you take one of my condoms?"

She blushed slightly for a moment, then turned to face him. "You count how many condoms you have?"

"No, you took the last one for my size. Now I have to freakin' go to the store and buy more before I go over," he grumbled.

"Ew! I did not need to know that," she glared at him.

"Please, like that's not what you were going to do at Brian's." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

She turned around and blushed. He was right, but she still didn't need to know about her brothers sex life. It wasn't normal for siblings to talk about their sex life, period. But they still managed to talk about it with out getting completely freaked out. She just hoped that Josh wouldn't knock up poor Mandy. She has big dreams, and that doesn't include another annoying Josh at 17.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, this is the worst thing I've ever written.
But, the next one is gonna have the real sexual content in it.
But in a few chapters, things will really get interesting!
So keep commenting/subscribing.