Me Verses Every Guy

It Was Blackmail?

Sam sat there quietly, playing with the ring that was still on her finer, after a month. Christmas was amazing, she never realized how much she missed her brothers until they came back over. And she finally got to meet Adam's girlfriend, which they both soon to hope they will be getting married soon. And the scary fact for Sam, is that she wished that for herself and Brian.

"Sam? Are you listening to me?" Max questioned.

"Yeah," she nodded. "You were talking about how your birthday party over Christmas break, and how Corey got drunk and trashed your room. See, I was listening," she smiled slightly.

"Are you okay? That Brian thing isn't still getting on your nerves, is it?" He asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged.

She and Max were sitting underneath the big tree in front of the school. Even though it was cold and quiet out, they wanted to be alone, just to talk though. Their friendship is growing stronger and faster then anyone could imagine, even they didn't even see it coming.

"Come on, classes are about to begin," Max said, standing up.

He stuck his hands out to help Sam up. She smiled up at him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they headed into the school. They went to their locker, which was thankfully next to each other. And when Max was about to leave for Physical Science, Riley's voice was heard behind them.

"Awe. You guys are so cute!" She gushed.

"Shut up," Sam laughed. "Bye, I'll see you later."

"Bye, Sam, Riley," Max said hugging Sam quickly. "Don't forget to save me a seat in Home EC!"

"Will do," Sam nodded again. "Hey, I need to go now, I need to make up that test I missed last week." Sam frowned.

"Oh, you mean the day that you and Max ditched? I got ya," Riley smirked.

Sam glared at her slightly and gave her the finger. Riley laughed to herself and went through Sam's locker to get her books. And it was only a matter of seconds before someone else approached Riley.

"They seem happy," Brian sighed.

"I've seen her happier," Riley tried to reason.


"When she was with you," Riley said in a 'duh' tone. "Do you know how broke down she was, and maybe still is? It took me forever to calm her down when she saw you outside. Her exact words were, 'Brian was the one to make me stop crying when they made fin of me. Now I'm screwed because he's the one making me cry.'"

"Well what do you want me to say to that? We broke up, we're done," Brian rolled his eyes.

"Well whatever Matt told you, was a lie," she glared.

"He's one of my best friends, why would he lie to me?" Brian spat.

"Sam's your girlfriend! You love her, you could of at least gotten her side of the story!" She yelled.

Brian sighed heavily, and left. Riley grumbled loudly and slammed Sam's locker shut. The bell rang and she rushed to Spanish 3. She smiled slightly as she already saw Zacky there, that way she could vent right away.

"Guess what just happened?" Riley said as soon as she walked over.

"Me first," he insisted. "You'll never know what I just found out about Matt and Brian."

"Um, the real reason Brian broke up with Sam is because he and Matt are turning gay for each other?" Riley guessed.

"Riley," he said seriously.

"I don't know," she shrugged slightly. "What?"

"Well, Matt did tell Brian about the kiss, and he even told the truth about how he came onto her. But Matt's fucking blackmailing Sam, or Brian. I don't know how to put it."

"What do you mean by that?" Riley questioned, as she quirked her head to the side.

He sighed slightly, and looked around the room. Just making sure that no one was too close. "I think Brian took a picture the night that he and Sam had sex one right, don't ask me why, how, or of what. But Matt went through Brian's things during practice, and found the picture. And Matt said if he didn't break up with Sam, then he would post the picture every where around the school!"

"Are you kidding me? I thought they were best friends? That's what he told me earlier in the hall!"


"Where is the birthday girl?" Riley squealed as she ran up to Sam. Riley placed the bag on Sam's lap as she turned around from her seat, from talking to Jason.

"It's not my officially my birthday until twelve thirty this afternoon," she smirked slightly, watching Riley roll her eyes. "But thank you."

"Open it!" She smiled.

Sam sighed slightly and took the tissue paper out of the bag. She smiled when she pulled out a pair of jeans. She stood up and unfolded the pants to see how they would look.

Jason whistled in approval. "I say change into them now."

"Thanks, babe," Sam smiled, as she hugged Riley.

Sam ran towards their home room teacher and asked to go to the bathroom. Once he nodded in approval, she dashed out. She smiled to herself as she trotted down the stairs and into the bathroom. She managed to change quickly from the energy she had from being so eager. And for once, after a few months, she felt like her old self, after the make over.

But her smile disappeared when she saw Brian. He was with another girl. Even though they weren't fooling around, it still broke her heat. He sighed slightly, and let the girl go as Sam just stood there in shock. She looked down at her jeans and folded them as he walked over to her.

"I see your doing fine. I don't get why Riley says your miserable," he sighed.

"What? Are you kidding me?" She glared slightly.

"No," he chuckled slightly. "You seem fine."

She bit her lip slightly and cracked her knuckles.

"How could you do this? How could you not get my side of the story," she said quietly.

He shrugged slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and that hurt her even more. Every time he denied anything or didn't care when it came to their relationship, it hurt her even more.

"How could you not care? You know how much I loved you, I still do! Why did this one mistake have to turn into something horrible? Do you really not care about me anymore?" She cried, "Do you?"

He still didn't say anything. He blinked down at her, as if she was a new girl he had never saw before.

"Answer me god damn it!" She yelled, as the tears started to well up.

Their heads snapped in the direction of the west hallway. They saw Zacky, sick as a dog walking in their direction. He came out of the Nurse, so they guessed that he was going home sick.

"You okay, Zack?" Sam asked sincerely.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I'll be fine." He coughed before he opened the door to leave the school. "Happy birthday, by the way."

Brian's head snapped back down at Sam. She looked sadly up at him, her lip quivering. She inhaled sharply, before she started whimpering.

"Sam, I-"

"Save it Brian. I can see that your clearly over me. Don't even bother anymore."
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I fucking love you guys!
I'm so glad that you guys love the story, I'm loving the feedback!

Oh, and you should go read Sam's stories, their awesome.