Me Verses Every Guy


"Why won't you tell me if you bought the present or not?" Sam whined, as she followed Brian to his locker.

"You will find out," he nodded, "Eventually."

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. He chucked slightly, before they heard someone clear their throat. When they both turned around, they saw Val.

"Hey guys, can I talk to you for a second, Sam?" She asked quietly.

"Sure," she nodded.

Sam uncrossed her arms as Brian opened his mouth. "I'll be waiting in the car."

She followed Val to one of the empty class rooms and sat on top of one of the desks.

"What's up?" Sam asked, swinging her legs.

"I'm really sorry about Matt," she frowned.

"Val, it's no big-"

"Yes it is," she said, interrupting her quickly. "He has no excuse to do that to you. I was really pissed because it's just plain mean and your one of my friends."

"Thanks, Val," she smiled sweetly.

"I hope everything won't change between us," she smiled awkwardly.

"Of course," she smiled brightly.

Sam hopped off the desk and hugged her tightly. Sam saw the relieved look on Val's face as she hugged her. Sam was glad that Val apologized for her boyfriend. But she would rather have Matt saying sorry.

"How are you and Matt?" Sam asked curiously.

"I broke up with him. I honestly can't believe that he would stoop so low," she frowned.

"I hope I didn't have anything to do with this," Sam panicked a bit.

"Of course not, don't worry about a thing, Hun. Now you should go, Brian is waiting for you," Val said nudging her a bit.

Sam and Val hugged once more before she dashed out of the class room. She finally made it out of the school and found Brian sitting in his car in front of the school. She hopped in the car and he took of right away. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly after he turned the radio down a bit.

"What did you and Val talk about?" He questioned.

"Matt," she sighed.

"Is everything okay?" He wondered.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Sam said as she kissed his hand. "Nothing to worry about."

"Okay," he nodded.

Brian made the turn into their street. Tonight they were finally going to talk about what really happened with that conversation with Matt and Brian. Sam was afraid about what she was going to hear.

"I have to do some house work first, what time do you want me come over?" Sam asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I guess half past six, that gives you almost four and a half hours to do whatever you want," he replied, with his hands on her hips.

"Sounds good," she nodded. She stood up on her tippy toes and pecked him on the lips. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, babe."


"Sam!" Riley yelled as she walked down the hall.

"What?" Sam asked as she was sorting out her locker.

Once Riley stopped next to Sam, she huffed and placed her hand on her hip. "Guess who finally got the nerve to ask me out?"

"Baker," Sam answered. "I thought you liked him, why are you so pissed?"

"Because it took him so long!" Riley exclaimed, "Goodness."

"At least he asked you," Sam rolled her eyes. "So what did you say?"

"What do ya think?" Riley asked, smacking Sam's head lightly. "I told him yes. But as I was running here to tell you, I just realized that it took him so long to ask."

Sam chuckled slightly as Riley frowned. "You are such a drama queen."

"I know," she smiled proudly.

Sam rolled her eyes once more and then they both headed to the Gym. They were supposed to have some Prep Rally for the SAT's they had to take. They all thought it was a waste of time, but it was better then being in class. Their arms were linked together as they entered the Gym, finding Brian and Zack standing in the corner.

"Come on, Jimmy saved us some seats," Zack waved.

The girls followed them to the middle of the crowd. Sam sat in between Brian and Riley. Just as they were settled, the principle began talking about how it was important to do well on this test. No one was really paying attention, but they did cheer every now and then. Especially when the cheerleaders came up.

Within an hour and a half of the program, Jenny walked up on stage with Matt. And for some reason, Sam froze. She didn't blink, flinch, breath, or anything. All she heard was the busy buzzing from the talking of the students. And just as Matt dropped the curtain, laughter and hooting filled the room. All because they all saw the picture.

Sam stood up from her seat and ran out of the Gym, with everyone laughing at her. She began crying as she dashed out of the school once more, all because of Matt.
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Ah, am I mean for doing that?
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And check out my new story while your at it.